
rén zào ɡuānɡ yuán
  • artificial light source
  1. 国际暗天协会(TheInternationalDarkSkyAssociation)估计,不必要或低效的人造光源每年浪费约30亿美元。

    The International Dark Sky Association estimates that unnecessary or inefficient4 artificial light wastes about three billion US Dollars every year .

  2. 人造光源发出的熟悉的光亮不仅会模糊我们看夜晚漆黑天空的视线,它还会扰乱我们的睡眠,影响我们的健康。

    As well as obscuring our view of a naturally dark night sky with that all-too-familiar glow , artificial light can disrupt our sleep and affect our health .

  3. A.“最后的人造光源”这一头衔有好多竞争者呢。——

    A. THERE WOULD BE A lot of contenders for the " last light " title .

  4. 发表在《ScienceAdvance》期刊上的一项研究发现,地球上人造光源覆盖的户外区域在,在2012年到2016年间增长了2.2%。

    A study published in the journal Science Advances , finds the Earth 's artificially lit outdoor areas grew by 2.2 percent per year from 2012 to 2016 .

  5. 在作为最主要的人造光源存在了一个世纪后,这种高能耗的灯泡也将被一种被称为发光二级管(LED)的半导体光源所取代。

    After a century as a primary source of artificial light these energy-guzzling bulbs are set to be replaced by light-emitting diodes ( LEDs ), powered by semiconductors .

  6. 硅型光电池是面向于太阳光的,而对于各种人造光源,无论是白炽灯,日光灯还是LED灯,它们发出的光的混合了多种频率,且与太阳光的不同。

    Silicon-based solar cells have been optimised for sunlight . But artificial light , whether of the incandescent , fluorescent or LED variety , contains a different mixture of frequencies from that put out by the sun .

  7. 人造光源的问世被国际科技界认为是人类文明发展的重要里程碑。

    That is an important milestone in the development of human civilization .

  8. 其中一个选择是使用人造光源来替代井下缺失的阳光。

    One opinion is to use artificial lighting for replace the missing rays of the sun .

  9. 医生建议:使用深色的窗帘和人造光源来修正该问题,效果会比使用药物治疗或者辅助手段更佳。

    Doctors recommend using dark curtains and artificial lights to straighten things out rather than medication or supplements .

  10. 与此同时,一夜间的人造光源的场景是湖全景的理想反向领域。

    At the same time , a night-time artificial light scene is the ideal reverse field for the lake panorama .

  11. 如果我们严格定义“人造光源”,那么毫无疑问,偏远地区靠太阳能驱动的灯会是坚持时间最久的人造光源。

    If we follow a strict definition of lighting , solar-powered lights in remote locations could conceivably be the last surviving human light source .

  12. 本文主要讨论了ISO2135&84,即采用人造光源对铝及铝合金阳极着色膜进行的色牢度加速试验。

    This paper mainly discusses ISO 2135-84 , which is an accelerated test of light fastness of coloured anodic coatings of aluminium and its alloys using artificial light .

  13. 研究人员提醒道,使用这些设备不利于进入睡眠状态,因为这些人造光源会抑制褪黑激素的释放,而褪黑激素是我们的睡眠激素。

    Researchers caution that the use of such devices are particularly harmful to the sleep-onset process , since the artificial light can suppress the release of melatonin which is our sleep hormone .

  14. 通过改变所用染料的成分,G24的工程师保证了光电池的最大感光度与特定场合使用的适当的人造光源的光谱相吻合。

    By changing the composition of the dye , G24 's engineers ensure that the maximum sensitivity of the cell coincides with whatever frequency mix is appropriate for the artificial light concerned .

  15. 光污染是工业发展的副产品,属于物理性污染,大部分来自低效率、非必要的人造光源,例如家居照明、工厂、写字楼、街灯、广告、大型露天运动场及其它商业产品。

    Light pollution is by-product of industrial development , it belongs to physical pollution , and most of it come from low efficiency , non-essential artificial light , such as families , factories , office buildings , streetlight , advertisement , large stadiums and other commercial products .

  16. 人造灯光源可以让动物原地打滚。

    Man-made light sources can really throw animals for a loop .