
  • 网络afternoon tea;English Afternoon Tea;High Tea
  1. 细节处见优雅&英式下午茶茶具中的浪漫与温馨

    The Romantic and Emotional Tea Set for the British-Style Afternoon Tea

  2. 微小礼仪中的优雅格调&英式下午茶礼仪漫谈

    The Elegant Style in Etiquette & English-Style Afternoon Tea

  3. 在现代设计大师威廉·莫里斯的红房子里享用英式下午茶。

    Have afternoon tea in William Morris 's historic Red House in Bexleyheath , an internationally significant home of the Arts & Crafts movement .

  4. 在一名顾问的提醒下,任正非透露自己喜欢阅读和喝茶,尤其是英式下午茶。

    On prompting by an adviser , Mr Ren disclosed that he enjoyed reading and drinking tea – specifically , of the British afternoon variety .

  5. 宁静的午后在优雅的大堂悠点吧品味传统英式经典下午茶,惬意十足。

    On a peaceful afternoon , one can also choose to relax and enjoy a traditional British afternoon tea at The Point bar in the lobby .