
  • 网络Microcosmos;Microcosm;Mavcosm
  1. 对于地方生命圈中的土著民族来说,自身的微观宇宙与更广大世界的宏观宇宙的相互关系能够在土著宗教宇宙观中反映出来。

    The interrelationship of the microcosm of the body with the macrocosm of the larger world is mirrored most immediately for indigenous peoples in the local bioregion .

  2. 这两种理论的不同使用不同的数学和物理原理来描述在各自领域,宇宙和微观宇宙。

    The two theories use different mathematics and different physical principles to describe the universe in their respective domains , the cosmic and the microscopic .

  3. 20世纪物理学研究从微观领域到宏观宇宙都取得很大进展。

    Physics of the 20th century has made great progress in understanding matter from microscopic to cosmis scales .

  4. 微观上来看,宇宙中其它的基本力都是通过交换载体粒子来作用的。

    On the microscopic level , the other fundamental forces in the universe work by exchanging " carrier " particles .