
  • 网络absurdity
  1. 其他一些短语的重复运用也在一定程度上表达了一种荒诞感。

    To some extent , the reiterations of other phrases also convey the sense of absurdity .

  2. 他以荒诞感这样一种主体意识作为出发点,并形成其著名的荒诞理论。

    He regarded absurdity ( a kind of subject consciousness ) as the starting point of his philosophy and formed his famous Absurd philosophy .

  3. 荒诞感,散见于20世纪的各个角落,然而它绝不仅仅是某种结论,它象征着一种开端。

    The sense of absurd , which disperses during the 20th century , symbolizes a start more than a conclusion .

  4. 西方二维的精神空间是西方诗人荒诞感产生的精神根源,而中国一维的精神构成则产生了逍遥的精神意向。

    The two-latitude intent of the western spirit structure is the cradle of Absurdism , and Peripateticism is of Chinese one-latitude spirit structure .

  5. 主要就对写实的超越和情绪线索的凸显两个特征的比较,揭示在欲望的吞噬下现代人生存的荒诞感。

    Compare the features from realist transcendence and emotional cues ' play , to discover the sense of absurdity from the people under desire at modern times .

  6. 第三节,荒诞感的产生和征服,主要从其产生的历史原因着手,分析比较中西方不同社会文化环境中相似的心理感受。

    Section III , the generation and conquest of absurd sense , which are mainly from its historical reasons , the writer analysises the similar psychological feelings in different socio-cultural environment .

  7. 第三章以部分新写实小说为例,来说明它们所流露出来的人生的虚无与荒诞感。

    Third chapter takes the part of realistic writing novel newly as the example , and explains the nihility and the fantastic sense of the life that they show unintentionally out .

  8. 然而文化发展到当代,这类作品已越来越为荒诞感十足的作品所取代,无论是文学,戏剧还是电影等艺术形式都是如此。

    However , cultural development to the present day , such work has been replaced by more and more absurd sense of the full works , whether literary , dramatic or movies are art forms .

  9. 笔者力图从其诗歌的意象分析入手,详细阐述其诗歌创作所受西方艺术影响的具体体现&充满荒诞感的荒原意象、微笑意象、死亡意象等;

    The author tries to expound his concrete embodiment whose poetic creation was influenced by western art & images of wasteland , image of smile and image of death , etc. by starting with the analysis of images .

  10. 它让我有一种强烈的荒诞感与猿类同伴共处的荒诞感至今我仍珍视这种感觉,这种尴尬而不情愿、瞄准又错过、跳起、着地和闪避的感觉。

    It left me with an acute sense of the absurd ─ one I still cherish ─ to be there among my fellow apes , awkward and less than half-willing , aiming and missing , leaping , landing and wincing .

  11. 此外,毛姆还经历了两次世界大战的浩劫,整个西方世界弥漫着凝重的迷茫感、陌生感、痛苦感、孤独感、荒诞感、悖谬感等。

    In addition , Maugham has experienced two world wars , and the entire Western world was filled with confused sense , strangeness , painful sense , loneliness , absurd sense and paradox sense etc. The two world wars led Maugham started to question the modern western civilization .

  12. 荆永鸣的小说从乡土者的城市经验入手,凸现了乡土者初步融入都市社会的生命狂欢状态和游离于城乡之间的生存荒诞与流浪感。

    Jing Yongming a novels based on the countrymen 's new city experiences , present the countrymen 's triumphant life when first entering the city melting-pot , and the conflict of their lives between city and country and their vagrant lives .

  13. 她极具荒诞派的幽默感。

    She has a wonderfully absurd sense of humour .

  14. 荒诞派戏剧产生荒诞感的重要原因是基于象征手段的极端化。

    The absurdity of theatre of the absurd results , in part , from the radical ways of symbolization .

  15. 而二十世纪荒诞派戏剧正是作家调动各种荒诞的戏剧形式对人类荒诞感最直接、最极端、最酣畅的展现。

    The theater of the absurd in the 21 century is the picture of the most predictable , most extreme , and most profound of human absurdity .

  16. 第二节则从虚无与荒诞的关系出发描述了新写实小说所流露出的对世界和人生的荒诞感。

    But second section from nihility with the fantastic relation sets out newly to describe realistic writing novel shows unintentionally the fantastic sense to the world and life .