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  • 网络BLUE FLAME;Blue fire;FLAME
  1. 我来了,在蓝色火焰天使的包围中。

    I have come surrounded by the angels of the blue flame .

  2. 蓝色火焰,细密亲吻;

    The blue flame , canoodle in deep and exquisite .

  3. 火焰面上的速度梯度主要影响黄色火焰厚度,蓝色火焰随着速度梯度的增加而减小,NOx生成也随之较少。

    The velocity gradient in flame surface mainly influenced the thickness of yellow layer while the blue layer and NOx formation decreased with the increase of velocity gradient .

  4. 含硫矿工站在内的卡瓦Ijen晚上的火山口,拿着手电筒,朝着液体硫磺已赶上了一个令人毛骨悚然的蓝色火焰火灾和灼伤流动寻找。

    A sulfur miner stands inside the crater of the Kawah Ijen volcano at night , holding a torch , looking towards a flow of liquid sulfur which has caught fire and burns with an eerie blue flame .

  5. 排气口的蓝色火焰划破黑暗。

    The blue flame of the exhausts stabbed the darkness .

  6. 我眼睛的蓝色火焰。

    And the blue fire of my eyes .

  7. 她已经用魔法为他们变出了一捧明亮的蓝色火焰,可以放在一只果酱罐里随身携带。

    And she had conjured them up a bright blue fire that could be carried around in a jam jar .

  8. 当他扭开炉灶的旋钮,茶壶下面升腾起的蓝色火焰让屋子里闪烁了些暗淡的光线。

    When he turned the knob on the stove , the blue flame that erupted under the teakettle gave a dim glow to the room .

  9. 几张又矮又大的桌子纵横排列着,上边放着许多蒸馏瓶、试管和一些闪动着蓝色火焰的小小的本生灯。

    Broad , low tables were scattered about , which bristled with retorts , test-tubes , and little Bunsen lamps , with their blue flickering flames .

  10. 一名蒙面矿工走过的蒸汽和酸性气体的厚云,带着附近的一个流动的液体硫磺燃烧蓝色火焰的火炬。

    A masked miner walks through a thick cloud of steam and acidic gas , carrying a torch near the blue flames of a burning liquid sulfur flow .

  11. 由于仅有三分之一的人会生产甲烷,有人成立了一个很特别的俱乐部叫做“皇家蓝色火焰”。

    Since only one-third of the population consistently produce methane to begin with , an exclusive club called the Royal Order of the Blue Flame has since been established .

  12. 为了选择适当的灭火方法,更早地检测到危险的淡蓝色火焰是十分必要的,因此,本文主要进行的研究是对淡蓝色火焰的识别。

    Early detection of the more dangerous light blue flame is essential for choosing a proper fire fighting method , and hence , the light blue flame detection is mainly carried out in this research .

  13. 如果你的炉子使用天然气,那么蓝色火焰意味着工作正常,只用你的炉灶烤箱烹饪,否则不要打开它,不要让它自燃为房屋供暖。

    If your stove use the natural gas look for that blue flame means working correctly , only use your stove oven for cooking , don 't turn it on and leave it running to try and heat the house .

  14. 这孩子从来没有去过赛马场,他的眼中充满蓝色的火焰。

    The child had never been to a race-meeting before , and his eyes were blue fire .

  15. 现在以二个模态为特色,火提供较棒的多种变化,从安静的烛火或蓝色的丙烷火焰到地狱火。

    Now featuring two modes , Fire offers greater versatility , simulating anything from tranquil candlelights or blue propane flames to towering infernos .

  16. 十月明蓝色的天气&海伦·亨特·杰克逊;蓝色的火焰;吸烟发出的蓝色烟雾。

    October 's bright blue weather - Helen Hunt Jackson ; a blue flame ; blue haze of tobacco smoke .