
  1. 叠网纸机备浆流送部DCS的方案设计

    A DCS Scheme for Stock Approach System of Fourdrinier Machine

  2. Duoformer夹网纸机采用100%亚硫酸盐苇浆生产胶印书刊纸的实践

    The Experience of Producing Offset Paper with Sulfite Reed Pulp on a Duoformer Paper Machine

  3. 圆网纸机定量水分控制系统

    The Quantitative Moisture Control System of the Paper Mill With Round Net

  4. 陶瓷脱水元件及其在长网纸机上的应用

    Ceramic Drainage Elements and Its Application in Fourdrinier Paper Machine

  5. 圆网纸机网部掉浆的原因和处理方法

    The Reason about Mould Machine Falling Pulp and The Means of Treatment

  6. 圆网纸机顺流式网槽纸幅纤维分布及其数学模型

    Fiber orientation of the paper formed on uniflow VAT and its mathematical model

  7. 长网纸机生产中常见纸病及解决方法

    Paper Defects and Its Preventation on Fourdrinier Machine

  8. 本文简要地分析了单缸圆网纸机生产过程中产生褶子的原因。

    The reasons causing cockles in the paper producing on Yankee machine was analyzed briefly .

  9. 交流变频传动系统及其在夹网纸机上的应用与研究

    The Research and the Application of the AC Frequency-convert Driver System Using on the Nip-web Paper Machine

  10. 应用该软件对长网纸机干燥部的能量利用与通风系统的合理设计和管理进行了模拟。

    It was used to simulate the design and the management of energy and ventilating system of fourdrinier dryer sections .

  11. 斜网成形器是斜网纸机最关键的部分,也是斜网纸机与其它纸机的区别之处,对它的研究在对斜网纸机的研究中占重要地位。

    The inclined wire former is the forming device and key part of inclined wire machine and is also the different part from other paper machines .

  12. 介绍圆网纸机定水分控制系统的设计和实现,重点介绍系统的组成、控制方案和控制算法。

    The design and implementation of the quantitative moisture control system of the paper mill with round net are described . The system composition , control strategy and control algorithm are emphasized .

  13. 昆山钞票纸厂为了适应产品生产的多元化和生产出更多高质量的产品,对圆网纸机的网槽和网笼部提出加设“假网槽”的设想。

    " Artificial Master Vat " is put forward between master vat and cylinder mould in cylinder mould paper machine of KSBPM in order to be adapt to varied production and produce more qualified paper .

  14. 通过对长网纸机摇振装置支撑板簧在受振部件的重力及摇振力的作用下的受力分析,寻找出板簧量大应力分布的位置,从而找到了板簧最易破坏的危险区。

    By studying and analyzing the weight and force applied to the support plate spring of fourdrinier shake , the position where the largest stress was distributed was found , thereby , the most easily damaged zone was discovered .

  15. 结果表明,本成形器具有较好的布浆成形性能,纸张横幅定量偏差小,纵横向抗张强度比,接近长网纸机同类纸料的产品。

    The results show that the former has better formability in diffusion , smaller deviation of profile basis weight , and the sheet 's MD / CD ratio of tensile strength is similar to that of the same type producted by fourdrinier paper machines .

  16. 本文所述系统采用主要元件进口、国内进行组装调试的形式,在技术上完全可以满足夹网纸机对传动系统的要求,并具有非常广阔的市场前景。

    As the project mentioned in this paper saved much investment by only importing the main organ and assembled it in local factory , And it can fulfilled the paper mill 's requirement , there should be a very big market for this AC Driver System .

  17. 本文简介用于1760/150短长网纸机上的国产双压区软辊压光机的结构特点,硬压光改为双区软压光时为加快基础施工速度采取的措施,以及安装调试所遇疑难问题的对策。

    This article describes the mechanism of the domestic double nip soft calender which applies to 1760 / 150 short wire paper machine , and the measures what we have taken to short the period of mounting , and solving the problems we have met during the mounting and commissioning .