
  • 网络built environment;artificial environment;man-made environment
  1. 结果表明:掺氮和不掺氮多壁碳纳米管材料为细胞提供了接近天然细胞外基质的人造环境,具有显著促进细胞粘附和长时间增殖的功能,具有良好的细胞相容性。

    The results showed that : Nitrogen-doped and non-nitrogen-doped multi-walled carbon nanotube materials for cell provides a natural extracellular matrix near the built environment , has significantly promoted the proliferation of cell adhesion and long features , with good cell compatibility .

  2. 在人造环境中,利用博弈论中的Nash均衡和Nash讨价还价模型,研究两个利益冲突的巡线机器人群体通过不同策略获得收益的行为。

    In an artificial environment , there are two kinds of line-following robot group , and their benefit is conflicting . Make use of Nash equilibrium and Nash bargaining model , their profit behaviour is research by dissimilar strategy .

  3. 场所是一个由自然和人造环境组成的有意义的整体,蕴涵着精神意义的地方,在某种意义上,是一个人记忆的一种物体化和空间化。

    A place is composed of natural and manmade environment .

  4. 城市是一种人造环境与自然环境的复合产物。

    City is a kind of compound environment of artificial environment and geological environment .

  5. 虚拟现实是由计算机生成的人造环境或对象,它可以与操作者交互,构成一个封闭的系统,使人有身临其境之感。

    Virtual Reality is a computer generated artifical enviroment or object , allows to interact with operator .

  6. 建筑作为满足人们生活需要的一种人造环境,长期存在着能耗方面的问题。

    Building as an artificial environment , is to meet human material and spiritual needs of an important part .

  7. 城市区域环境是相当复杂的户外人造环境,它要求与户内或者高速公路环境的不同识别方法。

    A city area which is a rather cluttered outdoor man-made environment requires different recognition methods from indoor or highway environments .

  8. 人造环境与自然环境的融合&六安市行政中心规划与设计探索

    The Integration of Artificial Surroundings and Natural Environment & An approach to the Plan and Design for Liu An City Administration Center

  9. 特别是进入了微机时代装备的空间,更强化了非自然的机械化的人工创意和人造环境。

    Especially into the PC era equipment space , has strengthened the mechanization of " unnatural " artificial creativity and artificial environment .

  10. 因此,构建新型的自然与人造环境相宜的群体游戏,有着十分重要的意义。

    So setting up new fitting and proper community games which are in agreement with natural and artificial environment has very important meaning .

  11. 在该作品中,德里罗对人造环境浓墨重彩,对自然环境只作了极少的描写,反映了自然的边缘状态。

    The writer mainly focuses on the man-made environment with little description of the natural scenery , which indicates the marginality of nature .

  12. 在最严格的意义上来说,虚拟现实意为创造一个达到以假乱真程度的人造环境。

    In its strictest sense , virtual reality means creating an artificial environment so convincing it can 't Be distinguished from the real thing .

  13. 在虚拟环境中引入植物生成技术,可把人造环境和自然环境有机地结合起来,塑造出逼真的现实环境。

    Involving the plant generation technology into virtual environment , which may integrate the artificial environment and natural environment , and thus develop a realistic virtual world .

  14. 场所就是由自然环境和人造环境结合的有意义的整体,这个整体反映了特定地区中人们的生活方式和其自身的环境特征。

    The ground is meaningful combo of nature environment ane artificial environment , that reflect the life style of people of particular region and the environment characteristic of itself .

  15. 实现生态建筑的这些目的,具体来说,就是尽可能减少建筑对环境的破坏,节约能源,使用可再生资源和创造近乎自然的健康的人造环境。

    To realize these goals , architects should leave the environment the original way as much as possible , reduce the consumption of energy , use reproducible resource and create a healthy man-made environment in a more nature way .

  16. 他们将会在一个由小推车供给的食物和完全人造的环境中一起长大。

    They were about to grow up together on catering-trolley food in an utterly artificial environment .

  17. 但是,就像我在以前说过的,建筑和人造的环境对我们大家都有影响。

    However , as I have said before , architecture and the built environment affect us all .

  18. 而“夜晚的花园”正是夜所揭示的人造天堂环境中的一种冥想。

    Gardens By Night is a meditation on what night reveals in the environment of a created paradise .

  19. 赫斯特通过这件作品,也在暗示生活不能在一个贫瘠和人造的环境里,被简化的只具有功能性。

    Hirst also implies that life cannot be reduced to mere functionality , within a sterile and artificial environment .

  20. 建筑反映了人造生存环境.历史上每种伟大的文化,在艺术和建筑的表现上,都有自身的审美观。

    Architecture looks at the man-made living environment . Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art and architecture .

  21. 我国人造卫星在环境污染管理中的应用

    Application of Artificial Satellite on Environmental Pollution Management

  22. 什么是人造的生活环境呢?

    So what is man-made living environment ?

  23. 同时,涤纶等人造纤维对环境有着很大的损害。

    At the same time , synthetic fibers such as polyester , are highly environment damaging .

  24. 建筑学关注的是人造的生活环境。贫困大学生是一个受人关注的群体。

    Architecture looks at the man-made living environment . University students have drawn much social solicitude .

  25. 人造卫星的环境试验

    Environmental Test for Satellites

  26. 计算机产生(人造的)环境能直接进入大脑,通过与视觉神经连接的效果。

    The computer-generated ( synthetic ) environment can be entered directly into the brain via coupling effects with the optic nerve .

  27. 注意关心和解决好人民生活问题。建筑学关注的是人造的生活环境。

    Paying attention to and appropriately handling the issue concerning the people 's livelihood . Architecture looks at the man-made living environment .

  28. 凯尔博士建议在睡觉前的几个小时就关掉智能手机、平板电脑和台式电脑,减少接触人造光的环境。

    Dr Kyle advised turning off smartphones , tablets and desktop computers a couple of hours before going to bed to reduce exposure to artificial light .

  29. 你总是处在手机、电视或平板电脑这类人造光的环境下,会造成身体褪黑激素量降低,这样就很难睡个好觉,尤其是如果你晚上睡得那么晚。

    Exposing yourself to artificial light on your cellphone , TV or tablet reduces your bodys production of melatonin , which can make it difficult to get a good nights sleep , if you do so late at night .

  30. 产品语意学(ProductSemantics)是20世纪80年代工业设计界的一种设计思潮,它是研究人造物在使用环境中的象征特征,并将其知识应用在工业设计上。

    Product Semantics is the 1980s industrial design one kind of design ideological trend , it studies man 's in use environment symbolic characteristic , and its knowledge application in industrial design .