
yuán xíng jī
  • prototype
原型机[yuán xíng jī]
  1. 一种SOC原型机的建立与IP模块验证

    Building of SOC Prototype Machine and IP Modules Verification

  2. 谷歌智能眼镜原型机最新细节曝光(科技网站SLASHGEAR)

    Google project glass spills more prototype secrets [ slash gear ]

  3. 世界上有几家公司已经生产出能够在公路上驾驶和飞行的原型机。

    Several companies around the world have produced prototypes that can drive on roads and fly .

  4. 乔伊斯的兴奋溢于言表,他称这是iPhone原型机出现以来的最大突破。

    He calls this the biggest leap since the original iPhone .

  5. 并在此基础上,用IP虚拟原型机作实验平台对数据报分片重组的一些结论进行了验证。

    Then we validate some conclusiones about datagram fragmentation and reassembly using IP virtual prototype machine as the testbed .

  6. 当然,这已经是第二次发生iPhone原型机丢失的事情了。

    Of course , this is the second time this has happened .

  7. 其中有一款原型机比现在的iPhone更扁,形状更似砖头,还有一个与现在的iPhone类似,但后面印着iPod的字样。

    One model was flatter and more brick-shaped than the current iPhone .

  8. 在本文的研究过程中作者研制了系统原型机并进行了实验测试,实验结果实现了通过Web浏览器对测控设备远程测控的功能。

    According to theory result , the system prototype is developed and tested , and the function of remote measurement and control to measurement equipment is realized by Web brower .

  9. 大亚湾RPC探测器电子学读出插件原型机设计

    The Design of the ReadOut Module Prototype Development of RPC Electronics of Daya Bay

  10. Marvell公司在本周二举办的出版业未来发展展望会议(FutureofPublishingSummit)上展示了其基于Android系统的10寸屏平板电脑产品原型机。

    Marvell at the Future of Publishing Summit on Tuesday showed a prototype of a10-inch tablet running Android .

  11. 大亚湾中微子实验RPC电子学原型机读出插件的研制

    The Development of ReadOut Module for RPC Electronics Prototype of Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment

  12. 一年后,他成立了汤普金斯研究公司(TompkinsResearch,Inc),拉到了资本,并做出了一台原型机。

    The following year , he formed Tompkins research , Inc. , found capital and made a prototype .

  13. 最后根据设计方案编程实现了短波接入设备和远端电台控制器原型机,与第三方的SIP代理服务器、SIP注册服务器、SIP终端一起构建了一个短波接入演示系统。

    Finally , the HF Access Gateway and Remote Radio Controller prototypes have been realized according to the former design .

  14. 研制的ION-AU原型机支持并行资源调度,能够面向以太网数据流量处理并行业务;每台原型机可支持并行调度服务,提供光端口接入;具有适配IP单元、协议支持、具有并行资源调度等能力。

    Each prototype supports parallel scheduling service and provides optical port access . It also have adapter IP unit , protocol support , with parallel resource scheduling capability .

  15. 本周早些时候,苹果提供给法庭一份长达99页的文件。文件中展示了一些早期的iPhone原型机。

    Earlier in the week a 99-page document filed in the case revealed some early iPhone prototypes considered by the company .

  16. 该原型机采用了径向永磁轴承和单端轴向电磁轴承相结合的磁悬浮轴承系统,基于霍尔传感器的转子轴向位移径向检测系统,以及模拟PID控制器和线性功率放大器。

    The prototype utilizes MB system combined with radial PMB and single axial AMB , rotor axial displacement detection system based on Hall sensors , analog PID controller and linear power amplifier .

  17. 实验表明,IP虚拟原型机为IP相关问题的研究提供了一个有效的测试平台,为整个虚拟网络实验室的实现提供了样板。

    The testes show that IP virtual prototype machine is an effective testbed to research the problems about IP , and is a good templet for the implementation of the whole virtual network laboratory .

  18. 最后,我们通过同VINT的实验结果的比较验证了IP虚拟原型机的正确性;

    At last we validate the correctness of the IP virtual prototype machine by comparing the test results with VINT .

  19. 据苹果公司生产厂商透露,自九月份开始,苹果公司就一直在根据已故的前CEO史蒂夫乔布斯提出的设想研发原型机。

    Leaks from Apple 's manufacturing chain say that Apple has been working on prototype sets since September-according to a design blueprint laid down by late CEO Steve Jobs .

  20. 物理光学(PO)方法被用来预测复杂目标,也就是成都歼20原型机的RCS。

    The Physical Optics ( PO ) method is used to predict the RCS of complex targets , in this instance the Chengdu J-20 prototype .

  21. 面向医学模型的CT模型软件系统不仅能与CT扫描机直接接口,而且能与快速原型机和CAD系统直接接口,并能快速、准确地加工出医学模型。

    The medical model - oriented CT modeller System can directly interface not only with a CT scanner but with RP or CAD systems , and a medical model can rapidly and accurately be manufactured via it .

  22. 通过时序分析,证明了通过并行处理对系统性能的提升,也证明了FPGA是多核系统设计强大的原型机设计工具。

    The timing analysis applied proved the importance of using the concept of parallelism to achieve performance constraints . FPGA technology proved to be a very powerful prototyping tool for complex multiprocessor systems design .

  23. 据苹果公司生产厂商透露,自九月份开始,苹果公司就一直在根据已故的前CEO史蒂夫•乔布斯提出的设想研发原型机。

    Leaks from Apple 's manufacturing chain say that Apple has been working on prototype sets since September - according to a design blueprint laid down by late CEO Steve Jobs .

  24. Linux下原型机系统的仿真结果表明,本方案较传统方案明显的提高了组播组内多个组播会话的通信场景下密钥更新的性能。

    The simulation results of prototype system under Linux show that this solution obviously improves re-keying performance to some extent under communication circumstance with multiple sessions in same group compared to conventional solution . 3 .

  25. 据报导,孙丹勇此前负责向苹果公司发送iPhone原型机,但由于丢失一部原型机,他被公司怀疑有盗窃的可能。

    The reports said Sun , who had been tasked with sending iPhone prototypes to Apple , had been under suspicion for stealing after one of the handsets went missing .

  26. 设计了一台内径58mm,长度1275mm的脉冲爆震发动机(PDE)原型机。

    A two-phase Pulse Detonation Engine ( PDE ) model was designed which the diameter and the length are 58 mm and 1275 mm respectively .

  27. IP虚拟原型机没有象VINT等专业化虚拟测试平台一样使用专用的数据格式,而是采用了通用的数据报格式和封装方法。

    IP virtual prototype machine uses the universal data format and encapsulating method , but doesn 't use the special data format like VINT etc.

  28. D-Wave系统公司(D-WaveSystems)是唯一一家销售量子计算机的商业公司——据报道,谷歌(Google)和美国国家航空航天局(Nasa)已联合出资1000万美元购买该公司生产的一台量子计算机原型机。

    Google and Nasa have jointly forked out a reported $ 10m on a prototype quantum computer from D-Wave Systems , the only commercial company selling them .

  29. 我国电信集团中兴通讯日前发布了一款原型机,使智能手机用户在5G商业化之前即可享受5G体验。

    Chinese telecom conglomerate ZTE Corp unveiled a prototype handset , embracing 5G even before it 's commercialized for smartphone users .

  30. 2000年年中,索尼用自己的PlayStationEye和PlayStation3测试了头部位置追踪技术,随后就推出了头盔式显示器原型机,即大家熟知的HMD。

    Sony used its PlayStation Eye and PlayStation 3 console to test head-tracking technology in the mid-2000s and later built prototype head-mounted displays , known as HMDs .