
jié chū rén wù
  • outstanding figure;elite;Hall of fame
  1. 762.边上的杰出人物简直是文盲。

    762 . The lateral elite is literally illiterate .

  2. 我们时常误以为,社会已经越来越复杂,已经不可能凭借自治方式加以管理,而一个由杰出人物组成的政府要比民享、民治、民有的政府高明。

    From time to time , we have been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule , that government by an elite group is superior to government for , by , and of the people .

  3. 那位作曲家是许多造访过这个城市的杰出人物之一。

    The composer was one of many illustrious visitors to the town .

  4. 随着年龄的长大,我们不断地被遇到的杰出人物所激励,从政界人士,到哈维尔(VaclavHavel)这样的伟大思想家。

    As older girls , we were constantly inspired by the amazing people we met , politicians and great philosophers like Vaclav Havel .

  5. 诚信是一个作为杰出人物必备的条件;

    Trustworthiness is a be the essential condition of outstanding person ;

  6. 他是英国艺术界的杰出人物。

    He is a towering figure in the British Art would .

  7. 巴瑟斯特女士同时也向读者介绍了一些杰出人物。

    Ms Bathurst also introduces the reader to some remarkable characters .

  8. 她应该是危机管理方面的杰出人物。

    She 's supposed to be a guru on crisis management .

  9. 两年后,他成了风靡全国的杰出人物。

    In two years , he was a national phenomenon .

  10. 好书是杰出人物宝贵的生命线。

    A good book is the precious lifeblood offff a master spirit .

  11. 周三,共有14位杰出人物获得了荣誉奖章,阿里是其中之一。

    Ali was one of14 luminaries to receive the award on Wednesday .

  12. 他是我国近代史上的杰出人物。

    He was a prominent figure in modern times of Chinese history .

  13. 他招集了大量杰出人物。

    He was host to a large gathering of luminaries .

  14. 这对推动文化事业的发展,无疑有积极的作用。江春之前,两淮间的杰出人物是马曰琯。

    It acted active function to drive the development of cultural cause .

  15. 她是位杰出人物,认识她我感到很荣幸。

    Eg. she is a remarkable person I am proud to know her .

  16. 他是行政和外交事务方面的一个杰出人物。

    He was a master of administration and diplomacy .

  17. 诺贝尔奖颁发给科学家,作家和其他领域杰出人物。

    Nobel Prizes go to scientists , writers , and others who excel .

  18. 爱因斯坦和丘吉尔是20世纪杰出人物。

    Einstein and Churchill were among the outstanding figures of the 20th century .

  19. 2006中国家居设计业十大杰出人物评选全面启动&打造中国金牌家居设计师

    China Initiates 2006 Top 10 Home Designers Evaluation

  20. 张岱正是产生在这个沧桑巨变的年代里的一位杰出人物。

    Zhang Dai is produced profound changes in the age of an outstanding figure .

  21. 你认识医学界的杰出人物吗?

    Do you know any heroes of medicine ?

  22. 在以后的30年中,布赖斯一直是加拿大经济政策方面的杰出人物。

    For the next thirty years Bryce was the pre-eminent figure in Canadian economic policy .

  23. 在我之前,已有几位杰出人物担任过这一崇高的职务

    In the Administrations of the illustrious men who have preceded me in this high station

  24. 全球政治及南非的杰出人物纳尔逊·曼德拉与世长辞。

    Nelson Mandela towering figure in South Africa and in global politics , has died .

  25. 在我之前,已有几位杰出人物担任过这一崇高的职务,

    In the Administrations of the illustrious men who have preceded me in this high station ,

  26. 这座雕像竖立于1912年,是一位杰出人物深孚众望的见证。

    The statue was put up in1912 , witness to the popularity of a remarkable man .

  27. 我也遇到了一些被自己国家流放出来的杰出人物。

    She was exiled from her country because of her part in the plot against the government .

  28. 魔术师约翰逊是职业篮球赛的杰出人物,从来没有这么好的运动员。

    Magic Johnson was such a stand-out in professional basketball-one of the best players who ever lived .

  29. 他是一个杰出人物。

    He is the tops .

  30. 饶宗颐是20世纪中国学术史上的杰出人物之一。

    Rao Zongyi is one of the distinguished figures in the academic circle in the20th century China .