
  • 网络jepson;Jeppesen;Jepsen;George Jepsen;Carly Rae Jepsen
  1. 在实验室测试中,研究人员为参与者播放了泰勒·斯威夫特的《摆脱》、卡莉·雷·杰普森的《打电话给我》和Journey乐队的《不要放弃信念》,并使用多导睡眠图来评测他们接下来的睡眠质量。

    For the lab test , individuals were played instrumental or standard versions of Shake It Off by Taylor Swift , Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen , and Don 't Stop Believin ' by Journey . Polysomnography tests were used to measure subsequent sleep quality .

  2. 航站楼布局:一条地下火车从杰普森主航站楼(JeppesenTerminal,它的多尖顶屋顶很显眼)出发,穿过三个航站楼:A厅、B厅和C厅,在相互之间通行很方便。

    Layout : From the main Jeppesen Terminal , noted for its multipeaked roof , an underground train bisects three terminals , A , B and C Gates , making it easy to travel among them .

  3. 但杰普森坚称,未来一段时间,电脑还将扮演重要角色。

    But computers will have a big role to play for some time , insists MS Jepsen .