
yuán jiàn
  • script;original;original copy;master copy
原件 [yuán jiàn]
  • [original;script] 翻印稿件、制作复制品所依据的原来稿件或物件

原件[yuán jiàn]
  1. 寄复印本,保留原件。

    Send out the photocopies and keep the original .

  2. 仍可以由原件复印出无数份副本来。

    An unlimited number of copies can still be made from the original

  3. 他保留下原件而只给了她一份复印件。

    He kept the original copy and gave her only a Xerox .

  4. 这份副本与原件不符。

    This copy does not correspond with the original .

  5. 他把复印件和原件都保留着。

    He kept both the duplicate and the copy .

  6. 收信人不在,原件退回。

    Original mail returned in the absence of the addressee .

  7. 地址不符,原件退回。

    Original mail returned on grounds of incorrect address .

  8. 她用打字机打出了原件及两份副本。

    She typed an original and two carbons .

  9. 原件复印得十分清晰。

    The original reproduces clearly in a photocopy .

  10. 我将把原件邮寄给你。

    I 'll send the original to you by post .

  11. 这个仿制品简直不能同原件相比。

    The imitation hardly matches up to the original .

  12. 你把原件留在影印机里了。

    You 've left your master in the photocopier .

  13. 请对照原件把抄件核对一下。

    Please check the copy against the original .

  14. 请将复印件与原件对比一下。

    Contrast the copy with the original .

  15. 第六十八条书证应当提交原件。

    Article 68 Any document submitted as evidence must be the original .

  16. 本合同一式三份,均应视为原件,具有同等效力。

    This contract is executed in three counterparts , all of which are considered as originals and of the same effect .

  17. 在资料复制机中,一种色调安排与原件相反的复制件。对照positive。

    In a document copying machine , a copy having tonal arrangements opposite to those on the original .

  18. 选择PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)作为控制系统主要原件。

    PLC ( programmed logic controller ) is adopted as the major component of the control system .

  19. B:法律上是无效的,你可以临时使用,但你应该尽快拿到原件。

    B : It may not be legally acceptable . You can use it temporarily , but you need to get the originals ASAP .

  20. 由于MOM架构对组件去耦且支持它们之间的跨平台通信,单个原件可以是异构的。

    Because a MOM architecture decouples components and enables cross-platform communication between them , individual units can be heterogenous .

  21. 此外,TiN组和Titan合金原件的极化曲线出现明显的钝化,并且TiN组的钝化范围较宽。

    In addition , Polarization curves of TiN coating group and Titan alloy group uncoated appear obvious passivation , and TiN coating group were obviously wider .

  22. 联邦暗杀记录审查委员会(FederalAssassinationRecordsReviewBoard)在1997年决定,政府应该获得影像原件,这需要以合理的市场价值赔偿给泽普鲁德家族。

    The federal Assassination Records Review Board decided in 1997 the government should take the original copy , which required it to reimburse the family for the film 's fair market value .

  23. 离子溶出实验显示:①镀TiN、镀金处理后与原件相比,离子溶出量显著降低(P<0.05)。

    Metal ion release test showed that : ⑴ The amount of ion release decreased obviously after coated with TiN and gold compared with that of uncoated ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 把原件送到sd-6那里,把照片送到我们这里。

    And deliver the originals to sd-6and the photos to us .

  25. 作为在上述原件中使用最多的两类透明导电薄膜电极材料,FTO和ITO薄膜同样也面临着上述问题。

    As in the original of most of the two types of transparent conductive thin film electrodes , FTO and ITO films also face these issues .

  26. 一旦有乙酰化的存在,DNA的构型发生松解,转录因子得以与核小体中相应的顺式作用原件结合,同时募集相应反式作用因子,启动基因转录。

    The DNA configuration was loosened in the existence of acetylation , then transcriptional factors could be combined to the corresponding cis-acting original body in nucleosomes , and in the mean time , corresponding trans-acting factors was recruited , then gene transcription can be started .

  27. 公司出品的TEK拉链机械除了原件真实无假以外,在设计制造上的过程更是细心倍至,充分满足顾客的需要。

    TEK zip machines of this company are carefully designed and elaborately produced to meet all needs of clients .

  28. 他还说,调查人员正在检查这名女子的手机,并正在努力获得Periscope的视频原件。

    He added that investigators were examining the woman 's mobile phone and were working to obtain the original videos from Periscope .

  29. 验收后,承包商应当向监理方提交两份autocad数字附件或等效批准的一份原尺寸原件和相关竣工图纸的六份副本、测海学的以及地形学上的勘测。

    Upon acceptance , the Contractor shall submit two digital copies in AutoCAD or equivalent approved one full-size original copy and six printed copies of the relevant as-built drawings , Bathymetric and topographic surveys to the engineer .

  30. 除此,研究者还公布了突变的定位已便知晓RNA的功能原件,例如核糖体结合位点(IREs)和上游开放阅读框。

    On top of these studies , the authors now show that the variants map to known RNA functional elements , such as internal ribosome entry sites ( IREs ) and upstream ORFs .