
  • 网络Healing Brush Tool;repair tool
  1. 基于RE的钻头修复工具设计

    The Design of Aiguille Repair Tool Based on RE

  2. 尽管文件系统日益健壮,先进的技术(如日志、快照)不断成熟并应用于文件系统,但是文件系统检测修复工具的地位是不可取代的。

    Although the file system is becoming more and more robust , and the advanced technologies ( such as logs , snapshots ) more mature is applied to the file system , yet the file system check and repair tool is irreplaceable .

  3. 嵌入式FAT文件系统修复工具的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of embedded FAT repairing tool

  4. 期待通过本课题的研究能给TCC主控播放器用户的固件升级带来方便,也期待能为其他固件修复工具的研究带来一定的启发和指导意义。

    Through the study of this subject TCC master player , looking forward to giving users the convenience of firmware upgrades , and bringing some inspiration and guidance for studies of other firmware restoration tool .

  5. 这是一个正式的病毒和蠕虫修复工具。

    This is an official virus and bug fix .

  6. 用手工电弧堆焊制造及修复工具

    Manufacturing & Repairing Tools by Manual Arc Resurfacing Welding

  7. 主持人:它们携带着专门为你准备的修复工具。

    Host : it 's carring with only a little repair shop and tools , specificly made for you .

  8. 临时修复工具能够确定您的环境缺少哪些修复程序,并提供一个机制来检索它们。

    The interim fix tool determines which fixes are missing from your environment and provide a mechanism for retrieving the fixes .

  9. 作为一名足球运动员,如果你容易受伤就意味着你职业生涯的结束,所以拥有你的干细胞,如果你愿意,它就像一只随时发生作用的修复工具。

    As a footballer , if you 're prone to injury it can mean the end of your career , so having your stem cells-a repair kit if you like-on hand makes sense .

  10. 鉴于此,恢复人类理性的整体性,尤其是用交往理性来修复工具理性的弊端,是实现人类自由全面发展的关键。

    Therefore , it is key to fulfill human beings ' holistic development that man reconstructs the holist of Man 's Reason , especially remedies the consequences which Instrumental Rationality brings about with Communication Rationality .

  11. UltimateBootCD是最实用的系统问题诊断(以及修复)工具,它也基于Linux。

    The most useful software tool for diagnosing ( and often fixing ) system problems is the Ultimate Boot CD , which is happily also based on Linux .

  12. 在一次新闻发布会上,Gerstenmaier指出,奋进号航天飞机机组成员在航天飞机上有修复的工具。

    At a news conference , Gerstenmaier noted that the Endeavour crew has shuttle repair kits on board .

  13. 修复高速工具钢,如切削冲孔和刨工具,高温冲压工具和模具,剪切刀板轧钢和切削工具下模的切削刃口。

    Repair , such as high-speed tool steel cutting planer tools , high temperature and punching moulds , stamping tools and cutting knife plate rolling and cutting tools under the mold cutting edge .

  14. 拓朴异构酶(Topoisomerace,TOPO)是参与DNA调整、转录、复制、修复的重要工具酶。

    Topoisomerace ( TOPO ) is the important tool enzyme with the attendance of regulation , transcription , replication and repair of DNA .

  15. 该策略中,对不一致点的实际修复工作由工具来完成,开发人员只需选择修复的方案,从而减少了开发人员的工作量,并且避免了完全自动修复的盲目性。

    In this way , the developers can reduce their load largely and also avoid the sightless of absolutely auto repair .

  16. 本文在对中国古旧家具损坏的自然因素、修复使用的工具、修复工艺流程进行了全面的探讨和研究。

    This article made a comprehensive study of the reason for the damage of antique furniture , the tools and procedure of restoration .

  17. 有了您在本文中学到的内容,您就拥有了书写任意特定域规则及其相关修复功能的工具了。

    With what you have learned in this article , you have the tools and the necessary starting points to write any domain-specific rule and its associated quick fix .

  18. 您与您的团队成员整理设计并修复Rick的搜索工具,但紧接着在那之后,Rick变更了他的需求。

    You work with members of your team to clean up the design and fix Rick 's search tool , but immediately thereafter Rick changes his requirements .

  19. 可摘除局部义齿支架是人体口腔修复的重要辅助工具,其形状多为复杂的三维曲面,一般用铸造工艺进行单件生产。

    The removable partial denture framework is very complex in shape with many curved surfaces , which is a very important assistant tool in prosthodontics .

  20. 针对油隔离泥浆泵单向阀拆卸难的情况,设计了简单有效的修复单向阀的工具。

    Being directed against difficult disassemble of unilateral valve from oil isolated mud pump , a simple and effective tool for repairing of unilateral valve is designed .

  21. 汽轮机现场修复移动数控铣床是汽轮机等大型结构件理想修复工具,其加工范围广、效率高、精度易保证。

    The steam turbine field repair mobile CNC milling machine is the ideal repairing tool for steam turbine and other large structures : a wide range of processing , efficiency , easy to ensure accuracy .