
  • 网络jackie;jacky;Jackey
  1. 杰基很注意,没有过分渲染乡村生活。

    Jackie was careful not to sentimentalize country life .

  2. 由杰基∙卡雷拉演奏低音吉他。

    Jackie Carrera on bass .

  3. 啊,对了,你要是看到杰基,告诉她我今晚给她打电话。

    Oh by the way , if you see Jackie , tell her I 'll call her this evening .

  4. 我转过身厌恶地看着杰基,鼻翼呼呼地翕动着。

    I turned to Jacky , my nostrils flaring in disgust

  5. 杰基已经在夜校学习了3年的弗拉门戈舞。

    Jackie has been learning flamenco dancing at an evening class for three years .

  6. 看杰基打球很刺激。

    Jackie was an exciting player to watch .

  7. 博闻广识的老流浪汉让杰基表演着马戏团的绝技,我和我兄弟们都看呆了。

    My brothers and I stared in awe as the knowledgeable old OBO put Jacky through his circus tricks .

  8. 鲍伊没有从《杰基星尘和火星蜘蛛的盛衰》(TheRiseandFallofZiggyStardustandtheSpidersfromMars)等作品中直接获得收入,而是利用债券提前筹到更多资金。

    Rather than receiving income from works such as The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars , the bonds allowed Bowie to borrow more money up front .

  9. 发放优厚补贴的热潮吸引了大批司机,比如在一家国际电信公司担任系统分析员的杰基(Jacky)。他最近开始成为优步的兼职司机,在上海开着自己的福特嘉年华(FordFiesta)赚外快。

    The spending spree has attracted droves of drivers like Jacky , a systems analyst at an international telecommunications company , who recently began moonlighting for Uber with his Ford Fiesta in Shanghai .

  10. 为了孩子的幸福,杰基邀伊莎贝尔进行了一次长谈。人最终会入土,他所有的思想也将随之而消亡(A.J.贝尔福)

    For the well being of her children , Jackie has a conversation with Isabel . Man will go down into the pit , and all his thoughts will perish ( A.J. Balfour )

  11. 杰基!你在说什么?

    My bag ? Jackie ! What are you talking about ?

  12. 妈妈强调,杰基一定要在十点钟之前回家。

    Mother stressed that Jacky should be home by ten o'clock .

  13. 别说这些,妈妈!杰基叫道。

    ' Don 't say that , Mother ! 'Jackie cried .

  14. 杰基过去常自己做自己所有的衣服。

    Used to : Jackieused to make all her own dresses .

  15. 你知道杰基不喜欢妈妈吗?

    Do you know that Jackie didn 't like Mother ?

  16. 杰基从包里拿了支烟,开始抽。

    Jackie took a cigarette from her bag and began to smoke .

  17. 杰基:你没发现我已经试过了吗?

    Jogi : You don 't think I 've tried ?

  18. 他拍着杰基的头,深情地说道。

    He said fondly as he patted jack 's head .

  19. 杰基:那你要有多大的耐心啊!

    Jackie : You must have had the patience of a saint !

  20. 杰基被“她在撒谎”这一暗示深深地刺伤了。

    Jackie was deeply wounded by the suggestion that she was lying .

  21. 杰基希望她的妈妈今天快快乐乐。

    Jackie wanted her mother to be happy today .

  22. 杰基要我从村里给她妈妈带些药片。

    Jackie wanted me to get her mother 's tablets from the village .

  23. 是艾伯特姨父,杰基说。他总是迟到。

    ' Here 's Uncle Albert , 'Jackie said . 'Always late . '

  24. 杰基把手放在头上。“不!不!”

    Jackie put her hands to her head . 'No ! No ! '

  25. 杰基:我收到的都是套用信函,根本只字未提。

    Jogi : All I got was a form letter with no specifics .

  26. 安妮姨妈好吗?杰基问。

    ' How is Aunt Annie ? 'Jackie asked .

  27. 咱们上楼去告诉艾伯特姨父和杰基。

    Go upstairs and tell Uncle Albert and Jackie .

  28. 杰基走出房子上了警车。

    Jackie left the house in a police car .

  29. 萨利家嫁个了一个名叫杰基的英俊的年轻人。

    Sally married a handsome young man named Jackie .

  30. 杰基:好吧,我会给克利夫兰办公室打电话。

    Jackie : Okay , I 'll call the Cleveland office right now .