
  • 网络decoherence;dephasing;de-coherence
  1. 因为我们采用一个W型态取代一个GHZ态作为量子信道,所以我们的方案对退相干有更强的鲁棒性。

    Our scheme is more robust against decoherence because a W-type state instead of a GHZ state is used as the quantum channel .

  2. 本文还讨论了自旋抽运电流随ESR场的密度和频率以及自旋退相干强度的变化关系。

    The dependence of pumped spin current on the intensity and frequency of ESR field , and the spin decoherence is discussed .

  3. Markov开放量子系统噪声解耦退相干抑制策略

    Noise Decoupling Decoherence Suppression Strategy for Markov Open Quantum Systems

  4. 研究了一般的N能级Markov开放量子系统退相干抑制问题。

    The problem of decoherence suppression for the general N-level Markov open quantum systems is studied .

  5. 半导体量子点Rabi振荡品质因子及其退相干机制

    Quality Factor and Decoherence Mechanism of Rabi Oscillation in Semiconductor Quantum Dot

  6. 结果表明这种不对称GHZ型态比对称GHZ型态具有更强的抵抗环境退相干能力。

    The results show that this asymmetric GHZ type state is more robust than its symmetrical counterpart in resisting the decoherence of environment .

  7. 半导体量子点中浸润层跃迁与纯失相对Rabi振荡退相干的影响

    Effect of Wetting Layer Transition and Pure Dephasing on Rabi Oscillation Decoherence in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

  8. 本文研究了双光子JC模型的耗散与退相干,得到了一些不同于单光子过程结论;

    This is different from the one-photon process . ( 2 ) The original two-photon JC model is generalized to the case of degenerate atomic level .

  9. 腔QED体系的耗散与退相干研究本论文就是用这一基本方法,对与环境热辐射场相互耦合的原子系统的耗散和退相干性质进行了详细的研究。

    The Dissipation and the Decoherence in Cavity QED In the framework of algebraic dynamics , the decoherence and dissipation properties are investigated analytically .

  10. 研究了存在相位退相干时原子与光场相互作用的纠缠演化和保持。但当只有一个激发通道时不产生ACStark分裂。

    We investigate the time evolution of the entanglement in the interacting system of a single two-level atom and a single mode coherence field with phase decoherence . The ac Stark splitting does not occur when only exists a coherence field .

  11. 其中,Milburn提出了一个简单的内禀退相干模型,给出了对标准量子力学的简单修正。

    For example , Milburn gave a simply model of intrinsic decoherence , and made a simply modification to the standard quantum mechanics .

  12. 第四章介绍Kondo单态的退相干机制,指出相移测量也是一种Kondo单态的退相干机制。

    In the fourth chapter , we introduce the decoherence mechanics of the Kondo singlet and propose that phase shift measure is a kind of decoherence mechanics of the Kondo singlet .

  13. 此外,还给出了在不同的自旋退相干时间下通过系统的自旋电流与所加振动磁场Rabi频率之间的关系,发现系统的自旋电流随着自旋退相干时间的减小而减小;

    In addition , we get the connection of spin current throught the quantum dot and the Rabi frequency of oscillating magnetic field and find that the spin current decrease with spin decoherence time ;

  14. 在Milburn内禀退相干模型下,研究了单模量子辐射场Fock态作用下两个二能级原子的纠缠,得到了原子约化密度矩阵的解析形式。

    In the consideration of Milburn model of intrinsic decoherence , we investigate the entanglement between two two-level atoms interacting with a Fock state of single-mode quantized radiation field . The reduced density matrix of the atom system is given explicitly .

  15. 量子点接触测量对量子点系统退相干的影响

    Spin-Dephasing on Quantum Dot System with a Nearby Quantum Point Contact

  16. 离子阱中热库诱导退相干的控制

    Control of decoherence induced by the bath in an ion trap

  17. 退相干是量子系统的相干性受环境影响而减小的过程,是实现量子计算的主要障碍。

    Decoherence is the main obstacle in the implement of quantum computing .

  18. 基于相干控制的二能级量子系统退相干抑制

    Decoherence Suppression of Two-level Quantum Systems Based on Coherent Control

  19. 量子退相干中的量子控制问题研究

    Study on the Theory of Quantum Control of Quantum Decoherence

  20. 利用压缩光场控制量子动力学模型的退相干

    A Quantum Dynamical Mode for the Control of Decoherence Using a Squeezed Reservoir

  21. 用核磁共振量子计算机研究量子退相干问题

    A study on quantum decoherence using NMR quantum computer

  22. 平均保真度也可以通过调节相位退相干和失谐得到提高。

    The average fidelity can be improved by adjusting phase decoherence and detuning .

  23. 量子退相干现象的研究

    The Study on the Phenomenon of Quantum Decoherence

  24. 相位退相干对量子传输保真度的影响

    Influence of Phase Decoherence on Quantum Teleportation Fidelity

  25. 库仑相互作用和自旋退相干效应都会减小自旋电流的振幅。

    Both the Coulomb interaction and spin decoherence decrease the amplitude of spin current .

  26. 三态叠加多模纠缠态光场退相干下的混态差压缩

    The Difference Squeezing of Mixed State for Multimode Entangled State Light Fields in Decoherence

  27. 退相干解释的应用模型仍存在重新建立的必要。

    The paper considers it necessary to rebuild a practical model for decoherence interpretation .

  28. 经典&量子关联与量子退相干问题

    Classical - Quantum Correlation and Quantum Decoherence

  29. 从哥本哈根解释到退相干解释&量子力学解释的建构与比较

    From Copenhagen Interpretation to Decoherence Interpretation & Construction and Comparison of Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

  30. 量子退相干解释的再思考

    Reflection on Interpretation of Quantum Decoherence