
fánɡ shuǐ chǔ lǐ
  • waterproof treatment;water repellent
  1. 唐津高速公路路面的防水处理

    Waterproof Treatment of Tang-Jin Expressway Pavement

  2. 文中介绍了爆破参数的选取、药量计算、起爆网路的设计、药包防水处理以及布药和注水工艺。此外,还简述了预处理、起爆网路和安全技术措施等。

    This paper involved the selection of blasting parameters , calculation of charge weight , design of priming circuit , waterproof treatment of charges and the processes of charge setup and water pouring . In addition , pretreatment , priming circuit , safety precautions and so on were outlined .

  3. 这种织物进行过防水处理。

    The fabric has been treated to repel water .

  4. 整条船全部经过防水处理。

    The whole boat has been totally waterproofed

  5. 污水处理厂CAST池伸缩缝的防水处理

    Waterproof treatment of expansion joint in cast pond of sewage treatment plant

  6. 腹腔镜带电器械防水处理的设计与应用

    Design and application of water-proof handling for charged apparatus of abdominoscope

  7. 时代广场地下车库防水处理的施工技术

    Construction Skills of Waterproofing in the Underground Garage of Times Square

  8. 新旧混凝土接茬部位的防水处理应用

    The Waterproofing Processing Application of Jointing Part of the New-Old Concrete

  9. 山西国际贸易中心地下室防水处理

    Waterproofing treatment for basement of Shanxi International Trade Centre Project

  10. 海水暴露环境下带裂缝混凝土的表面防水处理

    Water Repellent Treatment on Surface of Cracked Concrete under Seawater Exposure Environment

  11. 这些外套经过了特殊的防水处理。

    These coats are specially treated to be water repellent .

  12. 某化工厂火灾受损安全性鉴定某地下室防水处理

    Safety appraisal and damage evaluation of fire disaster for a chemical factory

  13. 茶叶和其他货物经防水处理后储存

    Tea and other goods were stored in strong bulkheads ,

  14. 浅谈盾构隧道管片拼装接缝的防水处理

    On the waterproofing of joints between shield tunnel segments

  15. 聚氨酯化学注浆与背水面防水处理技术冷冻站屋面防水维修技术

    Waterproof Technique on Building Surface of the Cooling Station

  16. 内掺防水处理明显改善了水泥基材料的耐久性。

    Integral water repellent treatment has obviously improved the durability of cement-based materials .

  17. 中原地区地下室建筑防水处理讨论

    Waterproof Measurements for Underground Structure in Central China Area

  18. 地下室防水处理实例分析

    Practical example analysis of seepage water of basement

  19. 广州珠江隧道水下沉管段接头防水处理

    Waterproofing treatment for connections of sunk pipes the Pearl River tunnel of Guang Zhou

  20. 混凝土结构的有机硅防水处理

    Silicone Water Repellent Treatment of Concrete Structure

  21. 以及对硅烷防水处理对氯离子在试件中扩散的影响进行了研究。

    And study the effect of silane waterproofing treatment on the chloride diffusion in the specimen .

  22. 竹筋的防水处理

    The Waterproofing of Bamboo

  23. 浅谈屋面防水处理

    On roof waterproofing treatment

  24. 结构板块,密底花堂的防水处理须参照建筑师之大样及规范。

    Refer to Architect 's General Specifications and Drawings for waterproofing of Structural Slab and Closed Bottom Planters .

  25. 混凝土结构的背水面防水处理技术

    Waterproofing Technology in the Water Opposite Side of Water Retaining Concrete Structure Polyurethane grout and negative side waterproof technique

  26. 混凝土桥面需要进行防水处理以防止主梁钢筋锈蚀。

    It is widely accepted that concrete bridge deck is protected by waterproofing material to prevent the steel from corroding .

  27. 高水压岩溶隧道施工防水处理技术基坑支护结构上的水土压力试验及计算

    Water-proofing Construction Technology of Karst Tunnels with High Water Pressures Earth and water pressures on supporting structure around a foundation pit

  28. 在侵蚀性环境中,防水处理是推迟混凝土结构修复时间,提高其耐久性的一个有效途径。

    In aggressive environment , water repellent treatment is an effective path to delay the repair and improve the durability of concrete .

  29. 文章叙述了该构件的预应力张拉技术、现场生产流水线、吊装施工技术及防水处理方法。

    This paper explains the prestressing expansion technique , in site producing flow line , hanging construction technique and water proof treatment method .

  30. 介绍了地下室地基和底板的加固方案,并详细阐述了加固后的防水处理方案及施工工艺。

    The article introduces solutions adopted for foundation stabilization of basement and reinforcement of bottom plate as well as details waterproofing treatment afterwards .