
  • 网络original formation pressure;initial formation pressure
  1. 变形介质油藏的开发应以保持原始地层压力为前提,这样,才能得到较高的采收率。

    The initial formation pressure should be retained in deformed media reservoir development in order to obtain a higher recovery .

  2. 高压注水可以加剧套管损坏已越来越成为共识,并已初步确定了原始地层压力是预防套损的合理注水压力。

    It is known that higher pressure water injection can make casing damage violence , and it is confirmed that initial formation pressure is reasonable water injection pressure that prevents from casing damage .

  3. 各井原始地层压力与深度成线性关系;

    Relationship between the pressure and depth is linear ;

  4. 本文用高尚堡油田的测压资料研究了油田的原始地层压力分布规律。

    This Paper has Studied the regularity of the distribution of initial reservoir pressure .

  5. 平面径向流方法在压力恢复过程中尤其对于低渗透性地层可求得可靠的渗透率,并且可由压力恢复晚期直线段确定原始地层压力;

    To lower permeable formation , permeability drawn from spherical flow method is more accurate ;

  6. 压力系数定义为原始地层压力与静水压之比值。

    Pressure factor is defined as the ratio of initial reservoir pressure and the corresponding hydrostatic pressure .

  7. 它用点测的方式,对储集层的原始地层压力、渗透率以及孔隙中的流体性质作出解释。

    It takes point & test way to interpretate original formation pressure , permeability and pore fluid properties .

  8. 结论变形介质油藏的开发应尽可能在原始地层压力下开采,在合理生产压差下开发。

    Conclusion The deformable medium reservoir should be developed by a reasonable presser , as possible as keeping original formation pressure .

  9. 综合研究了几种可以用于确定地层系数、表皮因子和原始地层压力的段塞流直线分析方法。

    Several beeline analysis methods for determining formation flow capacity , skin factor and initial reservoir pressure from slug-test data are reviewed .

  10. 多层合试试井技术在应用过程中,常出现层间窜流现象,一般认为这是由于各层原始地层压力不同引起的。

    The phenomenon of cross flow often appears during the well test in multilayers reservoir Generally , it is consider as the results of the unequal pressure among the layers .

  11. 对于一口新井,确定原始地层压力、有效渗透率、总表皮系数、附加压力损失和流动效率,是试井的重要任务。

    For a new well , it is an important work to determine initial reservoir pressure , effective permeability , summary skin coefficient , supplementary pressure loss and flow efficiency .

  12. 利用卤水生产井关井后的压力恢复曲线,可以很容易求得深层含卤层的渗流参数和原始地层压力。

    It is easy to obtain parameters of permeability and original pressure of deep brine aquifer by using the pressure recovery curve of a production well after it is shut up .

  13. 川西南地区各油气田气层压力现已大大低于原始地层压力,极易受到勘探过程中各种流体的损害。

    Oil & gas have been produced for years so that reservoir pressure is much lower than original formation pressure , and reservoir is easily damaged by invasion of various fluids .

  14. 但随着气田的开发,气藏压力分布不断变化,对投产区新钻井,利用原始地层压力和压力梯度判断井间连通性的方法受到一定限制。

    But along with gas field producting , gas reservoir pressure is changed , so it is limited in using originality reservoir pressure and pressure gradients to judge inter well connectivity for new wells .

  15. 在探讨高压异常形成时提出了油藏封闭高度的概念,并得出了原始地层压力成带分布并受其封闭高度控制的结论。

    A concept of the hight of closure is suggested and a conclusion is reached that the zonal distribution of this initial pressure is governed by the hight of closure in accordance with the abnormal pressure .

  16. 分析该油藏的主要渗流方向,指导油气藏下一步开发和部署。(4)通过不同技术手段,研究油藏的压力系统,获得较为合理而准确的原始地层压力。

    Analyze the major infiltrating fluid direction for guidance oil gas next step developing . ( 4 ) By way of the different technology means , studies the pressure system of oil reservoir , and gain comparatively reasonable and accurate original stratum pressure .

  17. 川东地区石炭系水井的原始地层压力在不同地区甚至相同深度均有较大差别,造成川东大的区域无统一压力系统。

    The initial stratum pressure of Carboniferous water wells in the east part of Sichuan are very different in different areas . furthermore , those of the same depth are also very different , which leads to that non-unified pressure system appears in the big area of east Sichuan .

  18. 借鉴前人研究思路,分别假设原始油水界面处的压力为原始地层压力和供给边界压力,采用径向流和半球面流相结合的模型预测底水锥进。

    According to a research thought of other authors , it is assumed that the pressures at an original oil-water contact are equal to original formation pressure and drainage boundary pressure respectively , and a model that incorporate radial flow and spherical flow is used to predict bottom-water coning .