
  • 网络organizational power;organize power;power in organizations;organise power
  1. 多Agent的群体组织权力划分与协调机制研究

    Research on Divide for Groups OrganiZations Power and Coordinate Mechanism of Multi-agent

  2. 教育行政组织权力变质的根源及控制

    Cause and Control of Metamorphism Power in Educational Administrative Organizations

  3. 行业组织权力问题研究

    Research on the Problem of Power in Professional Organizations

  4. 信息技术对组织权力分配影响:在集权化基础上的分权

    Impact of Information Technology on Power Distribution within Organization : Decentralization Based on Centralization

  5. 而当人们认为组织权力结构变化无常且充满危险时,他们更倾向于成为宿命论者。

    But when people view power structures as capricious and dangerous , they tend to be fatalist .

  6. 资源特性、组织权力在自发运作的市场中导致阶层分化的马太效应具有必然性,公共权力则具有选择性。

    The resources property and organizational power should be inevitable , while the public power should be optional .

  7. 行业组织权力是公权力范畴中社会公权力的一种表达形式,其权力来源于成员之间的契约约定。

    As the product of power multiplying and country socializing , public social power originates from the society .

  8. 组织权力结构的改变将服务的所有权和控制权放到业务领域中,会改变组织中的权力结构。

    Change in organizational power structure Placing the ownership and control of services into the domain of business changes the power structure in organizations .

  9. 本文以国内城管组织权力享有现状为前提,在对城管行政强制措施立法现状予以分析的基础之上,提出了规制城管行政强制措施的程序设计构想。

    Based on the status quo of domestic urban management organizational power as well as the analysis of legislation status of urban management administrative compulsory measures , this paper will put forward the idea of regulating the procedure of administrative compulsory measures .

  10. 同时,民间组织权力也在社会领域内形成了对国家权力的分享与制衡,并且在此过程中促成了法治精神、公民意识的形成。

    At the same time , the power of social organizations have formed sharing and checks and balances in the field of social , and it also was contribution to the formation of the spirit of the rule of law and civic awareness in the process .

  11. 本文分三大部分分解组织与权力的关系。

    The article analyses the relation between organization and power .

  12. IT投资治理的组织与权力模式研究

    The organization structure and power modes of IT investment governance

  13. 同时,决议也谴责了叙利亚政府和反对派武装组织滥用权力的行为。

    the resolution also condemned rights abuses by both Syrian government and opposition armed groups .

  14. 基于组织内部权力视角的技术创新推进能力及其构建

    The Boost of Technological Innovation Capability and Its Construction From the Perspective of Organizational Interior Power

  15. 开放组织的权力与合法性&对资源依赖与新制度主义组织理论的比较

    The Power and Legitimacy of Open Organization & Compare with Organization Theory of Resource Dependence and New Institutionalism

  16. 组织是权力的前提,同时也构成了权力关系得以展开的空间和场所。

    Organization is the premise of power , but also constitutes a space to place and start power relationships .

  17. 事实上,性格冲突可能会导致组织内权力无法发挥,造成领导与员工的公开对抗。

    In fact , the personality conflicts can lead to a power struggle within an organization , openly pitting leaders against employees .

  18. 任何组织的权力真空都可能导致激烈的争斗,使恐怖的阴云遍布西西里西部地区。

    Any power vacuum in the organisation could lead to a ferocious fight that spreads a pall of terror over western Sicily .

  19. 论工会组织监督权力的法律依据和现实需要

    On the conditions prescribed by law and actual demand that the organization of trade union is possessed of the authority to supervise

  20. 国际货币基金组织的权力分配格局,便于发达国家利用各种贷款条件的实施,影响发展中国家的经济政策乃至政治事务。

    The power allocation architecture of IMF makes it easy for the superpower to intervene in the loan negotiations and influence the outcomes .

  21. 财富比工作更有价值,自私超越奉献,贪婪超越责任,组织的权力不是加强而是削弱。

    Wealth was valued over work , selfishness over sacrifice , greed over responsibility , the right to organize undermined rather than strengthened .

  22. 同时,第三部门的组织性权力不受制约,也会压制个人自由,形成社会专制等问题。

    At the same time , the third sector organizations ' unchecked power will suppress individual freedoms , arise society autocracy and other issues .

  23. 据公民组织消费者权力称,在农村地区,7/10的儿童的早餐中包含碳酸饮料。

    In rural areas seven out of ten children have a fizzy drink with their breakfast , according to consumer power , a civil organisation .

  24. 与此同时组织的权力运作方式也越来越不稳定,越趋向于改变它的运作原则以换取更平稳的运转。

    At the same time the operation of organization is more and more unstable , more tend to change its principles in exchange for more stable .

  25. 在现代公司中,经理权是公司组织机构权力链条中的重要一环,因而公司经理制度在公司法中具有十分重要的地位。

    Managers authority is an important link in the authority chain of modern companys organizational structure , so manager system of corporation weighs much in the Corporation Law .

  26. 需要注意的是,随着承担职能的增加,行业组织的权力也得到极大的扩展,而与此形成鲜明对比的是,当前我国对行业组织权力的规制机制还未系统的建立。

    To note that , the power of the professional associations has expanded with the increase of the functions , but the supervision system was not founded in sharp contract .

  27. 注意我们没有包含项目优先化,这是一个可能由一些行业或更高的跨组织的权力机构所掌握的决策实例。

    Note that we do not include project prioritization ; this is an example of a decision that may be held by a line of business or higher cross-organizational authority .

  28. 那么,什么是产品内分工和产品内贸易,在该领域的研究现状如何,怎样分析产品内分工的组织或权力结构?

    What is intra-product specialization and trade ? What is the current state of research on this topic ? How to analyze the organization or power structure of intra-product specialization ?

  29. 行政权力与学术权力并存是高校组织系统权力结构的特有现象,而行政权力与学术权力有着本质的区别。

    The coexistence of administrative power and academic power is a peculiar phenomenon in the power structure of university organization , for there is an essential distinction between the two powers .

  30. 第四章权力的在场之析,详细描述中国当代大学组织的权力表现现状。

    Chapter four is Analysis of Power in the Field , in which the detailed description about the present state of the performance of power of university organization in modern China was made .