
  • 网络ministry of justice
  1. 英国司法部(ministryofjustice)表示:“我们相信该计划已达到其目的,不再需要我们的财务支持。”

    The Ministry of Justice said : " we believe the scheme has therefore served its purpose , and our financial support is no longer needed . "

  2. 英国司法部表示,每年监狱产业的工作时间几乎达到1200万小时,为企业创造了约3000万英镑(合4900万美元)的价值。

    The justice ministry says every year almost 12m hours are worked in prison industries , valued at about 30m ( $ 49m , 35m ) to businesses .

  3. 在英国是司法部首脑和上议院发言人的内阁大臣。

    The British cabinet minister who is head of the judiciary and Speaker of the House of Lords .

  4. 据英国《星期日镜报》报道称,英国内政部、司法部和皇家检察署等部门均已停止使用中国华为公司制造的视频会议设备,以防中国政府利用这些设备进行窃听活动。

    British government departments such as the Home Office , Ministry of Justice and Crown Prosecution Service are all said to have stopped using equipment manufactured by Chinese telecom company Huawei amid fears they are being used by the Chinese government to eavesdrop , according to a report by the UK 's Sunday Mirror .