
  • 网络Programmed necrosis;necroptosis
  1. FCMDNA分析结果克星组竟有高达92.9%(13/14)出现肿瘤程序性坏死的凋亡峰,而盐水组却有57.1%(4/7)出现异倍体峰。

    The FCM DNA analysis showed that the apoptosis peaks of the tumor program necrosis appeared in 92.9 % ( 13 / 14 ) in the Star 99 group . Yet the heteroploid peaks appeared in 57.1 % ( 4 / 7 ) in the saline group .

  2. 目的:观察肿瘤局部微环境对肿瘤细胞发生线形程序性坏死(LPPCN)的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the influence of the local tumor microenvironments on the linearly patterned programmed cell necrosis ( LPPCN ) .

  3. 细胞的死亡一般分为程序性死亡和坏死两种。

    Cell death can be divided into two kinds : programmed cell death ( PCD ) and necrosis .

  4. 活性氧可以诱导细胞程序性死亡或坏死、可以诱导或抑制许多基因的表达,也可以激活上述级联信号。

    ROS induce programmed cell death or necrosis , induce or suppress the expression of many genes , and activate cell signalling cascades , such as those involving .