
  • 网络assembly line;Mixed-model assembly lines
  1. 亨利.福特并没有发明汽车,但是他的汽车组装线革新了汽车制造业,也让一般人买得起汽车。

    Henry Ford did not invent the automobile , but his assembly line revolutionized manufacturing and made cars affordable for the average worker .

  2. 然后在GU公司组装线应用单元生产方式并进行效益对比分析。最后,基于层次分析法(AHP)建立生产方式评价模型。

    Then the application of cellular manufacturing system for an production assembly line and benefits are analyzed . Finally , it establishes the mode of production evaluation model that is based on the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) method .

  3. 根据生产现状识别的瓶颈问题及价值流理想状态图,本文将以组装线单元化(cell)的改善、快速换模、看板管理系统的建立与实施为主要内容进行详细改善分析。

    According to the bottleneck problems identified from production status and ideal state value stream map , this article using assembly cell line improvement , single minute exchange of die , establishment and implementation of kanban management system for the improvement analysis as the main content .

  4. 空中客车正着手在天津建立第二条外资飞机组装线,组装A320型喷气式飞机。但这家工厂只是负责将欧洲完成的大型组件拼装在一起。

    Airbus is working with China to build a secondary assembly line for its A320 jet in Tianjin , but that factory will put together large assemblies from existing Airbus plants in Europe .

  5. 商用车组装线平衡及案例研究

    A Case Study of Assembly Line Balancing in a Commercial Vehicle Company

  6. 混合车型组装线的投入顺序问题

    Sequencing Problems for Mixed Model Assembly Lines in Automotive Industry

  7. 该公司有两个组装线,260台设备。

    The company has two assemble lines , 260 sets of equipment .

  8. 该工厂将有两条平行的组装线。

    The place will have two parallel assembly lines .

  9. A系列发动机组装线设计

    The Design of A Series Engine Assembly Line

  10. 听起来像一条组装线。

    It sounds almost like an assembly line .

  11. 协助应征并训练组装线操作工,对结果负责。

    Help to recruit and train the assembly operators , and responsible for the results .

  12. 动态同步混流组装线和库存策略

    Dynamic Synchronized MMAL and Inventory Policy

  13. 如图所示那样组装线架装置,再安装到机台的孔上。

    Assemble the thread stand unit , and insert it in the hole in the machine table .

  14. 通过改进现有的组装线布局,应用同样原理进行优化,生产率再次提高18%,成本再次降低15%。

    Should the line layout be improved , the cost could be reduced again by 15 % .

  15. 广泛用于精密电子产品,电子组装线,医药制造等。

    The product is widely applied to precision electronic products , electronic assembly line , pharmaceutical manufacturing , etc.

  16. 介绍了为机械类本科生实践教学环节而设计的自动化组装线机电综合实验模型的控制系统。

    A control system of the integrative experiment object named Automatic Assembly Line is introduced in this paper .

  17. 新方案的实施使该组装线生产能力提高了38.59%。

    After implemented the new method , the capability of this production line have improved more than 38.59 % .

  18. 自从第一条组装线诞生以来,这一生产方式在制造业得到了广泛应用。

    Since the first assembly line was built , this mode of production has been widely used in the manufacturing .

  19. 不错,相比早年热投电子产品组装线和果园时期,风投行业已发生了改变。

    Yes , things have changed about venture capital since those halcyon days of silicon assembly lines and fruit orchards .

  20. 由于企业在更多工作上实现了自动化,或是将整条组装线搬到中国等地,数千工人失去了工作。

    Thousands of workers lost jobs as companies automated more tasks or moved whole assembly lines to places like China .

  21. 本公司有25台注塑机、模具中心、2条独立的组装线,10条电脑测试线。

    The company has25 injection molding machines , die centre , two separate assembly line , 10 computer test line .

  22. 母亲一开始在农村干活,后来去了汽车组装线,一周工作6天,双班倒。

    My mother worked on farms , then on a car assembly line , working six days , double shifts .

  23. 库存场所本质上应该要与组装线分开,比如用警戒线围起来或者用围墙围起来。

    Inventory locations should be physically separated from the rest of assembly , such as by being cordoned or fenced off .

  24. 随着摩托罗拉的最后一条组装线迁至联想的老家——中国,曾经被高调宣传的位于德克萨斯州的摩托罗拉新工厂也将关闭。

    Its new and highly touted Texas assembly plant is expected to close as final assembly moves to China , Lenovo 's home .

  25. 自1914年福特建立了第一条组装线以来,这一生产形式在制造领域得到了广泛应用。

    Since the first assembly line was established by Ford in 1914 , this kind of production system has been widely applied in most manufacturing areas .

  26. 组装线仍然存在,但越来越不需要有工人在上面操作,而是由坐在玻璃室里的熟练工人操纵,此类工作反而增加了。

    The assembly lines continue but increasingly do not have workers on them ; they are managed from a glass cage by skilled operators whose jobs increase instead .

  27. 带着访客参观完明显属于低科技的组装线后,他返回办公室,打开了办公桌后面的一道门。

    After a tour of the decidedly low-tech assembly lines , the general manager of Shenzhen Xinghuabao electronics returns to his office and opens a door behind his desk .

  28. 微小的初创公司从供应商处购买组件,设立组装线,并雇佣低技能的外来务工人员,双手上下翻飞,把电子香烟的组件粘合、焊接在一起。

    Tiny start-up factories buy components from suppliers , set up assembly lines and hire low-skilled migrant workers to snap , stamp , glue and solder the e-cigarette components together .

  29. 上述管理人士承认,该公司郑州工厂上个月发生组装线员工与质检人员的冲突,一定程度上是由于金属壳划痕和其他质量问题,但他拒绝详细谈论此事。

    He admitted that the conflict between assembly line workers and quality inspectors at its Zhengzhou site last month was partly due to the metal casing and other ' quality issues , ' but he didn 't elaborate .

  30. 本文研究随机作业时间下混流组装线的最优排产问题,考虑两种目标:最小化总期望超载时间和最小化总超载概率。

    This thesis is focused on the sequencing problem of a mixed-model assembly line with stochastic operation times . Two goals of optimization are considered & minimization of total expected overload time and minimization of total overload probability .