
  1. 这些都是为将来能有个好工作,好生活而打拼,程明说。

    " It ` s all about working for a better future with a better job ," Cheng said .

  2. 老师随机检查出席率时,每当点到程明的名字,替身就会提他喊到。

    When the teacher randomly checks the attendance , the double is there to say " present !" when Cheng ` s name is called .

  3. 这名替身还会把课上提到的重点整理成笔记,这样一来甚至比我自己去上课还要好,程明解释说。

    The double also marks the key points mentioned in class , so it ` s " even better than if I attend the lecture myself ," Cheng explains .

  4. 程明认为有些选修课真的很“鸡肋”&你必须去上课但它们对未来几乎没有用处,于是他决定试一试这个方法。

    Cheng was thinking that some electives were just " chicken ribs "– you have to take them but they 're hardly useful for the future – so he decided to give this method a shot .

  5. 22岁的华东理工大学大三学生程明在校内论坛(电子公告牌系统)上看到了一则广告,发帖人宣称自己可以帮别人代课,每节课收取15元。

    Cheng Ming , 22 , a junior at East China University of Science and Technology , saw an ad on the BBS ( bulletin board system ), where someone offered to attend class for others for 15 yuan per class .