
  • 网络Ministry of Defence;mod
  1. 该公司总经理罗宾•怀特(RobinWright)表示,威迪恩每年向英国国防部出售的产品不足300万美元。

    Robin Wright , the company 's managing director , said that Wyedean sells just under $ 3m worth of products to the MoD per year .

  2. 据一个网站介绍,英国国防部处置服务署将会卸载ArkRoyal之上的武器,通讯设备和先进的军事装备,然后把航空母舰移交给最终的买家。

    The MoD 's disposal services authority will strip Ark Royal of her weapons , communications systems and other advanced military equipment before handing her over to the eventual buyer , according to its website .

  3. 在过去的十年中,英国国防部(MinistryofDefence)和警方都有使用LawMate公司的秘密录音设备,比如录音钥匙链和纽扣摄像机。

    For the last decade LawMate 's covert recording devices , including key fob voice recorders and buttonhole cameras , have been used by the Ministry of Defence and the police .

  4. 前英国国防部不明飞行物调查部门负责人尼克・蒲柏表示,英国政府也试图对UFO目击事件保持沉默,原因是资金匮乏。

    The British government also tries to keep quiet UFO sightings because of a lack of funds to deal with them , said former Ministry of Defense UFO Project chief Nick Pope .

  5. 英国国防部(MoD)表示:虽然此次任务期间没有目标被确定为需要我军战机立即遂行空袭,但狂风的尖端监视设备所收集的情报将是非常宝贵的。

    The defence ministry said : Although on this occasion no targets were identified as requiring immediate air attack by our aircraft , the intelligence gathered by the Tornados ' highly sophisticated surveillance equipment will be invaluable .

  6. 英国国防部(MoD)表示:“虽然此次任务期间没有目标被确定为需要我军战机立即遂行空袭,但狂风的尖端监视设备所收集的情报将是非常宝贵的。”

    The defence ministry said : " Although on this occasion no targets were identified as requiring immediate air attack by our aircraft , the intelligence gathered by the Tornados " highly sophisticated surveillance equipment will be invaluable . "

  7. 英国国防部表示,5名遇难者均为英国人。

    The British defense ministry says all 5 were British .

  8. 尽管威迪恩的重点是国际客户,但英国国防部对该公司仍然至关重要。

    Despite Wyedean 's focus on international clients , the MoD remains crucial .

  9. 英国国防部发言人也表示将密切关注这一现象。

    K.Ministry of Defense also said they will pay close attention to this phenomenon .

  10. 在没有任何确凿的证据,英国国防部仍持开放态度对这些发现的。

    In the absence of any hard evidence , the MoD remains open-minded about these sightings .

  11. 英国国防部也在推进重大的军备计划。

    In Britain , the Ministry of Defence is also pressing ahead with substantial equipment programmes .

  12. 英国国防部计划为驻阿英军配备一种新的保命装置防弹内裤。

    British troops in Afghanistan may soon be using a new item of protective gear blast-resistant underpants .

  13. 这是向英国国防部借“EJ200”发动机的协议的一部分。

    This was part of a deal with Britain 's defence ministry in order to borrow the EJ200 .

  14. 由于有意收购者很多,英国国防部不得不推迟了出价截止日期。

    The MoD has had to extend the offer deadline because of the amount of interest it received .

  15. 这名少校指责,他手下4个士兵丧生就是由于英国国防部“长期吝于投资”所造成的。

    The major blamed the deaths of four troops on what he called the ministry 's " chronic underinvestment . "

  16. 英国国防部承认,军方将不得不在奥运会部署16500名士兵&较阿富汗英军兵力多出7000人。

    The ministry has acknowledged it will have to deploy 16,500 troops at the games – 7,000 more than in Afghanistan .

  17. 英国国防部说,英国政府要求伊朗立即并安全释放这15名英国海军人员。

    The defe e Ministry says the British government is demanding the immediate and safe return of the15 naval perso el .

  18. 威迪恩与英国国防部建立的长期关系帮助他们赢得了海外买家。

    Wyedean 's longstanding relationship with the British Ministry of Defence in particular has helped it win confidence from buyers abroad .

  19. 英国国防部星期五发表声明说,当时英国登船检查小组刚刚完成对一艘商船的检查。

    In a statement released Friday , the ministry said the British boarding party had just completed an inspection of a merchant ship .

  20. 英国国防部对此作出回应说,官员们正在集中精力提供军车,以保护军队免受“敌方不断变化的威胁”。

    The Defense Ministry responded that officials are focused on providing vehicles to protect troops from " ever-shifting threats posed by the enemy . "

  21. 但是,英国国防部正面临未来四年将实际预算削减8%的艰难前景。

    But the MoD is in the throes of a savage budgetary cut equal to 8 per cent in real terms over the next four years .

  22. 英国国防部表示,有数千人试图从喀布尔机场离开阿富汗,混乱中有7人死亡。

    The UK 's Ministry of Defense says seven people have died in the chaotic crowds outside Kabul airport where thousands have been trying to leave .

  23. 英国国防部证实,皇家空军第二高级军官克里斯多夫·莫兰在参加慈善铁人三项比赛时突然昏倒后死亡。

    The second most senior officer in the RAF has died after collapsing while taking part in a charity triathlon , the Ministry of Defence has said .

  24. 如果价值增加四倍,持股比例就会增至9.18%&股权比例的增加,稀释了凯雷和英国国防部所持有的其余股权。

    If it multiplied by four times , it would jump to 9.18 per cent – increases which diluted the remaining stakes held by both Carlyle and the MoD .

  25. 在英国国防部是根据运动,让双方球员的认可机构的能力提高,几乎从一开始到做大做强军队的第二个目的。

    The second aim of the mod is campaign based , giving both the player and the AI the ability to raise larger and stronger armies almost from the get go .

  26. 《每日电讯报》报导,蒂安莫利少校认为英国国防部无视他提出的警告,他曾警告说:英国特种部队目前所配备的薄型装甲车,即路虎“夺取型”军车不足以承受在阿富汗的使命。

    The Daily Telegraph reported Major Sebastian Morely claimed The British Defense Ministry ignored his warnings that the military 's lightly armored " Snatch Land Rovers " are too vulnerable for the Afghan mission .

  27. 英国国防部一项声明说,身为“蓝军骑兵团”少尉的哈里王子,将在几个月后随英军部队换防到伊拉克服役。

    Defense ministry announcement says the prince , a second lieutenant in the blues and royals regiment , will begin service in Iraq in the next few months as part of a British troop rotation .

  28. 因此,尽管英国国防部因在2003年出售了少数股权、而非在2002至2003年复杂的股市环境中直接进行私有化而受到称赞,但凯雷自己也谈下了一笔好买卖。

    So although the MoD was applauded for selling a minority stake in 2003 rather than going ahead with a straight privatisation in the tricky stock market environment of 2002-03 , Carlyle negotiated itself a good deal .

  29. “英国国防部发言人称:“经过一系列公开温和的招标流程,‘酷尼公司’以其优良的性价比满足了军方的需求,从而赢得该合同。”

    An MoD spokesman said : " Following an open tender process , a new contract to provide socks was awarded to Cooneen Watts & Stone , who offered the best value for money to meet our requirements . "

  30. 从2001年10月开始派兵到今年2月份,已经有1253名英国军人和国防部文职人员在阿富汗服务期间身亡。

    As of February 1,253 British forces personnel and MoD civilians have died while serving in Afghanistan since the start of operations in October 2001 .