
  • 网络Remote operation;remote control;remote handling
  1. 远距离操作的机械手舰队可远距离射击也可作短距离的战斗。

    The marines could shoot from a distance and also do close hand-to-hand combat .

  2. 真正实现了现实中的远距离操作、工作之间的无缝交接。

    As a result , distant operation and seamless transition between jobs in reality is realized .

  3. 远距离操作的机械手

    Electromechanically operated fingers remote manipulators

  4. 控制元件是电磁阀,易于实现电、气联合控制,能实现远距离操作,非常适合三维多剑杆织机的自动控制。

    The control element is electromagnetic valve , which is easy to realize the associated control of electricity and gas .

  5. 主要结果是:可拆卸组件及相应热室检验装置的设计合理,热室内远距离操作可行;

    Results show that design of the dismountable fuel assembly and the hot cell examination facility is reasonable , remote operation is practical inside hot cell .

  6. 在处理高放溶液时,这种设备可以远距离操作,并可以进行短停留时间条件下裂变产物在溶剂萃取过程中的行为研究。

    The laboratory equipment was suitable for remote operation with highly radioactive solutions , and study of fission product behavior in solvent extraction at short residence times .

  7. 系统还包括虚拟手术仿真子系统和遥操作子系统,可以模拟、监控手术过程,并可使医生远距离操作系统完成手术。

    Additionally , this system includes virtual surgery simulation software and a tele-operation subsystem , which can monitor the surgery process and allow surgeons to control robots remotely .

  8. 以主、从随动控制系统为核心的视觉临场感远距离操作车辆救援机械手系统,可以在非确定性环境或极限环境下(如空间、海底、强辐射、战场等)进行复杂的操纵作业。

    The special vehicle rescue manipulator with vision master-slave control system can work in uncertain or extreme environment ( such as space , seabed , strong radicalizations , battlefield , etc. )

  9. 系统由计算机生成控制指令,通过串行通讯协议远距离操作智能变频器实现电机的动作,结合拖车位置信息完成拖车的计算机控制。

    The control code is generated automatically and sent to a smart converter through a serial communication protocol to operate the motor in a remote place . By using the information of a trailer position , the system can perform the computer control for the trailer .

  10. 中国首个远距离操作外太空任务的中心在北京航天飞行控制中心投入使用,此前中国已于周日凌晨成功完成了首辆月球车的测试工作。

    China 's first center designed for teleoperation , or operation from a distance , of deep space missions was formally opened at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center ( BACC ) following its successful trial use on the country 's first moon rover early on Sunday .

  11. 该操作台可以直接使用计算机标准PC键盘和显示器,实现计算机远距离无线操作,适用于实验室内移动目标的研究工作。

    It can use PC keyboard and display directly . It has realized the wireless and real-time operation removed from the computer . It adapts itself to research work for moving object in lab.

  12. 用这种超高压压力控制及开关液压系统,可实现80MPa以下高压小流量试压系统的电液比例控制及高压截止阀门开关的远距离液压操作。

    By using this system , electric-fluid ratio control and remote operation of high pressure stop valve switching of pressure test system with high pressure ( less than 80MPa ) and fow flow can be realized .

  13. 远距离的垃圾处理操作。

    An off-site waste treatment operation .

  14. 本文在对国内外主从随动远距离操纵机械手系统进行了广泛调研的基础上,建成一个具有视觉反馈的远距离操作车辆救援机械手系统。

    In this paper , we have set up a special vehicle rescue manipulator with vision master-slave control system after analyzing rescue manipulator system with vision feedback in home and abroad .