- electric transmission

The results showed that the index developed by us ( i. e. the " residual peak of EEG coherence and transfer function ") are able to reflect the dysfunction of the brain and could be applied for the diagnosis either in the clinic use or in the environmental medicine .
About three solutions to transfer function of electric network
The Acupuncture Electrical Signals Propagation and Quantitative System
Effect of the Interaction between Nitrobenzene and Ionic Liquids on the Transfer Coefficient of the Nitrobenzene Electrochemical Reduction
The membrane potential is one of the most important parameters for characterizing transport phenomena across a charged membrane .
Non-contact energy transfer involves no exposed electrical conductors so that reliability and security of electrical appliances will improve greatly .
By itself , silk did not encourage neurons to produce axons , branches that transmit electrical pulses to other neurons .
The paper puts forward three solutions to transfer function of general electric network from the analysis of mechanism , and then analyse and compare their characteristics .
Main electric connection is the main body of the substation 's electric parts , and is one of the entrances through which the electric energy is passed .
Studies on the transport phenomena of charged porous membranes can provide guidance in optimizing the existing membrane processes or developing and designing a novel membrane processes with high performance .
From the relations , it is concluded that pole-number selection of windings not only determines direction of electrical energy transfer for levitation force winding , but also does its excitation modes .
A study on transportation characteristics of electrocatalysis of organism in cylindrical electrochemical reactor
The adverse influence on index of residual peak of EEG coherence and transfer function
In addition , deeply study on the transitivity and traceability of the heavy DC measuring system .
A transfer function model of piezoelectric thin plates is derived and an analogy for modal control between the piezoelectric structures and general ones is established .
The car wire-four-wheel steering system combine advantages of steer-by-wire system and four-wheel steering system . The transmission of electrical signal replaces the connection of traditional mechanical vehicle .
Simulation Model and Application of the Good Performance AC / DC Rectifier It utilizes the AC / DC / AC power converter to deliver the high-level power energy from permanent-magnet generators to the grid .
The transfer function of piezoelectric transducers has been deduced in the paper .
In application , flexure hinge is the inter-segment of electrostriction device to transfer displacement .
Study On Energy Transfer Mechanism in Thin Films of Zinc Sulphide by Direct Current Electroluminescence
As a medium of information transfer , e-books play an important role in the effect of teaching .
Myocardial gap junction plays an important role in cell to cell conduction of electrical and chemical signals in myocardium .
Vibrating mesh nebulizer use vibration of piezoelectric ceramic transmit to mesh , the vibrating mesh push the liquid drug through the apertures .
The heat transfer function is derived on the basis of the heat analysis . The relations between pyroelectric current and sensitive area as well as modulation frequency are analysed .
Within the framework of the dielectric-continuum model and Loudon 's uniaxial crystal model , the dispersion relation of the quasi-confined optical phonon modes in an arbitrary wurtzite multilayer heterostructures is derived by using the transfer-matrix method .
Based on accurate determination of the model structural parameters and transfer behavior of the electro-hydraulic actuation systems and on suitable position of the transducers , the lowest critical flutter speed was increased by 23 % with different and simple control laws .
A major advantage of ultracapacitors is their ability to efficiently capture electricity from regenerative braking systems and provide that electricity to power a car 's acceleration .