
  • 网络leashes
  1. 钢丝绳牵引带式输送机的安全技术改造

    Talking about the safe technique reforms of wire haulage belt conveyor

  2. 钢绳牵引带式输送机更换导向轮轴方法

    Ways to Replace Guide Axle in Belt Conveyor with Wire Rope

  3. 钢丝绳牵引带式输送机倒转防护装置的研究

    Study to Anti-Reverse Safeguard for Belt Conveyor Drawn by Steel Rope

  4. 钢绳牵引带式输送机的交流变频调速改造钢丝绳牵引的送锭车

    The VVVF transformation of steel-rope tracting belt conveyer cable-driven ingot buggy

  5. 变频调速在煤矿井下钢绳牵引带式输送机上的应用

    Application of variable frequency variable speed on wire-rope driven belt conveyor in coal mine

  6. 如果我看电视,它就戴着牵引带躺在我的脚上。

    If I watch TV he is on leash and laying by my feet .

  7. 如果我在电脑前工作,就用戴着牵引带把它栓在桌子上。

    If I work on the computer he is on leash tethered to my desk .

  8. 在家里,狗儿们从箱子和牵引带开始它们的生活。

    They start off in the crate and graduate to a dog leash in the home .

  9. 使用一个短的牵引带。

    Use a short leash .

  10. 在这样的法律条文下,如果你的狗狗被发现脱离牵引带,你将会被罚款。

    Under these laws , you can be fined if caught with your puppy off his leash .

  11. 在考虑纠正时有一点需要记住:就是牵引带的用法。

    One thing to keep in mind when thinking about corrections is the use of the leash .

  12. 本厂专业制作各类宠物项圈、牵引带、宠物窝,产品主要销往欧美国家。

    Our factory professionally produces pet chaplet , pet traction belt , pet cote and so on .

  13. 本公司专业经营各种宠物牵引带,铁链,宠物衣服,宠物窝。

    The company specializes in variety of pets with traction , chains , pet clothes , pet Waterloo .

  14. 工厂用长而强韧的长条牛皮作为牵引带,小块的皮则做成衣服和鞋

    Factories use long strong strips of buffalo leather as drag belts Small pieces become coats and shoes .

  15. 在更高级的训练中(例如随行)狗会学会顺从牵引带的压力。

    In more advanced training ( IE heeling ) the dog will be trained to give to leash pressure .

  16. 对照组采用枕&颌式坐位颈椎牵引带进行悬吊牵引。

    The control group were treated with suspended traction by a cervical vertebral extraction belt at pillow-jaw sitting position .

  17. 当我允许狗儿在箱子外面呆更久一点儿的时候,它也总是戴着牵引带。

    When the time comes that I do allow him more time out of the crate , he is always on a leash .

  18. 一旦我把狗放出狗笼,就会时刻用牵引带控制着狗儿。

    The instant I let the dog out of the crate I hook a leash to him so he is always under complete control .

  19. 否则你大概就要花很多时间解决牵引带绕树缠草的麻烦,那多影响我们漫步山林的心情啊。

    Otherwise , you 'll probably spend more time untangling your dog 's leash from trees and brush than you will enjoying your walk !

  20. 把牵引带绑在狗颈的最上端,这样会使你与狗之间有更好的沟通,引导以及纠正犬的行为。

    Attaching the leash to the very top of the neck can help you more easily communicate , guide , and correct your dog .

  21. 使用这种方法,不使用牵引带时狗儿也会较少与其它狗发生打斗行为。

    People who follow the policy will also have dogs that are less inclined to fight with another dog they accidentally meet when off leash .

  22. 往往只是牵引带轻轻的抖动一下,意思是“看,你是懂事的,必须专注些。”

    More often than not its a slight tap of the leash that mean " Look you know better and you have to pay attention . "

  23. 狗儿经常拉牵引带,不把主人作为领袖来尊重。这种情况下我会使用带刺的项圈来让狗儿停下来。

    A dog that always pulls on the leash does not respect his owner as a pack leader , so I put a stop to it with a prong collar .

  24. 在任何时间都把狗儿置于牵引带的控制下,可以表现出我是公平,我不会进行没有理由的纠正。

    Keeping the dog on leash and controlling every aspect of its life allows for the opportunity to show that I am fair and that I don 't issue unwarranted corrections .

  25. 钢丝绳柔性抽油杆主要由牵引带(或链条)、密封泵、弹性抽油杆、钢丝绳、加重杆、拉杆、柱塞等部件组成。

    Wire rope flexible rod is mainly constituted by the traction belt ( or chain ), sealed pump , elastic rod , add pole , trolley , plunger and other components .

  26. 除非狗已经进展到触垫子训练和学习位置,否则人们一开始进行这项训练时不该把牵引带当作纠正工具使用。

    When people first start this work they should NEVER use the leash as a tool to correct until after the dog has progressed to through touch pads and learning positions .

  27. 结果:86例经髋关节前外侧入路手术,其中60例术前采用下肢皮牵引带牵引,26例术前采用骨牵引;

    Results : The intraoperative reposition of 60 cases of skin traction bandage in lower extremity and 26 of skeletal traction were easier in 86 cases of anterolateral approach to the hip joint ;

  28. 公司旗下产品:宠物服饰、宠物床、宠物窝、宠物玩具、宠物牵引带、宠物厕所、宠物食品、宠物美容用品、宠物饰品、等。

    Our company has pet clothing , pet beds , pet Waterloo , pet toys , pet traction belt , pet toilets , pet food , pet grooming supplies , pet accessories , etc.

  29. 公司所开发生产的产品囊括了宠物服装、饰品、美容用具、玩具、家具、牵引带等一系列细分化的产品,以满足不同客户的需求。

    Company has developed products to include pet clothing , jewelry , beauty appliances , toys , furniture , such as traction with a breakdown of a series of products to meet different customer needs .

  30. 简要介绍了钢丝绳牵引带式输送机倒转防护的研究现状,分析上运带式输送机发生逆转事故的主要原因,设计出一种新型的防护装置,验算其制动的可靠性。

    The paper introduces current studying status of anti-reverse safeguard for belt conveyor drawn by steel rope , analyses main causes of conveyor reverse accident , designs a kind of new type safeguard , and calculates its braking reliability .