
  • 网络Yahoo! Japan;Yahoo Japan Corp
  1. 同时,由于与雅虎日本公司和阿里巴巴公司(Alibaba)的关系,雅虎的公司结构可谓十分复杂。

    Its structure is complicated by its relationships with Yahoo Japan and Alibaba .

  2. 百度将与雅虎日本(yahoojapan)和谷歌日本(googlejapan)展开竞争,后两家目前几乎垄断了日本的搜索引擎市场。

    Baidu is set to compete against Yahoo Japan and Google Japan , which together have a near-duopoly on the search engine market .

  3. 阿里巴巴和雅虎日本均与日本电信集团软银(Softbank)存在关联。

    Both Alibaba and Yahoo Japan have links to Softbank , the Japanese telecoms group .

  4. 当时这位电信行业的亿万富豪正在为雅虎日本(YahooJapan)寻找新的技术合作伙伴,他的软银集团(SoftBank)拥有该互联网搜索引擎的大量股权。

    The billionaire telecoms tycoon needed a new technology partner for Yahoo Japan , the internet search engine in which his SoftBank group owns a big stake .

  5. 雅虎日本的大股东及阿里巴巴股东软银(softbank)将不参加。

    Softbank , majority owner of Yahoo Japan and an Alibaba shareholder , will not participate .

  6. 或许它将被收购,或出售主要业务比如其亚洲业务,包括阿里巴巴和雅虎日本(YahooJapan)并将所得现金用于其他收购。

    It could be acquired , or it could sell off major chunks of itself perhaps its Asian businesses including Alibaba and Yahoo Japan and use the cash to make acquisitions of its own .

  7. 与雅虎日本由软银(softbank)控股一样,雅虎公司(yahooinc)对中国雅虎也没有控制权几年前就卖给了阿里巴巴集团。

    As with Yahoo Japan , which is owned by Softbank , Yahoo Inc has no control over Yahoo China , which it sold to Alibaba group several years ago .

  8. 然而,对于一家被嘲笑为实际上一文不值的企业——记住,该集团370亿美元的股权价值大部分是其在阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和雅虎日本(Yahoo!Japan)的股权——而言,接近50亿美元的售价对于雅虎股东而言近乎奇迹。

    Still , for an enterprise derided as literally worthless - remember , the $ 37bn group equity value consists largely of its stakes in Alibaba and Yahoo Japan - a price tag approaching $ 5bn counts as a near-miracle for Yahoo shareholders .

  9. 但她表示,需要认真研究,以找到对这家创建近20年的跨境合资公司来说最好的选择,雅虎日本由雅虎与软银(SoftBank)共同所有。

    But she said it would require careful study to figure out the best option for the almost 20-year-old cross-border joint venture , which it owns with SoftBank .

  10. 软银在阿里巴巴和雅虎日本均持有大量股权。

    Softbank owns large stakes in Alibaba and Yahoo Japan .

  11. 拥有雅虎日本35%股份的雅虎几乎不会受到即刻的经济影响。

    Yahoo , which owns 35 per cent of Yahoo Japan , suffers little immediate economic impact .

  12. 雅虎日本表示,选择谷歌,是因为谷歌引擎在运行日文搜索方面效果更好。

    Yahoo Japan said it had chosen Google because its engine was better at conducting searches in Japanese .

  13. 在雅虎日本和许多其他可以选择更少工作日的公司,额外的假期是无薪的。

    At Yahoo Japan and many other firms offering an option of fewer workdays , extra holidays are unpaid .

  14. 其中之一就是雅虎日本的并购提案--雅虎日本是坐落于加利福尼亚州桑尼维尔市的雅虎公司和日本技术巨头软银合作经营的分公司。

    One was a merger proposal from Yahoo Japan , a separate company that Sunnyvale , California-based Yahoo co-owns with Japanese tech giant SoftBank .

  15. 雅虎日本的发言人称,截至四月份,该公司的7000名员工中只有约100人申请了每周四天的工作制。

    The Yahoo Japan spokesman said just about 100 of some 7000 employees at the company had applied for the four-day workweek as of April .

  16. 当初投资雅虎日本时,他花费了不到1000万美元,现在这笔投资已经转变成了该公司40%的股权,价值大约在80亿到100亿美元之间。

    He turned a less-than - $ 10-million investment in Yahoo Japan into a 40 % stake worth around $ 8 billion to $ 10 billion .

  17. 软银是阿里巴巴的股东之一,也是雅虎日本的最大股东。根据软银上次公布的年报,该公司持有雅虎日本41%的股权。

    Softbank is one of Alibaba 's investors and is also Yahoo Japan 's largest shareholder with a 41 per cent stake , according to its last annual report .

  18. 至于如何处理在雅虎日本的35.5%股份,华尔街仍在等待公司的消息。这些股份的价值接近90亿美元。

    Wall Street is still waiting for word on what Yahoo intends to do with its 35.5 percent stake in Yahoo Japan , which is worth nearly $ 9 billion .

  19. 互联网和电子商务服务巨头雅虎日本公司于2017年4月开始允许需要更多时间来照顾家人的员工每周休息三天。

    Internet and e-commerce service giant Yahoo Japan Corp started allowing its employees who need more time off for caregiving to take three days off a week in April 2017 .

  20. 根据相关报道,部分买家只对其网上业务在内的核心业务感兴趣,还有一部分买家想获得其在阿里巴巴以及雅虎日本的股权。

    According to the newspaper , some buyers may be only interested in its core web business , and others may also propose to acquire the stakes in Alibaba Group or Yahoo Japan .

  21. 其余董事将管理Altaba,这家控股公司的主要资产将是中国电子商务公司阿里巴巴集团15%的股份和雅虎日本35.5%的股份。

    The remaining directors will govern Altaba , a holding company whose primary assets will be a 15 % stake in Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba Group and 35.5 % stake in Yahoo Japan .

  22. 早在很久以前,他就投资了雅虎日本和阿里巴巴公司。后者也许堪称史上最佳投资之一,2亿美元的投入如今已经升值到了大约700亿美元。

    He wagered early on Yahoo Japan and Alibaba . The latter investment alone may be one of the greatest investments ever , parlaying a bet of about $ 200 million into a stake worth in the neighborhood of $ 70 billion .

  23. 按照协议,美国雅虎和日本投资公司软银(softbank,也是雅虎日本的控股公司)同意,将两家在阿里巴巴的联合投票权减至49%。

    Yahoo in the US and Softbank , the Japanese investment firm that controls Yahoo Japan , agreed as part of the deal to reduce their joint voting rights in Alibaba to 49 per cent .

  24. 雅虎是日本排名第一的搜索引擎,其次是谷歌。

    Yahoo Japan is the nations top search engine , followed by Google .

  25. 雅虎在日本的市场很大。

    Yahoo is big in Japan .

  26. 它将面临一个更大的问题:如何处理该公司与雅虎的合资企业雅虎日本(YahooJapan)中,雅虎持有的33%股份。

    It would face the bigger question of what to do about Yahoo 's 33 per cent stake in Yahoo Japan , a joint venture between Softbank and the US concern that is valued at more than $ 9bn .

  27. 雅虎所持的35%雅虎日本(YahooJapan)股份会让每股税收收益再增加大约7美元。

    Yahoo 's 35 % stake in Yahoo Japan adds roughly another $ 7 a share after tax .

  28. 这一估值印证了分析师长久以来的猜测:在剔除雅虎持有的阿里巴巴、雅虎日本(YahooJapan)股份后,至少对股东来说,雅虎的核心业务几乎一文不值。雅虎在雅虎日本持有的股份估值为90亿美元。

    The valuation gives credence to analysts ' long-mentioned estimate that Yahoo 's business is worthless , at least to shareholders , after backing out its stakes in Alibaba and Yahoo Japan , another Asian asset where it has a stake estimated at $ 9 billion .

  29. 雅虎持有的阿里巴巴和雅虎日本的股份总价值约为350亿美元,仅略低于雅虎目前367亿美元的市值。

    Together , those stakes are worth about $ 35 billion , just under Yahoo 's current market capitalization of $ 36.7 billion .

  30. 但如果没有说明雅虎计划如何处置其在雅虎日本(yahoojapan)和阿里巴巴(alibaba)持有的少数股权,那么周三到处流传的那些数字就没有任何意义。

    The numbers being waved about on Wednesday mean nothing without information about how Yahoo plans to dispose of its minority stakes in Yahoo Japan and Alibaba .