
  • 网络polygene
  1. 特殊香气性状以显性遗传为主,特殊香气质受显性单基因控制,特殊香气量可能受不完全显性或微效多基因控制。

    The special aroma character is regarded dominant heredity as principle , the quality of the special aroma is controlled by one single dominant gene , the amount of the special aroma is probably controlled by incomplete dominant gene or polygenes .

  2. 从JnA×恢313的F2出现少量不育株和半恢株的情况看,JnA不育性的恢复既受主效基因控制,又受微效多基因控制。

    Several sterile plants and half-restore plants were be found in F2 of JnA × Hui313 , which indicated that restoration of sterile character of JnA was controlled by main effect gene and micro-effect polygene .

  3. 分子标记技术及理论的发展,可在全基因组的水平上将数量性状的微效多基因效应分解为单基因的效应进行QTL定位并研究各位点的遗传效应。

    With the development of molecular marker technology , quantitative trait locus could be mapped to analyze in whole genome .

  4. 目前,许多学者认为这些数量性状的表现不仅受微效多基因或QTL控制,而且也与主效基因调控密切相关。

    At present , many scholars believe that the performance of these traits are not only controlled by minor-polygene or QTL , but also closely related to the regulation of major genes .

  5. PKV是典型的由微效多基因控制的数量性状,HPV、BDV、CPV、SBV和CSV都可能是由一对主效基因和若干微效基因共同控制的。

    PKV was a typical quantitative character , while HPV , BDV , CPV , SBV and CSV , each might be controled by a major gene and several minor genes .

  6. 分析认为,这是数量性状受众多微效多基因控制的必然现象。

    This phenomenon was thought to be due to multiple genes controlling a quantitative trait .

  7. 穗粒性状是由微效多基因控制的数量性状;

    The ear - kernel characters were quantitative in nature , controlled by many genes with small effects ;

  8. 玉米籽粒的含油量受微效多基因控制,传统的高油玉米育种主要通过个体表型进行选择,周期长,费时费力,育种效率不高。

    Since oil concentration in maize grain is controlled by multi-genes , traditional high-oil corn breeding has low efficiency based on individual selection for phenotype .

  9. 叶片形态、生长性状、干形性状表现型分离均呈正态分布,表明他们均由微效多基因控制。

    The phenotypic of leaf , growth traits and stem form traits are all normal distribution , which indicate that they are controlled by polygons .

  10. 前人的研究结果表明:水稻对细条病的抗性是由微效多基因控制的数量性状。

    According to the research of the pioneers , Resistance to BLS in rice was a quantitative trait , which controlled by a few minor genes .

  11. 行为规癖作为受多基因座位和非遗传因素共同作用的数量性状,不仅受微效多基因的影响,也可能受一个或几个主基因的影响。

    Stereotypies as quantitative trait that are affected by both multiple genetic loci and non-genetic factors may be controlled by the possible presence of one or more major genes .

  12. 提出了薯肉局部红色或紫色的遗传由微效多基因控制,微效多基因数量的多少决定颜色为红色或紫色,以及颜色的深浅的假设。

    A hypothesis was supposed that the genetic of flesh color was red or purple partly was controlled by tiny effect polygene . The number of tiny effect polygene determined red or purple and shade of color .