
  • 网络Pangaea;protocontinent
  1. 通过岩浆不混溶作用所形成的富Si-Al质岩浆最终固化为原始大陆壳。

    The magma rich in Si-Al , which were formed by silicate liquid immiscibility , were solidified to form the primary crust .

  2. 中生代的决定时刻,原始大陆的分裂不是吗?

    Of the Mesozoic Era , the breakup of Pangaea . Hello ?

  3. 昆虫的祖先是起源于一个统一大陆,在这个大陆上共同起源,共同进化,随着原始大陆的分离和漂移,把这些类群运载到各地,形成现今昆虫分布格局。

    With the separation and drift of the primeval continent , insect populations were carried to different places .

  4. 康拉德在作品中对原始非洲大陆及土著黑人的描写中指出了白人的种族优越感。

    In the novella , Conrad points out the feeling of superiority of the white race when he describes the primitive African continent and the native blacks .