
  • 网络Parliament adjourns;prorogation
  1. 一些议员担心战争决议会在11月议会休会期间被通过。

    Some in Congress are concerned the war option could be adopted in November when Congress is in recess

  2. 这样,早上六点,胜利的国民议会休会了。

    And so , at six in the morning , a victorious Convention adjourns .

  3. 当他在国会开会的时候,凡议会休会之日,我们就出华盛顿郊游,不到太阳落山我们是不回家的。

    When he was in Congress , sundown would not find us in Washington the day Congress adjourned .

  4. 这就意味着在英国议会进行夏季休会之前,留给布朗只有不到一个月的时间组阁。

    This means that Mr Brown will have no more than a month to establish himself before politics slumps into its summer torpor . Spring and summer will arrive in due time . the legislature 's summer recess ;

  5. 议会只有在夜间休会时才熄灯。

    The light only goes off at night when the house rises .

  6. 在这项协议的文本向伊拉克议会进行宣读后,议会的特别会议休会。

    The text of the agreement was read to Iraqi legislators , before the special session of parliament was adjourned .