
  1. 山海关海陆空立体交通条件十分优越。

    Shanhaiguan three-dimensional traffic conditions are very favorable sea and air .

  2. 公司区位优势得天独厚,立体交通四通八达。

    Company geographical advantages , three-dimensional traffic versatile .

  3. 《规划纲要》提出的发展目标包括:到2035年,基本建成便捷顺畅、经济高效、绿色集约、智能先进、安全可靠的现代化高质量国家综合立体交通网。

    By 2035 , the country 's transport network should be convenient , cost-effective , green , intelligent and safe .

  4. 到本世纪中叶,全面建成现代化高质量国家综合立体交通网,拥有世界一流的交通基础设施体系。其中提出“全国123出行交通圈”和“全球123快货物流圈”两个概念。

    By the middle of the century , a modern , high-quality and comprehensive national transport network will be built in an all-round way , with a world-class transport infrastructure system .

  5. 公路及城市立体交通的全面发展,桥梁建设进入了前所未有的高潮时期,其中箱型梁以其优良的截面形式在大跨度PC梁桥建设中占有极重要的地位。

    In recent years , developing completely along with high grade highway and stereoscopic transportation in cities , bridge development has entered the unprecedented high tide period . Among them the box girder occupies important position in developments of the long-span PC beam bridge with its good section-form .

  6. 长三角区域立体交通联动体系建设研究

    Linkages of multimodal transportation promoting the integration in Yangtze River Delta

  7. 建设立体交通网络,建筑交通一体化;

    Establishing spacing transportation network and integrating buildings and transportation ;

  8. 居住小区中复合立体交通体系的运用

    To Figure the Compound Three-dimensional Transport Pattern in Residential Area

  9. 打造立体交通再铸梧州水运新辉煌

    To Build Three Dimensional Transportation as the New Breakthrough of Wuzhou Water Transport

  10. 然而,我国主要的道路照明研究成果仍是以常规道路为模型,缺乏立体交通道路照明的相应研究。

    However the researches of road lighting in China are based on the model of ordinary roads .

  11. 境内有台金、甬台温高速公路、甬台温高速铁路、黄岩机场、海门港等形成的立体交通网。

    Taijin-Yongtaiwen highway , Yountaiwen high-speed railway , Huangyan airport and Haimen port comprises the solid communication network .

  12. 在公路、铁路等的立体交通工程中,地道桥被广泛地应用。

    In the case of grade separation engineering for highway and railroad , underpass bridges are widely applied .

  13. 东三环与地铁十号线搭建起的立体交通也极其便利。

    East three rings and subway line ten put up the body traffic building up facilitating also extremely .

  14. 笔者结合北京西单立体交通工程,采用层次分析理论,探讨和分析施工过程的安全风险,定义施工中涉及的六大类主要安全风险;

    By AHP ( Analysis Hierarchy Process ) the risk is analyzed to confirm the 6 main kinds of risks .

  15. 互通式立交是高速公路的重要组成部分,是具有空间多层结构形态和立体交通转向功能的专用设施。

    The interchange is an important part of the highway , it has spatial many layers which can change direction .

  16. 海、陆、空立体交通齐头并进,水、电、路、通讯等设施不断完善。

    Sea , land and air transportation go hand in hand , water , electricity , roads , communication facilities improved .

  17. 要解决上述问题,必须大力发展立体交通,继续加大交通建设的投入,加快建设步伐;

    To solve the above mentioned problems , three dimensional traffic should be developed . Traffic construction should be enlarged and quickened .

  18. 高速公路、铁路、机场、港口、水运形成立体交通网络。

    Here expressways , railways , airports , seaports , river ports , and water transport form a three-dimensional network of communication lines .

  19. 国际机场,深水码头,铁路南站,徐浦、奉浦大桥构成全镇通往全国和世界的立体交通网络。

    International airport , deep-water wharf , South Railway station , Xupu bridge , Fengpu bridge from the three-dimensional transportation network to the world .

  20. 介绍了南京鼓楼地下立体交通工程的特点,工程建设管理经验,以及基于工期效应而产生的不良后果。

    The feature of the underground interchange project , the management of project construction , and side-effect based on effect of project period is introduced .

  21. 首先通过比较中国和世界上有代表性的几座大城市交通设施建设情况,提出在中国特大城市建设立体交通体系的必要性。

    Necessity of multi modal system construction in Chinese very big city through comparing Beijing and Shanghai with main big city of other country is proposed .

  22. 专业的汽车进出口通道、广阔的港口、经济要地、便捷的立体交通网络、先进的数字管理系统,使这里成为信息化的国际商港。

    Its auto import and export dock , adequate storage facilities , convenient transportation networks and digitalized management system all make it an advanced international port .

  23. 这里快速通道、地铁、城际铁路等四通八达的立体交通网络成为商品集散的最佳条件。

    Here , the convenient three-dimensional transportation networks , such as the fast tracks , subways and inter-city railways , become the best condition for commodity distribution .

  24. 中心线信息无法涵盖路段中车道的变化情况,而二维模型在表达立体交通网络方面也显不足。

    The information of centerlines can not cover the changes of lanes , and the two-dimensional model is also inadequate in the expression of three-dimensional transportation networks .

  25. 由此产生了下穿隧道这样的立体交通,而棚洞作为一种新型的城市隧道结构形式被应用。

    This result in a spatial formula traffic mode such as underpass tunnel , and the shed tunnel as a new type of tunnel structure was applied .

  26. 抓住西部开发机遇再造西北电建辉煌打造立体交通再铸梧州水运新辉煌

    Seizing Hold of Opportunity Developing West China Creating Brilliance of Northwest Electric Power Construction Again ; To Build Three Dimensional Transportation as the New Breakthrough of Wuzhou Water Transport

  27. 本文在研究江北客站站前广场交通组织规划中,采用空港式交通组织,构建重庆未来的立体交通换乘枢纽。

    This paper introduces traffic form layout of Jiangbei railway station piazza and intending tridimensional traffic hinge in Chongqing is established by traffic form of airport development zone pattern .

  28. 惠州交通十分便捷,基本形成了以惠州市区为中心的立体交通网络。

    Transportation is convenient in Huizhou because its central location enables it to act as the hub for national highway connections to Guangzhou , Shenzhen , Shantou and Heyuan .

  29. 大连交通便捷,海陆空交通四通八达,已形成具有较强运输能力的现代化立体交通运输网络。

    Dalian has convenient traffic with its sea , land and air transportations extending in all directions and it has already formed a modern cubic traffic network with strong transportation capacities .

  30. 在城市形象建设上,交通是第一要素和突出标志,发展城市立体交通,已成为解决现代大城市交通拥堵问题根本出路。

    In city figure construction . traffic is the first factor and protruding index . To develop city flyover - crossing traffic becomes the only way for solving busy traffic in modern cities .