
  • 网络Education UK;Education in the United Kingdom;Education in the UK
  1. 英国教育研究所的教育和国际发展教授ElaineUnterhalter说,另一个关键问题是所有权。

    Another key problem has been ownership , according to Elaine Unterhalter , professor of education and international development at the Institute of Education in the United Kingdom .

  2. 半个世纪以来,发展教育的理念日益进入英国教育的主流,其组织规模也不断扩大。

    Development education with a constantly expanding scale has become the mainstream of education in the United Kingdom during the past half century .

  3. 英国教育学家在如何以最佳方式教授阅读的问题上存在分歧。

    British educationalists are divided about how best to teach reading .

  4. 该项目为期4年,英国教育部去年7月宣布出资4100万英镑作为支持。

    It is a four-year program backed by 41 million British pounds in funding announced by the British Department for Education in July 2016 .

  5. 伊顿公学的校长TonyLittle警告说,现在的英国教育体系太过关注女生,可能会造成男生的教育失败。

    The headmaster of Eton , Tony Little , warned that boys were being failed by the British education system because it had become too focused on girls .

  6. 据英国教育研究机构HighFliers称,投行、公共部门雇主、会计师事务所和专业服务机构以及消费品企业的毕业生申请人数比前一年增加了至少10%。

    According to High Fliers , the UK education research group , graduate applications have increased by at least 10 per cent on the previous year in investment banks , public sector employers , accounting and professional services firms , and consumer goods companies .

  7. 当最近一次测试结果于上周发布时,身为保守党成员的英国教育大臣迈克尔•戈夫(MichaelGove)与工党的特里斯特拉姆•亨特(TristramHunt)立即展开舌战,争论哪个党派应为英国学生的平庸表现负主要责任。

    When the latest results were published last week , England 's education secretary Michael Gove and his Labour counterpart Tristram Hunt immediately launched into battle over which party was most to blame for the country 's average performance .

  8. 英国教育的问题在于教师。

    The trouble with education in Britain lies with the teachers .

  9. 公学是英国教育体系中独具特色的部分。

    The Public school is a special part of England Education system .

  10. 权力差距维度下透视英国教育管理权力架构

    A Review on Britain Educational Management Power Frame from Power Disparity Dimension

  11. 托马斯·阿诺德对英国教育发展的贡献和论争述评

    A Study on Thomas Arnold 's Educational Contributions and Controversy about Them

  12. 但在向中国扩张上,英国教育组织同样也面临阻碍。

    But British educational organisations expanding into China face obstacles as well .

  13. 他认为,“政治上正确”是英国教育的问题之一。

    Anichkin believes that political correctness is part of the British problem .

  14. 他们选择接受英国教育有很多原因。

    There are many reasons why international students choose a British education .

  15. 论15-17世纪的英国教育

    On the education of England in 15 to 17 century

  16. 品格教育在英国教育政策中的重现

    The Re-emergence of Character Education in British Education Policy

  17. 16、17世纪英国教育的双轨模式

    The Double - rail Mode of Britain Education in 16 and 17 Century

  18. 英国教育行动区计划改造薄弱学校的实践与启示

    The Experience and Enlightenment of improving low-performance schools from the EAZs Programme in England

  19. 城市大学与英国教育体制

    City Universities and Educational System in Britain

  20. 首先,英国教育以其卓越的质量和创新传统享有很高的国际盛誉;

    British education has a reputation worldwide for outstanding quality and a tradition of innovation .

  21. 英国教育以高质量、高标准而著名。

    Britain ` s education is well known for its high quality and strict standards .

  22. 从英国教育管理体制看我国教育管理体制的改革

    The reform of China 's educational management system : a contrast with the British system

  23. 第二章是20世纪90年代以来英国教育督导制度的改革。

    The second chapter is on the reform of the British educational inspection in the 90 's.

  24. 英国教育社会家巴塞尔·伯恩斯坦有关教学话语的理论从话语学的角度对理解课程提供了新的视角。

    Basil Bernstein 's curriculum theory has provided new perspectives for ' understanding of curriculum ' .

  25. 英国教育大臣一直担心本国孩子阅读不足。

    The UK education secretary has long feared that British children are just not reading enough .

  26. 第三部分:英国教育实习制度的历史演进与现状。

    Part III : The historic development and present conditions of the teaching practice institution in England .

  27. 它成为英国教育史上的里程碑,引发了许多伟大哲人的思考。

    It became a milestone in the history of British education led to many great philosophers thinking .

  28. 很多这类机构之前一定担心,疲弱的英镑将提高英国教育的竞争力。

    Many of these institutions must have feared the weak pound would give UK education a competitive boost .

  29. 而英国教育两极分化的现实状况在客观上孕育了该政策的诞生。

    While the present reality of the polarization of British education spurs the birth of this policy objectively .

  30. 撒切尔主义对英国教育政策的影响主要体现在1988年教育改革法中。

    Thatcherism 's influence on the policy of education reflects mainly on the Education Reform Act in 1988 .