
lā lì sài
  • rally;endurance race
  1. 发挥一下想象力,生成的坐标值可能就是临近的一个公共车站、随身携带着GPS设备的马拉松选手、汽车拉力赛中的汽车或者运输中的包裹。

    With some imagination , the coordinates generated could be the positions of nearby public transport , marathon runners carrying GPS devices , cars in a rally , or the location of a package in transit .

  2. LVMH旗下的时尚品牌路易威登(LouisVuitton),将其在中国举办一项为期一周的汽车拉力赛的计划,推迟到了明年或2010年。

    Louis Vuitton , LVMH 's fashion brand , has postponed a week-long car rally in China until next year or 2010 .

  3. 20世纪60年代,谢尔比曾在勒芒大胜法拉利(Ferrari);然而此后,他们再也没有赢得过超级拉力赛。

    Shelby felled Ferrari in the ' 60s at Le Mans ; they have not won the grand endurance race since .

  4. 与世界拉力赛(WRC)冠军车型一脉相承的底盘和车身架构保证了福克斯的运动性能。

    And the World Rally ( WRC ) title the same strain of the model chassis and body structure ensures that the Fox Sports properties .

  5. 我去了瑞士和我的朋友AntonAlen碰面,他是Markku的儿子,在那儿驾驶拉力赛。

    I went to Switzerland to meet my friend Anton Alen , Markku 's son , who was driving a rally there .

  6. CODEMASTERS公司已经确认,该公司正在开发一款新的《科林麦克雷拉力赛》游戏,将于2007年推出。

    Codemasters has confirmed that it is developing a new Colin McRae Rally game for release in2007 .

  7. 我就即将开始第一次拉力赛了。

    I was about to have my first drag race ever .

  8. 在巴黎一达喀尔拉力赛中法国车手一路领先。

    The French driver has taken the lead in the Paris-Dakar rally .

  9. 这对父子参加了接下来三年的挪威拉力赛。

    The pair competed on national rallies for the next three seasons .

  10. 我也没能从身边任何人那里获取过与拉力赛相关的驾驶经验。

    And I deliberately haven 't listened to anyone about rally driving .

  11. 参加参加或好象在进行拉力赛。

    To take part in or as if in a drag race .

  12. 红牛斯柯达车队的小赫尔曼·加斯纳则是雅典卫城拉力赛的新手。

    Red Bull Skoda driver Hermann Gassner Jr is an Acropolis Rally novice .

  13. 本年度汽车拉力赛多数选手技术发挥不稳定,比赛开始时边线欠佳成了他们的通病

    Poor starts have characterized the erratic form of most rally drivers this year

  14. 仿佛以前玩的拉力赛游戏中的冬季英国赛道,狭小、崎岖,没有尽头。

    Looks like the British route in Rally games-small , rugged and endless .

  15. 多日赛又叫拉力赛。

    The multi-day race is also called the rally-ing .

  16. 2006年至今,内蒙古自治区国际汽车拉力赛已连续举办三届。

    Inner Mongolia International Rally Raid has been hold for three years since 2006 .

  17. 拉力赛是怎么比的?

    What kind of match is the rally ?

  18. 巴黎一莫斯科一北京拉力赛第8赛段需要车手们从哈萨克斯坦开到蒙古。

    Stage eight of Paris-Moscow-Beijing Motor Rally took the racers from Kazakhstan to Mongolia .

  19. 我们去参加一个老式汽车拉力赛。

    We went to a vintage car rally .

  20. 竞争是一场没有终点的拉力赛&访中粮集团董事长周明臣

    Competition , a Pulling Game With No End

  21. 拉力赛是对赛车在长距离的比赛中速度和耐力的考验。

    Rallying is a test of endurance and speed of the car over great distances .

  22. 老爷车年轻的时候一套1907北京&巴黎汽车拉力赛的老明信片

    When the Classic Cars Were Young : Postcards on the 1907 Beijing-Paris Rally OLD HOUSE

  23. 超级拉力赛短道、柏油赛道,都具有国际化的水准。

    The super short track and the asphalt track are up to the international standards .

  24. 荒漠征服者2007达喀尔拉力赛震撼人心,雷诺卡车提供强有力后援

    Barren Desert Conqueror & 2007 Dakar Rally inspires People , Renault truck provides strong backup force

  25. 库比卡现在仍然处于康复期,他年初时在一场拉力赛中发生了车祸。

    Kubica is still undergoing rehabilitation following his rallying crash at the start of the year .

  26. 阿根廷拉力赛也是本赛季量产车组别的第三站赛事。

    Rally Argentina will also count as round three of the Production Car World Rally Championship .

  27. 他在刚刚结束的周末汽车拉力赛中名列第二,仅落后第一名2秒钟。

    He had just finished second in a weekend rally race , two seconds behind first place .

  28. 有时,我会遇到其他喜欢开快车的司机,这时我们就会来场汽车拉力赛。

    Sometimes , I encounter another driver who likes to drive fast and we have a drag race .

  29. 我认为这将会是一场艰难的拉力赛,天气原因会让赛道各个地方都非常滑。

    I think it will be a tricky rally because of the weather and it will be slippery everywhere .

  30. 他是三届亚太拉力赛冠军,及过去七届澳大利亚赛的总冠军。

    He is a three-time Asia Pacific championship winner and has won the Australian champs for the past seven years .