
xiū dìnɡ bǎn
  • revision;revised edition;expurgated edition;recension
  1. 02修订版SAE眼椭圆的分析与应用

    Analysis and Application of SAE Revision 02 Eye-Ellipses

  2. RationalSoftwareArchitect集成了强大的UML软件建模框架,并且完全支持UML2.0(UML标准的第一个重要的修订版)建模。

    Rational Software Architect integrates a powerful UML software modeling framework , and it fully supports modeling using UML2.0 , the first major revision of the UML standard .

  3. 修订版收入许多新词语。

    Many new words and phrases have been included in the revised edition .

  4. 修订版体例仍旧(=一仍旧例)。

    The style will still be the same for the revised edition .

  5. zip包含代码的修订版,其中包括SPE负载转移。

    Contains a revised version of the code that includes SPE offload .

  6. 方法:利用ERP、韦氏儿童智力量表中国修订版(WIS-CR)对32例癫癎儿童进行P300测定和心理评估,以28例性别、年龄相匹配的正常儿童作对照。

    Methods : P300 was measured in 32 epileptic children and 28 normal children respectively .

  7. 他的著作《塔利班》(taliban)的修订版于去年夏季出版

    A revised edition of his Taliban was published last summer

  8. 苹果(Apple)有望在今春发布一套修订版iPhone和iPad绘文字。

    Apple is expected to release a revised set of emojis for the iPhone and iPad in the spring .

  9. 未来的修订版中很可能整合来自新CSS模块的特性,如CSS域。

    It 's likely that features from new CSS modules , like CSS Regions , will be incorporated in future revisions .

  10. 我曾经使用过GNUCompilerCollection(GCC)的修订版,内含了一个对许可管理器的调用。

    I have worked with a modified version of GNU Compiler Collection ( GCC ) that included a call out to a license manager .

  11. 新的硬件(路由器、服务器及存储设备)及服务器软件(应用服务器、数据库及ERP解决方案)修订版的不断出现,频率之快令人惊动。

    New hardware ( routers , servers , and storage ) and revisions to server software ( application servers , databases , and ERP solutions ) appear with alarming frequency .

  12. 试用修订版Braden评分方法预警干预术中压疮的效果评价

    Evaluation of Intraoperative Intervention of Pressing Ulcer with Revised Edition Braden Scoring System

  13. 后续的JDBC修订版已经修改了PreparedStatement接口,使该接口可以提供附加功能,本文将对附加功能进行详细探究。

    The PreparedStatement interface has been modified with subsequent JDBC revisions , providing additional functionality , which this article explores in more detail .

  14. 为研究人格测验的项目反应过程与数据分析方法,该博士论文选取了生活取向测验(LOT)及其修订版(LOT-R)作为例子。

    The Life Orientation Test ( LOT ) and its revision ( LOT-R ) were selected for exploring the item response process and data analysis of personality test .

  15. 我已经将本文和之前关于Scitter的文章中的代码作为第一个修订版提交到GoogleCode上的Scitter项目主页。

    I 've committed the code from this and previous articles about Scitter as a first revision to the Scitter project home page , hosted by Google Code .

  16. 进一步研究表明,DOE和项目业主方面引述行业标准SL16&95修订版对有效电量问题进行证明是错误和无效的。

    Further study shows that DOE and project owners ′ citation of industry standard SL16-95 ( revised edition ) to verify effective power issues was wrong and ineffective .

  17. 目的:对自测健康评定量表修订版进行考评。方法:应用SRHMSV10对2000个个体进行测试。

    Objective : To evaluate a self-rated health measurement scale-the revised version 1.0 ( SRHMS V1.0 ) .

  18. 对卢卡斯电影来说,进行各方面的努力是一件好事情,比如说他们已经有了多样化的出版版本,修订版的视频版本和家庭影院及DVD版。

    It 's perhaps a good thing Lucasfilm are going to all this effort , as there have already been multiple special editions , revised versions and box sets on both DVD and VHS .

  19. 方法采用修订版儿童学习障碍筛查量表(PRS)对深圳市城区小学及初中学生进行了测评分析。

    Methods The primary and secondary school students of Shenzhen city were analyzed by Pupil Rating Scale Revised Screening for Learning ( PRS ) .

  20. 用中国修订版MMPI测试了首诊于精神科门诊的神经症病人139例,非精神科转诊的躯体形式障碍病人30例。

    139 neurotic patients and 30 patients with somatoform disorders who were referred to the Department of Psychiatry were tested with MMPI ( Chinese revised version ) .

  21. 事件影响量表-修订版(IES-R)在女性犯人中的信度、效度分析

    The Chinese Version of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised : Reliability and Validity

  22. 方法应用霍兰德职业兴趣问卷修订版和卡特尔16种个性因素测验(16PF)同时对陆海空军639名现役官兵进行测量。

    Methods 639 soldiers were assessed with HLD ( the developed edition ) and Cattell the Sixteen Personality Factor Test ( 16PF ) .

  23. 就汽车电磁兼容(EMC)技术要求,介绍欧盟指令72/245/EEC的最新修订版2004/104/EC的主要内容,指出其主要变化和应注意的问题。

    The main contents of 2004 / 104 / EC , the latest revision of EU instruction 72 / 245 / EEC on the technical requirements of EMC , is introduced here with its changes and points for attention .

  24. 我是在三星制造的新版Chromebook笔记本上测试的修订版ChromeOS操作系统。谷歌公司称这种型号的Chromebook性能达到了原始版本Chromebook的三倍。

    I tested the redesigned Chrome OS on the new Samsung Chromebook , a model which Google claims has up to three times the performance of the original Chromebook .

  25. 目的形成重危患者家属需求量表(CCFNI)的中文修订版。

    Objective To modify Critical Care Family Needs Inventory ( CCFNI ) into a Chinese Version .

  26. 提供当前源代码和补丁,Ksplice就会生成两个内核并对比修订版和原来的版本。

    Given the current source code and the patches , Ksplice generates two kernels , as mentioned above , and compares the revision to its original .

  27. 目的了解自测健康评定量表修订版SRHMSV1.048个条目的反应度。

    Objective To find out responsiveness on the 48 items of the Self-rated health measurement scale the revised version 1.0 ( SRHMS V1.0 ) .

  28. 例如,如果您对修订版Apache进行打包,那么您不希望正常版本的Apache与您的修订版本都处于一个系统上&因此“apache”将被列为冲突。

    For example , if you 're packaging a modified version of Apache , you won 't want the normal version of Apache to be on the system as well as yours & so " apache " would be listed as a conflict .

  29. 采用阿尔茨海默病评定量表-认知部分(ADAS-Cog)、韦氏记忆量表-修订版(WMS-R)和简短心理状况检查(MMSE)评估认知功能。

    The cognitive functions were evaluated with Alzheimer disease assessment scale-Cognitive portion ( ADAS-Cog ), Wechsler memory scale-revised and Mini-Mental Status Examination ( MMSE ) .

  30. 运用修订版的R6作为评定技术路线,确定含缺陷压力管线上每个独立缺陷引起的失效概率,进而计算出整个管系的失效概率。

    Based on revised R6 , the failure risk caused by each individual defects was got in pipeline containing defects , thus the failure risk of the whole pipeline system was gained .