
  • 网络Jackson County;Jackson County, North Carolina;Jackson County, Alabama;Jackson County, Mississippi
  1. 1916年和1917年,我们驱车到密歇根南部的杰克逊县(JacksonCounty)度假一两个星期,下塌于沃尔夫湖(WolfLake)边上一个叫麦克岛(MackIsland)的旅馆。

    In1916 and again in1917 we drove to Jackson County in southern Michigan for a vacation of a week or two at a hotel called Mack Island , at Wolf Lake .

  2. 乔治亚州一名囚犯在杰克逊县法院的枪击事件中死亡。

    An inmate has died in Georgia after a shootout in the Jackson County Courthouse .

  3. 他曾在民主党中活跃一时,1922年,杜鲁门当选为密苏里州杰克逊县的法院法官(这是一个行政职位)。

    Active in the Democratic Party , Truman was elected a judge of the Jackson County Court ( an administrative position ) in 1922 .