
zhènɡ yì xìnɡ
  • sense of justice
正义性 [zhèng yì xìng]
  • [justice] 符合公平处理或正确行动的原则或理想

  1. 中国的战争是进步的,从这种进步性,就产生了中国战争的正义性。

    China 's war is progressive , hence its just character .

  2. 2忽视程序法的独立价值和程序本身的正义性;

    Ignoring the value and justice significance of procedure law its elf ;

  3. 公共政策的正义性离不开程序正义。

    The rightness of public policy depends on procedural justice .

  4. 他深信自己行为的正义性。

    He is convinced of the rightness of his actions .

  5. 财富分配的三大层次凸显了财富分配的正义性价值。

    The distribution of wealth contains three levels which display the justice .

  6. 美国人的时间观举证时限制度的困境与出路&追问证据失权的正义性

    The Dilemma and outlet of Time Limits on Evidence Delivering

  7. 社会公器:新闻正义性阐析

    Social Public Implement : The Research on News Justice

  8. 似乎没有什么证据能动摇他们对事业正义性的信仰。

    No evidence seems to shake their faith in the rightness of their cause .

  9. 在刑法观上,他不同意关于惩罚的正义性观点。

    His conception of the criminal law turned on the idea of retributive justice .

  10. 发展是具有正义性的。

    Development contains the value of justice .

  11. 正义性是报告文学的生命本源;

    Justice is the nature of reportage ;

  12. 争大义而不争小利,这是为了表示战争的正义性。

    They contend for righteousness and not for profit , thereby showing what is righteousness .

  13. 行政问责过程的正义性,离不开程序正义。

    Procedural justice is indispensable to the rightness of the process of the accountability investigation .

  14. 发展观的演变与对发展的正义性的寻求

    How Does the Theory of Development Evolve , and What Is the Justice of Development

  15. 略论法的价值的正义性

    Justice : the Value of Laws

  16. 本文对按贡献分配原则的涵义进行了解释并对其正义性进行了论证。

    It defines the meaning of the principle of distribution according to contribution and demonstrates its justice .

  17. 论正当防卫制度与正义性

    Legal Defensive System and Justice

  18. 后者是对小说主题的概括,肯定了梁山起义的正义性。

    The latter sums up the novel 's theme , which affirms the righteousness of Liangshan Uprising .

  19. 远东审判的合法性、正义性及对未来的启迪

    The Legality and Justice of the Trials by the Far East International Military Tribunal and Their Prospective Enlightenments

  20. 制度性质的正义性、制定的及时性和贯彻的实效性是制度信用的分解因;

    Institution credit covers the righteousness of character , timeliness of making and the substantial results of performance ;

  21. 专制政治下的证据文化具有政治性、高度集权性和非正义性等特征。

    The evidence culture under autocratic politics is characterized by political property , highly centralized authority , injustice .

  22. 如果你意识到我们事业的正义性,那就让我们彻底击败敌人吧!

    If you are conscious of the rightness of our cause , let us hit the enemy for six .

  23. 防卫权是一种具有正义性的自力救济权利,其对权利的保障具有特殊的功能。

    Right of defense is a justice right of self-remedy , performing special function for safeguarding the other rights .

  24. 康德和黑格尔基于刑罚正义性的要求,坚持要保留死刑;

    Kant and Hegel , based on criminal justice , had insisted on a view of keeping death penalty .

  25. 法律程序的正义性又可以称为公正性,即程序本身所具有的内在品质。

    Justice of the proceedings and can be called " fairness ", that program itself has the intrinsic quality .

  26. 实现法律适用的正义性,必将推进当代中国和谐法治的进程。

    Realizing the justice of the law will promote the harmonious rule of law in the process of contemporary China .

  27. 笔者认为,应当包括明确性原则、均衡性原则和正义性原则。

    In my opinion , it should include a clear principle , the principle of proportionality and the principle of justice .

  28. 然后,举出具体事例说明在不同历史背景和环境下,死刑正义性引发的争议。

    Then , give the examples to explain the death penalty controversy of justice in different historical background and the environment .

  29. 在封锁期间,清政府实施了诸多应对措施,总体上具有正义性和必要性。

    During the period , the Qing government had taken many measures , which was just and necessary on the whole .

  30. 对公共品的分析,应更多地集中在其对不同交易个体产异性目标的协调上,从而关注供给上的正义性。

    Analysis about public goods should pay much more attention to their functions to coordinate individual objectives , and thus to justice .