
  • 网络Primary infertility
  1. 基于体外受精(IVF)及促性腺激素结合IVF治疗原发性不孕症医疗成本的决策分析

    In vitro fertilization ( IVF ) versus gonadotropins followed by IVF as treatment for primary infertility : A cost-based decision analysis

  2. 通过对36例原发性不孕症患者和42例正常妇女卵巢动脉的研究,发现正常妇女卵巢动脉血流参数RI在卵泡期高于黄体期,二者比较有显著性差异(P值<0.05)。

    The blood flow of ovarian in 36 patient with primary infertility and 42 normal women as control were studied by transvaginal color Doppler flow imaging . It was found that the resistive index ( RI ) of ovarian artery in normal women was higher in follicular than luteal phase .

  3. 414例女性原发性不孕症病因分析

    Analysis of the etiology of 414 cases female primary infertility

  4. 50例原发性不孕症的子宫内膜病变的观察分析

    Observation analysis of 50 cases of primary infertility of the endometrium changes

  5. 原发性不孕症舌印片与阴道脱落细胞的对照观察

    Comparative observation on tongue printing slides and vaginal exfoliated cytology in primary sterility

  6. 双角子宫2例均为原发性不孕症患者;

    Both of the two bicornuate uterus patients were primary sterility . angle .

  7. 目的探讨生殖激素水平的动态变化与原发性不孕症的关系。

    Objective To analyze the relationship between the reproductive hormone and primary infertility .

  8. 如果你不能在所有的构想,这就是所谓的原发性不孕症。

    If you cannot conceive at all , this is called primary infertility .

  9. 原发性不孕症患者舌苔脱落细胞与女性性激素的相关性研究

    Study on correlation between tongue exfoliated cytology and female sexual hormones of patients with primary sterility

  10. 研究结果提示:原发性不孕症患者卵巢动脉供血存在异常。

    The result of study suggests that in patients with primary infertility , the blood flow of ovarian artery is abnormal .

  11. 四川省肺吸虫病感染及临床表现河南地区原发性不孕症流行病学和临床研究

    EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEY ON PARAGONIMIASIS AND CLINICAL MANIFESTATION IN SICHUAN , CHINA An Epidemiological and Clinical Survey of Infertility Problems in Henan Province

  12. 调查结果原发性不孕症患病率为1.96%,原发性不育(含习惯性流产)为2.01%。

    1.96 % of couples were found to have primary infertility ( 2.01 % of women with recurrent miscarriages being included ) .

  13. 按原发性不孕症病因分类分析,首要因素男方为精索静脉曲张(10.9%),女方为排卵异常(32.08%)。

    The most commonly identified factors were : varicocele ( 10.9 % ) and ovulation disorders ( 32.08 % ) in males and females respectively .

  14. 原发性不孕症组分泌反应Ⅲ级显著低于对照组(P<0.01),治疗以激素为主。

    In the primary infertility group , the number of grade ⅲ secretory reaction was significantly lower than that in the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  15. 选择70例原发性不孕症患者作为观察对象,19例健康同龄妇女为对照,以舌象观察、舌苔脱落细胞检查、阴道脱落细胞检查为指标进行对照观察。

    Select 70 cases primary sterility patients and 19 health women in the same age as control . Take observation of the tongue , examination of exfoliated cytology of tongue and vagina as index .

  16. 结果:来我院进行通水试验治疗的268例输卵管炎性不孕症患者,其中原发性不孕症67例,占发病总数的25%;

    Results : 268 salpingitis infertility patients that come to our academy to treat the open water test , its Central Plains 67 of infertility of taking place etc , is it have illness coming on 25 % of the total amount to account for ;

  17. 目的:观察不孕患者输卵管阻塞情况,分析原发性和继发性不孕症患者输卵管阻塞程度差异。

    Objective : To study the obstructive degree of fallopian tubes primary and secondary infertility patients .

  18. 目的探讨整合素β3在子宫内膜中的表达规律及其与原发性原因不明性不孕症的关系。

    Objectives To profile the changes in integrin β _3 expression in cycling and early pregnant endometrium and its relationship with unexplained infertility .