
  • 网络English breakfast;Full English Breakfast;British Breakfast
  1. 大明:昨天她吃了一顿英式早餐。

    Daming : Yesterday she had an English breakfast .

  2. 我们有欧陆式早餐和全英式早餐。

    We have Continental breakfast and full English breakfast .

  3. 一顿丰盛的英式早餐总会包括香肠。

    A good British breakfast always includes sausages

  4. 一顿标准的全英式早餐大约含有1190卡路里。

    A typical full English has approximately 1190 calories 。

  5. 以这顿完整的英式早餐为例。

    Take this full English breakfast , for example .

  6. 真正的英式早餐。

    The real English breakfast . M : Yes .

  7. 英国传统饮食可不止是炸鱼薯条和英式早餐。

    There 's more to it than fish and chips and a cooked breakfast .

  8. 问一下,一份超大份的英式早餐里都有什么吃的?

    By the way , what are the food of a full English breakfast ?

  9. 如同这种英式早餐酱一样,有人喜欢,也有人讨厌。

    Like the British breakfast spread , you either love it or hate it .

  10. 那才是英式早餐的正宗食品。不是吗?

    That 's the proper thing for a real English breakfast , isn 't it ?

  11. 他点了一份地道的英式早餐。

    He ordered a full English breakfast .

  12. 焗豆常被夹在面包里吃,也可以作为英式早餐的一部分食用。

    They are commonly eaten on toast or as part of a full English breakfast .

  13. 英式早餐,双份剂量阿斯匹林,你会很快恢复,伙计。

    English breakfast , double dose of aspirin , you 'll feel sweet as a nut , mate .

  14. 简大厨为客人们准备一日三餐,包括牛排、海鲜和英式早餐。

    Chef Jenna Viney prepares three meals a day including steaks , seafood , and full English breakfast .

  15. 即使在周末,又煎又炸的英式早餐在流行程度上也不敌来自欧洲大陆的“对手”。

    Even at the weekend , the cooked breakfast lost out to its Continental counterpart in the popularity stakes .

  16. 大约55%英国人在吃全英式早餐的时候会喝一杯茶。

    Some 55 % of the UK has a cup of tea when it eats a Full English breakfast .

  17. 这里准备了两种早餐,一种是传统的英式早餐,另外的就是水果加酸奶麦片。

    We were given a choice between a classic English breakfast or breakfast cereals with a selection of fruit compotes .

  18. 另外最丰盛的出售英式早餐被曼彻斯特的波尔顿的马里欧咖啡馆。

    And the record for the Largest Commercially Available English Breakfast went to Mario 's Cafe Bar in Bolton , Greater Manchester .

  19. 肥胖时的每天,在进食全套英式早餐前,他还要吃掉5块奶油面包作为早餐前的甜点。

    On average he would eat five slices of buttered toast for breakfast before a full English breakfast as a mid morning meal .

  20. 但无论是英式早餐还是咖啡三明治,有一样东西是一样的,那就是价格。

    But whether it 's an English cooked breakfast or a coffee and sandwich , one thing has remained the same : the prices .

  21. 传统的英式早餐包括香肠,培根,煎蛋,蘑菇,烤豆角,煎西红柿以及面包黄油。

    A traditional English breakfast includes sausages , bacon , fried eggs , mushrooms , baked beans , fried tomatoes , and toast with butter .

  22. 我也不是在建议他们提供全套英式早餐,尽管英国向纽约输送的旅客比其他任何国家都多。

    nor am I suggesting they offer full English breakfasts , even though the UK sends more tourists to New York than any other country .

  23. 顺便提一下,英式早餐一般包括有熟食,比较熏肉和鸡蛋,再加上烤面包、桔子酱、茶或咖啡。

    Incidentally , English breakfast usually consists of cooked food , such as bacon and eggs , in addition to toast and marmalade and tea or coffee .

  24. 参与投票的人中几乎有一半都的最爱是全英式早餐,而超过三分之一的英国人每个月至少会出去吃一顿早餐。

    Almost half the people asked made the full English their favourite breakfast dish and over a third of Brits eat breakfast out more than once a month 。

  25. 我们的幽默感倒仍为世界之最,但小酒馆却已今非昔比。令人痛心的是,再也没人享用全套英式早餐了。

    Our humour remains the best in the world , but pubs are no longer what they were and no one , sadly , eats a full English breakfast any more .

  26. 研究者提醒:泡吧后摄食高脂肪的外卖,以及为减轻宿醉不适感而吃的全英式早餐,会使男士们额外摄入5000卡热量。

    Feasting on fatty takeaways after the pubs have shut and combating a hangover with a full English breakfast can see men alone put away an extra 5,000 calories , research warns .

  27. 梅尔切特表示,英式早餐不会消失,“但如果人们每周只吃一次,这对他们的健康和地球会更好。”

    The Great British breakfast was not going to disappear , he says . " But if people eat it once a week , it 's better for their health and the planet . "

  28. 英式早餐最早是在1840年左右的菜谱中被提及的,但菜式并不固定,可能会有大比目鱼、牙鳕、无花果、野鸡、吐司配腰子和猪肉馅饼。

    The first English Breakfast was mentioned in recipes around 1840 but the menu was not fixed it could include halibut , whiting , figs , pheasant , kidneys on toast , and pork pie " 。

  29. 英国早餐茶是由集中红茶以一定比例拼配而成,是一种口味醇厚,香味浓郁的饮品。适合搭配牛奶和糖。与多姿多彩的英式早餐相得益彰。

    English Breakfast tea is a black tea blend usually described as full-bodied , robust , and / or rich , and blended to go well with milk and sugar , in a style traditionally associated with a hearty English breakfast .

  30. 至于全英式早餐要配什么佐料,人们仍然在激烈争论着。在南部,人们会选择番茄酱,但在北部,早餐的佐料只会用棕酱。

    And there is still fierce debate over the perfect condiment to accompany the Full English breakfast - in the South , ketchup is the sauce of choice but in the North , breakfast champions refuse to use any condiment other than brown sauce 。