
  • 网络Barter;Exchange
  1. 自从人类产生物品交换活动以来,货币就在交换中起着重要的作用。

    Since human beings began to exchange goods , money had acted as an important role in the transactions .

  2. 洗浴及美体物品交换:这种礼物交换,是每个人带来某类型的沐浴和美体的礼物。

    Body gift Exchange : For this gift exchange , everyone brings some type of bath and body gift .

  3. 在第四章中,我们通过对中国传统社会的信任交易及其交易成本的分析,指出了物品交换的本质在于信任交换,信任范围相等是交易实现的必要条件。

    Chapter four is on the trust trade of the traditional China and its transaction cost .

  4. 分类编码&电脑联网管理消毒及无菌物品交换之设想

    Suppose to administrate the permutation of disinfect and asepsis articles by means of classify coding and computer network

  5. 这首先是因为掌握人类物品交换的统治者们的顽固和无能,他们承认失败而自动退位。

    Primarily , this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind 's goods have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence , have admitted their failure and abdicated .

  6. 简单来说,价格是不同物品的交换比率。

    Price is the physical exchange rate of one good for another .

  7. 我原意接受的物品作为交换媒介,它能帮我用这船鱼换回一套衣服。

    What will I accept as a medium to help me exchange my fish for a new suit ?

  8. 改变,前往,移动;和表示社会上由习俗和法律调节的物品和服务交换的派生词。

    To change , go , move ; with derivatives referring to the exchange of goods and services within a society as regulated by custom or law .

  9. 世界其它国家的政府和司法部门也在努力解决如何监管网络经济的问题。目前,网络经济已催生出以虚拟物品和货币交换现金的大规模交易,交易额达到数百万美元。

    Governments and judiciaries elsewhere are also struggling to decide how to regulate online economies that have spawned multi-million dollar businesses trading virtual items and currencies for hard cash .

  10. 粟最早流通形式是与其他物品的实物交换,随着商品经济的发展,又逐渐演变成交换的媒介,但最常见的交换形式还是与货币的交换。

    Exchange with other physical items . With the development of the ancient commodity economy , it gradually evolved into medium of exchange . Actually performs the functions of money , but the most common form is that exchange with the currency .