
  • 网络gerard
  1. 杰勒德还承担了更多的家庭责任。

    Gerard also took on wider familial respon-sibilities .

  2. 杰勒德•伯克(GerardBurke)是克兰菲尔德管理学院(CranfieldSchoolofManagement)面向企业主/经理的企业增长和发展课程负责人,但他称自己在社交场合中完全没用。

    Gerard Burke heads Cranfield School of Management 's Business Growth and Development Programme for owner-managers , yet describes himself as absolutely useless in social situations .

  3. 杰勒德•麦科伊(GerardMcCoy)的通勤之旅开始于他那5英亩大小的农场。从这里开车出发,经过很短的一段路程,来到新西兰克赖斯特彻奇市的机场。

    Gerard McCoy 's commute starts with a short drive from his five-acre farm to the airport in Christchurch , New Zealand .

  4. 美国纪录片制作人皮特•杰勒德坚持认为是某个纽约DJ首次将说唱定义为广义的嘻哈文化,而这种神秘的说法也被当作事实广为接受。

    US documentarian Peter Gerard insists a New York DJ was the first to describe rap as a broader part of a hip-hop culture , a myth that 's become widely accepted as fact .

  5. 杰勒德:但人们会在哪里看到它呢?

    Gerard : But where are they going to see it ?

  6. 玛格丽特和杰勒德彼此畏怯地望了一眼。

    Margaret and Gerard cast a scared look at one another .

  7. 杰勒德不再头晕,但非常烦躁。

    Gerard was no longer lightheaded , but very irritable .

  8. 杰勒德面孔晒得黝黑黝黑,从头到脚风尘仆仆。

    Gerald bronzed in the face and travel-stained from head to foot .

  9. 杰勒德气得脸红脖子粗。粗略的草图、方法、估计

    Gerard turned red with anger . a crude sketch , method , approximation

  10. 杰勒德,那家机构派来的人,来换下莱尼。

    Gerard , the replacement sent by the agency , arrived to relieve Lenny .

  11. 杰勒德:别拐弯抹角了。

    Gerard : Stop beating around the bush .

  12. 杰勒德气得脸红脖子粗。

    Gerard turned red with anger .

  13. 杰勒德:那么明星们会穿着贴有咱们标志的短袖或者其它什么东西吗?

    Gerard : So will the star be wearing our logo on his shirt or something ?

  14. 20多前以前,杰勒德开始寻求比较古代玛雅历法。

    Over 20 years ago , Gerardo Barrios began a quest to compare the ancient Maya calendars .

  15. 他的确干劲十足,但态度常常是烦燥的。杰勒德不再头晕,但非常烦燥。

    He was certainly driving and often impatient . Gerard was no longer lightheaded , but very irritable .

  16. 杰勒德:只有在他慢动作奔跑时才能看见,但他是不会慢动作奔跑的,对吗?

    Gerard : Only if he 's running in slow motion , but he won 't be , right ?

  17. 入狱后,杰勒德频繁接受审讯,接受了多次酷刑,但他从未低头。尽管如此,他最终还是被判处了死刑。

    He endured frequent interrogations , and despite never breaking even under torture , he was eventually sentenced to death .

  18. 克利夫、杰勒德及我早上为汤姆出门作准备&我们决定野餐比较合适。

    Cliff and Gerard and I spent the morning getting Tom ready to go out & we decided a picnic would be nice .

  19. 现年24岁的《暮光之城》影星罗伯特•帕丁森获选“英国最佳着装男士”,苏格兰演员杰勒德•巴勒特位居第二。

    Twilight star Robert Pattinson , 24 , was named Britain 's best-dressed man , with Scottish actor Gerard Butler in second place .

  20. 杰勒德声称在片子拍了三个星期之后,导演能教给演员的东西不多了。

    Gerard claims that after three weeks of filming there is not a great deal more that a director can tach the actors .

  21. 在车里我感到冷&克利夫将后窗敞开,来避免因坐在杰勒德旁边导致的窒息。

    I was cold in the car & Cliff had the back windows wide open to avoid suffocation from sitting next to Gerard .

  22. 在伊丽莎白统治时代的英国,天主教庭受到严重的迫害,而杰勒德在此时却仍坚持传教,由此触怒了新教力量而被投入监狱。

    Gerard was put in the Tower for carrying out his religious missions during a time when the Catholic Church was under persecution in Elizabethan England .

  23. 查看后,我发现杰勒德将洗碗机的旋钮转到右边“干燥”档,而不是左边的“开”档。

    After a search , I discovered that Gerard had turned the dishwasher knob to the right (" DRY ") instead of to the left (" ON ") .

  24. 这个遗址目前被称作“学院遗址”,是因为在土地被征用之前,上面是杰勒德学院和福来学院的地面建筑。

    This site is now referred to as " College Site " because prior to the expropriation of land , the Gerard Institute and Frair College stood on its grounds .

  25. 在这个转变的危急时期,地球母亲正在清洁人类的破坏,杰勒德和默西迪丝现在承担义务去教导这种历法。

    Gerardo and Mercedes share the commitment to teach this calendar now , during this critical time of change when mother earth is cleansing from the damage humanity has caused .

  26. 审判公布后,杰勒德立即开始制定周密的越狱计划。他想方设法用橙汁制成的无色墨水与外部的同伙秘密通信。

    Gerard immediately began planning an escape , and was able to communicate with allies on the outside via smuggled notes written in an invisible ink made from orange juice .

  27. 但是,他并不准备按照正常的流程公布,反而将一些新元素给了位于伦敦杰勒德街的一家商店。

    However , he wasn 't quite ready to present it formally , so he took a handful of his new element to a store on London 's Gerrard Street in Soho .

  28. 在经过了一次失败的越狱之后,杰勒德终于成功越狱。这一次,他的同伙驾着小船偷偷来到监狱之下的护城河,并设法给他弄来了一条绳子让他爬下来。

    After one failed attempt , Gerard was able to make his escape when some accomplices rowed a boat into the Tower 's moat and managed to get a rope up to him .

  29. 由于杰勒德的双手经过一次次酷刑后已经严重受伤,以致绳子都抓不紧,害得他在向下爬的过程中差点摔下去丧命。但最终,他还是沿着绳子爬到了船上,偷渡离开了英国,最终在罗马安然度过余生。

    Gerard almost fell to his death because his hands were so injured from torture , but he managed to climb down to the boat and was smuggled out of England to live out the rest of his life in Rome .