
  • 网络jacob
  1. 他的儿子厄撒乌和雅各伯将他埋葬了。

    Esau and jacob , his sons , buried him .

  2. 雅各伯在埃及国又活了十七年。

    Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years .

  3. 他的葬礼将于周五在长岛圣詹姆斯的圣斐理伯与圣雅各伯教堂(Sts.PhilipandJamesChurch)举行,消防局各部门也将举行盛大悼念仪式,组织大量消防员和官员参加。

    His funeral will be held Friday at Sts . Philip and James Church in St. James on Long Island , with the expansive pageantry and huge turnout of firefighters and officers that accompany all departmental ceremonies .

  4. 为雅各伯立为不移的规条,向以色列立为永远的盟约。

    He confirmed his decree to Jacob , to Israel his eternal covenant .

  5. 因著信德,依撒格也关于未来的事祝福了雅各伯和厄撒乌。

    By faith also of things to come , Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau .

  6. 用剑杀了若望的哥哥雅各伯。

    And he killed James , the brother of John , with the sword .

  7. 时候一到,自会启示与雅各伯和以色列;天主要作什麽。

    In their times it shall be told to Jacob and to Israel what God hath wrought .

  8. 除了主的兄弟雅各伯,我没有看见别的宗徒。

    But other of the apostles I saw none , saving James the brother of the Lord .

  9. 这样,雅各伯和与他在一起的人,来到客纳罕地的路次,即贝特耳。

    Thus Jacob and all the people who were with him arrived in Luz in the land of Canaan .

  10. 从会堂一出来,他就同雅各伯、若望来到西满和安德肋的家。

    On leaving the synagogue , Jesus went to the home of Simon and Andrew with James and john .

  11. 大家都不出声之后,雅各伯接著说:「诸位仁人弟兄,请听我说!

    And after they had held their peace , James answered , saying : Men , brethren , hear me .

  12. 遗民必将归回,雅各伯的遗民必将归依强有力的天主!

    The remnant shall be converted , the remnant , I say , of Jacob , to the mighty God .

  13. 若瑟的兄弟们由埃及上到客纳罕,他们父亲雅各伯那里。

    And they went up out of Egypt , and came into the land of Chanaan to their father Jacob .

  14. 雅各伯生若瑟,玛利亚的丈夫,玛利亚生耶稣,他称为基督。

    And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary , of whom was born Jesus , who is called Christ .

  15. 但是你,我的仆人以色列,我所拣选的雅各伯,我的好友亚巴郎的苗裔。

    But thou Israel , art my servant , Jacob whom I have chosen , the seed of Abraham my friend .

  16. 因著信德,临死的雅各伯祝福了若瑟的每一个儿子,也扶著若瑟的杖头朝拜了天主。

    By faith Jacob dying , blessed each of the sons of Joseph , and adored the top of his rod .

  17. 将色依尔山区赐给了厄撒乌作产业;雅各伯却和他的儿子下到了埃及。

    And I gave to Esau mount Seir for his possession : but Jacob and his children went down into Egypt .

  18. 愿天主主记念他与自己的忠仆亚巴郎、依撒格、雅各伯所立的盟约,赐你们满享幸福!

    May God fill you with every good and remember his covenant with Abraham , Isaac and Jacob , his faithful servants .

  19. 他使许多君王苦恼,行事却使雅各伯欢乐,因为他集合了四散的人。

    And he grieved many kings , and made Jacob glad with his works , and his memory is blessed for ever .

  20. 雅各伯家和以色列家的一切家族!你们听上主的话。

    Hear ye the word of the Lord , O house of Jacob , and all ye families of the house of Israel .

  21. 天主及主耶稣基督的仆人雅各伯,祝散居的十二支派安好。

    James the servant of God , and of our Lord Jesus Christ , to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad , greeting .

  22. 耶稣又向前走了不远,看见了载伯德的儿子:雅各伯和他兄弟若望。他俩正在船上修整鱼网。

    Jesus went a little farther on and saw James and john , the sons of zebedee ; they were in their boat mending their nets .

  23. 到那天,雅各伯的的光荣必要衰落,他肥满的身躯必要消瘦。

    And it shall come to pass in that day , that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin , and the fatness of his flesh shall grow lean .

  24. 当面将诫命、生命和智识的法律交给他,叫他把自己的盟约教给雅各伯,将自己的法律教给以色列。

    And he gave him commandments before his face , and a law of life and instruction , that he might teach Jacob his covenant , and Israel his judgments .

  25. 雅各伯叫了他的儿子们来说:「你们聚在一起,我要将你们日后所遇到的事告诉你们。

    And Jacob called his sons , and said to them : Gather yourselves together that I may tell you the things that shall befall you in the last days .

  26. 那块田是雅各伯用一百银钱,由舍根的父亲,哈摩尔的子孙手中买来的;

    They buried them at Shechem in a place in the field which Jacob bought from the children of Hamor , the father of Shechem , for a hundred pieces of money .

  27. 安息日一过,玛利亚玛达肋纳、雅各伯的母亲玛利亚和撒罗默买了香料,要去傅抹耶稣。

    And when the sabbath was past , Mary Magdalen , and Mary the mother of James , and Salome , bought sweet spices , that coming , they might anoint Jesus .