
  • 网络Latino;Hispanic
  1. 大约有50个民权组织、女性社团和拉丁裔社团联合起来反对他。

    He had been opposed by a coalition of about 50 civil rights , women 's and Latino organizations .

  2. 教育程度较低的家长、较贫困的家长、黑人家长和拉丁裔家长,更倾向于认为过多干预孩子的教育不是问题。

    Less-educated parents , and poorer and black and Latino parents are more likely to believe that there is no such thing as too much involvement in a child 's education .

  3. 无论他们是白人、黑人、亚裔、拉丁裔还是原住民,都要为他们着想。

    look out for folks whether they are white or black or Asian or Latino or Native American .

  4. 2004年乔治w布什(georgew.bush)曾在内华达州、科罗拉多州和新墨西哥州凯旋,但拉丁裔选民数量增加意味着这三州将倒向奥巴马。

    The increasing Hispanic vote means three States George W.Bush won in 2004 Nevada , Colorado and New Mexico are leaning towards Mr Obama .

  5. 谷歌(Google)、Facebook和苹果(Apple)等大型科技公司平均30%的员工是女性,5%是拉丁裔,4%是黑人。

    On average , 30 percent of employees at big tech companies including Google , Facebook and Apple are women , 5 percent are Latino and 4 percent are black .

  6. 据NPR新闻的茵娜·杰夫报道,这是因为越来越少的雇主为拉丁裔黑人和亚洲人提供退休计划。

    NPR 's Ina Jaffe reports that 's because fewer black Latino and Asian American workers have employers who offer retirement plans .

  7. 2010年,拉丁裔占美国人口的16%(据皮尤研究中心(PewResearchCenter)数据),但只占有投票资格选民的10%,因为拉丁裔族群相对年轻,且很多属非法居留。

    Hispanics made up more than 16 per cent of the US population in 2010 ( according to the Pew Research Center ) but only 10 per cent of eligible voters , because of their relative youth and the fact that so many are in the US illegally .

  8. 她开始在非营利机构Code2040做咨询工作。这家由沃克与劳拉·韦德曼·鲍尔斯(LauraWeidmanPowers)创立的机构为黑人及拉丁裔软件工程师寻找在科技公司实习的机会。米勒在上大学期间就认识了鲍尔斯。

    She began consulting at Code 2040 , a nonprofit that matches black and Latino software engineers with internships at tech companies , started by Mr. Walker and Laura Weidman Powers , whom Ms. Miller knew from college .

  9. 我是说所有的拉丁裔人。

    I 'm speaking about the general " latin-o " population .

  10. 拉丁裔在美国的文化,商务和政治上的影响力日渐增加。

    Latinos are growing in influence culturally , commercially and politically .

  11. 拉丁裔只占实际投票选民的7%。

    They make up only 7 per cent of actual voters .

  12. 不过,拉丁裔族群的社会观点保守,宗教信仰虔诚。

    Yet Hispanic communities are social conservatives and highly religious .

  13. 如果你是拉丁裔则是54美分比1美元。

    If you are a Latina , we 're at 54 cents .

  14. 因此,购物中心有两位圣诞老人—一位是拉丁裔,另一位则是非裔美国人。

    So the shopping center has two Santas-one Latino and one African-American .

  15. 而奥巴马阵营正在寻找拉丁裔选民来提振选票。

    But the Obama camp is looking for a strong boost from Latino voters .

  16. 扛球袋的拉丁裔小孩儿

    a Latino kid carry my clubs anyway .

  17. 拉丁裔选民会作何反应?

    And how will Latino voters react ?

  18. 拉丁裔总是被打上暴躁急性子的标签

    Latinos risk being branded fiery hot head

  19. 我是棒球和工作纪录片拉丁裔萨尔瓦多一两个小时,在棒球调用。

    I 'm working on a two-hour documentary about Latinos in baseball called El Beisbol .

  20. 拉丁裔的女人让她当美国的副总统

    And female and Latina , And make her the vice president of the United States ?

  21. 该研究以332名非洲裔美国人和775名拉丁裔美国人为研究对象,他们年龄在18至81岁之间。

    The study included 332 African-American and 775 Hispanic-American men and women ages 18 to 81 .

  22. 但是马丁内斯是唯一一名共和党拉丁裔的女性州长。

    But Ms Martinez is the only governor who is simultaneously Hispanic , female and Republican .

  23. 很多拉丁裔选民社会立场保守,与现代共和党十分契合。

    Many Hispanics have socially conservative views that could fit well with the modern Republican Party .

  24. 我已经来这里读书三年了,但从来没有认识过拉丁裔的朋友。

    I have been studying here for3 years , but never truly met a Latino friend .

  25. 我们的分析发现,拉丁裔在人口中所占比例与城市犯罪率呈现负相关。

    Our analysis found the Hispanic share of the population is negatively associated with urban crime .

  26. 在周二选举中,共和党在疏远拉丁裔移民的危险方面得到了教训。

    In Tuesday 's elections , the GOP got a lesson in the dangers of alienating Latinos .

  27. 卡斯特罗并非圣安东尼奥市第一位可能有所成就的拉丁裔从政者。

    Castro is not the first Hispanic politician from San Antonio to be marked for great things .

  28. 青年鹰学院是一所为非裔和拉丁裔学生服务的学校。这两类人是受历史影响最大的,

    a school for black and latino students , the two groups most affected by this history .

  29. 拉丁裔人现在是美国最大的少数民族,有迅速增长的投票群体。

    Hispanics are now the nation 's largest ethnic minority , and a fast growing group of voters .

  30. 数百人被纽约市警察局拦截盘查,其中大部分为年轻的拉丁裔黑人男性。

    Hundreds of mostly young black latino men have been stopped , questioned and frisked by the NYPD .