
  • 网络latvian
  1. 拉脱维亚人举行化装舞会。罗马尼亚人则唱圣歌,歌颂图拉真皇帝和公牛。

    Latvians hold masquerade parties , and Rumanians sing a carol concerning Emperor Trajan and a bull .

  2. 许多拉脱维亚人包括布罗夫斯基先生政党的一些人也担心,拉脱维亚语作为国语地位将被被推翻,俄罗斯人影响力将会增加。

    Many Latvians , including some in Mr Dombrovkis 's party , fear it would subvert the role of Latvian as the national language and increase Russian influence .

  3. 成为第一个取得ATP世界巡回赛冠军的拉脱维亚人,你有怎样的体会?

    How does it feel to be the first Latvian to win an ATP World Tour title ?

  4. 我没怎么注意我是获得冠军的第一个拉脱维亚人。

    I don 't look at it like I 'm the first Latvian to win a title .

  5. 拉脱维亚人相信圣诞老人在从圣诞夜开始的12天中每天都带给人们礼物。

    Latvians believe that Father Christmas brings presents on each of the 12th days of Christmas starting on Christmas Eve .

  6. 雅各布是拉脱维亚人,住在内华达州的里诺市。他总是定期从李维•施特劳斯的批发行购买成匹的布料。

    Originally from Latvia , Jacob lived in Reno , Nevada , and regularly purchased bolts of cloth from the wholesale house of Levi Strauss & Co.

  7. 国歌首先出现在19世纪后半叶,当时拉脱维亚人正开始公开地表达他们民族自豪感和民族实体的强烈意识。

    The anthem first appeared in the second half of the19th century when the Latvian people were beginning to openly exhibit a strong sense of national pride and identity .

  8. 虽然就第二官方语言进行的全民公投获得通过的机会不大,但这个问题在该国众多的俄罗斯人和拉脱维亚人之间引发了热议。

    Although the second-language referendum is seen as having little chance of passing , the question has triggered a heated debate between the country 's large ethnic Russian and Latvian populations .

  9. 当然并不是所有欧洲人都如此,调查显示,欧洲一些小国家的人,如葡萄牙人,希腊人,爱尔兰人和拉脱维亚人等,则比较热衷于自己创业。

    That 's not necessarily true of all Europeans : the poll found that people from smaller countries like Portugal , Greece , Ireland and Latvia were much more enthusiastic about working for themselves .

  10. 由于军队介入,警方实力大增,与罪犯展开了一场漫长的枪战。期间拉脱维亚人射出400余发子弹,其中一发还射穿了丘吉尔的帽子。

    Reinforced by the military , the police engaged the criminals in a lengthy gun battle , during which the Latvians fired more than 400 rounds and a bullet tore through Churchill 's hat .

  11. 值得注意的是此事件中反映出的文化冲突——拉脱维亚人常与全副武装、残酷暴力的俄罗斯警察打交道,相比之下挥舞着警棍的英国警察们就显得措手不及,难以自保了。

    It 's been noted that the killings reflected something of a culture clash - the Latvians were familiar with the armed and brutally violent Russian police , while the baton-wielding British bobbies were completely taken by surprise and unable to defend themselves .

  12. 拉脱维亚拉脱维亚人相信圣诞老人在从圣诞夜开始的12天中每天都带给人们礼物。

    Latvia Latvians believe that Father Christmas brings presents on each of the 12

  13. 属于或关与拉脱维亚、拉脱维亚人及其语言的,或有其特点的。

    Of or relating to or characteristic of Latvia or its people or language .

  14. 萨拉克斯说,如果拉脱维亚还有一些人不会第一官方语言拉脱维亚语,那表示他们没有试着去学。

    Salaks says if there are still people in Latvia who do not know the official language , it means they have not tried to learn it .