
  • 网络Alen;ANAM Semiconductor;Narayanan;Yanam;Yassine Bounanane
  1. 她现在来到了加利福利亚南部,希望在这里能够赢得更多头衔。

    She 's now moved to Southern California hoping it will bring her more titles .

  2. 加里福利亚南部的汽车用户下个夏天将有机会租用本田公司的燃料电池汽车。

    Consumers in Southern California will get the chance next summer to lease a fuel-cell car from Honda .

  3. 加利福利亚南部阳光充足、气候宜人,所以那里是拍摄影片的理想场所。

    The constant sunshine and mild climate of southern California made it an ideal site for shooting motion pictures .

  4. 许多知名人士和富翁也在加利福利亚南部定居。

    And so do many of the famous and wealthy people who have made their homes in southern california .

  5. 作为加利福利亚南部非盈利独立生活中心的牵头人,维斯可女生为公共医疗补助的重病患者解决各种难题。

    As the head of the non-profit Independent Living Centre of Southern California ( ILCSC ), Ms Vescovo serves Medicaid patients with severe health problems .

  6. 各大王国包括克什米尔、尼泊尔、越南、日本、韩国、分布在阿姆河附近的超过9个国家和中亚南部的锡尔河都向大唐进贡。

    Some of the major kingdoms paying tribute to the Tang Dynasty included Kashmir , Neparo ( Nepal ) , Vietnam , Japan , Korea , over nine kingdoms located in Amu Darya and Syr Darya valley in south of mid-Asia .

  7. 2013年10月加利福利亚南部海岸发现两条巨型皇带鱼,其中一条雌性皇带鱼长14英尺(4.6厘米),她的卵巢里布满卵子。海洋学家们因此兴奋异常。

    Therefore , marine scientists were excited when , in October 2013 , the bodies of two oarfish - including a 14-foot ( 4.6 meter ) - long female with ovaries full of eggs - were found off the coast of Southern California .