
  • 网络component object model;Com;COM Component Object Model;Componet Object Model
  1. 组件对象模型在Agent软件开发中的应用

    Application of COM in Agent - Software Developing

  2. 组件对象模型(COM)在Web开发中的应用

    The Application of COM in Web Development

  3. 组件对象模型COM(ComponentObjectmodel)为构建组件提供了技术支持。

    COM ( Component Object Model ) provides a set of standard to construct component .

  4. 辅助电路使用贴片元件,使整个电路尺寸做到最小。COM即组件对象模型(ComponentObjectmodel)是由微软公司创建,当今应用范围最广的组件模型之一。

    COM ( Component Object Model ) founded by Microsoft is the most widely applied nowadays .

  5. COM(ComponentObjectmodel,组件对象模型)结合了面向对象技术和组件技术两种特性。

    COM ( Component Object Model ) intergrates two characters : Object technique and Component technique .

  6. Microsoft组件对象模型的形式化描述

    Formal Description of Microsoft 's Component Object Model

  7. 为此微软提出了COM(ComponentObjectmodel,组件对象模型)标准。

    The Microsoft presents the COM ( Component Object Model ) standard . The Com is the interface specification of the components .

  8. 组件对象模型(简称COM)是windows对象的二进制标准。

    Component object model ( COM ) is the binary system standard for windows object .

  9. 基于组件对象模型(COM)的组态软件的开发与研究

    The Development and Research of Configuration Software Based on Component Object Model

  10. 分析介绍COM组件对象模型。

    C0M is analyzed and introduced in this part .

  11. 基于组件对象模型(COM)的组件化软件设计方法继承并发展了面向对象程序设计方法。

    The component-based software design method inherits and develops the object-oriented programming method .

  12. COM(组件对象模型)为基于Windows系统的应用提供了新的技术标准。

    COM ( Component Object Model ) is a new technology standard for Windows based system application .

  13. 外部设备的驱动运用Windows的COM(组件对象模型)技术进行了封装,并提供了一个可扩展驱动程序的接口规范。

    Drive of outside equipment were encapsulated using Windows 's COM , several expansible interfaces were also provided .

  14. 组件对象模型(COM)是与平台无关的、分布式的、面向对象的。

    The component object model ( COM ) is a platform-independent distributed and object-oriented one .

  15. 当内容提供商作为客户端时为封装一些接口函数以方便采取统一方式进行访问,网关系统采用了组件对象模型(COM)技术。

    To provide some interface function , adopt COM skill when ICP acts as a client .

  16. 组件对象模型(COM)是微软公司的重要技术之一。

    Component object model ( COM ) technique is one of the basilic techniques of Microsoft Cooperation .

  17. COM(ComponentObjectmodel,组件对象模型)是Microsoft提出的一种基于二进制标准与编程语言无关的软件构架。

    COM ( Component Object Model ) refers to a software framework regardless of the operating system and programming languages , which is produced by Microsoft Co.

  18. 基于组件对象模型的SolidWorks三维参数化建模方法

    Three Dimension Parameterized Modeling in SolidWorks Based on Component Object Model

  19. 组件对象模型COM是Windows环境下的数据通信和软件复用的底层标准和协议。

    COM ( Component Object Model ), is substrate standard and protocol of data traffic and software used on Windows environment .

  20. 利用组件对象模型(COM)的思想,开发了虚拟示波器应用软件,大大提高了软件的可重用性与可移植性。

    By using the idea of COM , the application software of the virtual oscillograph , is fully developed .

  21. 利用分布式组件对象模型构建SCADA系统网络模型

    Network model of SCADA system based on Distributed Component Object Model ( dcom ) Technology

  22. 最后,基于COM(ComponentObjectmodel,组件对象模型)技术,运用MFC开发了一个通用历史曲线ActiveX控件。

    Finally , a general ActiveX control about history curve line based on COM ( Component Object Model ) is designed and realized in MFC .

  23. 并结合数控系统的功能需求,研究了组件对象模型(COM),对采用COM组件技术对数控系统软件开发的方法进行研究。

    According to the requirements of CNC system , I studied the method of developing CNC software using COM specification .

  24. 在程序实现的关键技术中对组件对象模型技术、ASP技术、Web数据库技术以及其它相关技术进行了较为详细的分析和阐述。

    About the programming techniques , the COM technique , the ASP technique , the Web database technique , and some other relevant techniques are discussed in detail .

  25. OPC是一套基于Windows操作平台的工业应用程序之间的组件对象模型接口标准。

    OPC is an interface standard among component object models based on Windows operating system , it supplies high efficient message integration and interaction .

  26. 介绍一种基于组件对象模型COM的Matlab与VB混合编程设计EQ均衡器的方法。

    A method of hybrid programming with VB and Matlab for designing EQ equilizer is introduced , which is based on COM .

  27. 主机控制程序采用了模块化设计,并参照了目前软件设计的先进模型:COM(组件对象模型),这既降低了主机控制程序设计的复杂度,又有利于主机控制程序各模块的调试。

    The modularized structure is adopted in the design , refer to the current advanced model of software design : componet object model .

  28. 本系统的设计是建立在组件对象模型(COM)架构基础上的,使用ActiveX控件技术设计其功能模块。

    This framework is based on Component Object Model ( COM ) and its main components were designed with ActiveX controls .

  29. 引入组件对象模型,阐述了组件的结构及实现,对多传感器数据融合系统体系结构进行了分析,基于COM技术,以一种新的体系结构对铝电解槽健康诊断系统软件平台进行设计与实现。

    This paper introduces the design and realization of the software platform based on COM , after analyzing the structure of multisensor fusion system .

  30. 在介绍COM、自动化技术的基础上,提出了铁路曲线测设自动化组件对象模型,并阐述了其从对象模型到组件模型的实现过程

    Based on COM and Automation technology , this paper gaved the automation component object model of railway curve , and introduced the realizing process