
  • 网络Prehistoric Men;PREHISTORIC MAN
  1. 当地民间传说中称,史前人类把野牛从这些悬崖上驱赶下去。

    Local folklore has it that prehistoric men drove cattle over these cliffs .

  2. 这些发现会对史前人类的情况提供更多的资料吗?

    Will these findings furnish more information on prehistoric man ?

  3. 若不是因为最早那群充满好奇的史前人类,我们现在还会住在山洞里呢。

    If it wasn 't for the first curious prehistoric humans , we would still live in caves .

  4. 那么为什么史前人类被频频称作山顶洞人呢?

    Then why are prehistoric people so often referred to as cavemen ?

  5. 人类学中研究史前人类与人类社会的分支。

    The branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures .

  6. 科学家表示,史前人类的饮食习惯要求有更多的磨牙。

    Scientists say the diet of humans probably required more chewing teeth .

  7. 在解剖结构上,史前人类和现代人类极为相似。

    In anatomical structure , prehistoric man has dose affinities with modern humans .

  8. 史前人类的进化是轮回循环的,并和地理环境的演进、气候变迁密切相关。

    Prehistoric human evolution was circulative and related to geophysical evolvement and climatic changes .

  9. 内蒙古多伦史前人类遗存的发现及环境意义

    Discovery of Prehistoric Man Sites and Its Environmental Significance in Duolun , Inner Mongolia

  10. 论史前人类的历史交往

    On the Interaction Activities of Prehistoric Mankind

  11. 采访中他还暗示史前人类与我们今天的做法会如此相似。

    His interview also hints at just how similar prehistoric humans were to us today .

  12. 从考古发掘材料来看,早在4000年前,大理就有史前人类活动的踪迹。

    Unearthed findings show the trails of pre-historic human activities as early as 4000 years ago .

  13. 从史前人类开始用彩色泥土装饰自己的身体以来,服装始终是一个引人瞩目的生活必需品。

    Since prehistoric human decorated their bodies with colorful earth , clothing has been a significant necessity of life .

  14. 此具龙山文化晚期的“小巨人”遗骸的,为中国史前人类的“体质人类学”了宝贵的材料。

    This discovery provides rich and precious materials for morphologic study of prehistoric human beings , according to scientists .

  15. 此外,这也是迄今为止科学家们发现的保存最完整、身形最长的史前人类遗骸。

    In addition , these bones are the most complete and tallest remains of a prehistoric human found so far .

  16. 答:所谓的玛雅预言只是来自史前人类的一个文化主题的粗略推断。

    A : The so-called Mayan predictions are simply a rough extrapolation of a cultural theme from this prehispanic people .

  17. 围绕着高塔的基座形成了人类足以进入的洞穴群,当时被从非洲迁徙到东方的史前人类所占据。

    The network of foot caves formed around the bases of the towers were occupied by prehistoric humans who migrated east from Africa .

  18. 本文从史前人类对自然环境的适应、利用及人类对环境的改造两个方面分析了环境变迁与文明进步之间的辩证、耦合关系。

    This paper analyses the dialectical and coupling relationship between environmental change and the progress of civilization from both positive and negative aspects .

  19. 晚更新世之末到全新世之初是史前人类适应行为发生急剧改变的重要时期,其代表性的变化就是食物生产的起源。

    Food production is recognized as one of the most significant events that marks the transition from the late Pleistocene to early Holocene .

  20. 我们将探索根据分析研究来推断史前人类科技的技术和行为。

    We will explore how much it is possible to infer about the technological behavior of prehistoric peoples on the basis of analytical studies .

  21. 以上的研究为北京平原晚更新世晚期人地环境的重建和进行史前人类历史的研究提供依据。

    These results provide evidences for the reconstruction of the geomorphic environment of Beijing plain during the Late Pleistocene and the study of prehistoric human history .

  22. 最近发布的一项研究报告表明,居住在非洲南部的史前人类发明了远胜过欧洲旧石器时代的高超削石方法,此方法可把石头刮削成锋利的器具。

    Prehistoric people in southern Africa developed a highly skilled way of shaping stones into sharp-edged tools long before Europeans did , suggested a study released recently .

  23. 如果是这样的话,为什么人类学家会只凭着200万年前的化石遗址,就声称古代史前人类也用牙签剔牙?

    If this is so , how can an anthropologist look at a two million year old fossil site and claim that these early pre-humans picked their teeth ?

  24. 对史前人类生活的考古哲学反思&兼论探索中国文明起源问题的解释模式

    A Reflection on Human Life in the Pre - history Period from the Perspective of Archeological Philosophy : An Inquiry About New Models of Interpreting the Origin of Chinese Civilization

  25. 中亚旧石器时代早期文化是指距今300~200万年至30~20万年前的史前人类文化遗址。

    The culture of the early Paleolithic Period in Central Asia was the culture remains of primitive human beings from 2 or 3 million to 200 or 300 thousand years ago .

  26. 历史交往对史前人类的进化和生产工具的改进,对语言的发展和心智的形成以及地域文化和国家的起源都有至关重要的作用。

    Historical interaction plays an important role in human evolution , the development of tools of production , the formation of language and consciousness and the origin of culture and nation .

  27. 曾经的山顶洞人从畅销小说“洞熊家族”到1981年的电影“山顶洞人”,流行文化倾向于将史前人类曲解为住山洞的野兽。

    Sometime Cavemen From the bestselling novel " Clan of the Cave Bear " to the 1981 movie " Caveman , " pop-culture tends to misrepresent prehistoric people as cave dwelling brutes .

  28. 《自然》杂志上文章的作者之一,派克接受国家地理频道采访时,围绕着世界各地的史前人类开始创作洞穴艺术,思索他们为何会这样做。

    In an interview with National Geographic , Alistair Pike , one of the archaeologists who authored the Nature article , speculated on why prehistoric humans around the world started creating cave art .

  29. 内蒙古多伦地区位于我国北方农牧交错带的东南部,10处史前人类遗存点的发现填补了该地区史前人类研究的空白。

    The discovery of 10 prehistoric man sites was the beginning research on the prehistoric man and their activities in the Duolun area that is in southeastern farming animal husbandry zigzag zone of North China .

  30. 周口店北京人遗址是世界上同时期古人类遗址中内涵最丰富、材料最齐全和最有科研价值的一个,是唯一贯纵70万年的史前人类活动遗迹的遗址。

    Beijing ape-man site in Zhoukoudian is a site with most abundant connotation , complete data and most important value in the world , which is also a site with 700 000 years pre-history human activity .