
  • 网络exit price
  1. 本文提出的保险负债公允价值计量是以风险在市场交易中的退出价格为基础,由保险负债的最佳估计价值和风险边际构成。

    The insurance liability is consist of the best estimation value and risk margin .

  2. 从退出价格、退出成本和退出市场容量等六个指标来看,我国企业并购的总体退出效用要高于首次公开发行。

    On the analysising the six indicators for example , the exit prices , the exit costs and the market capacity , we find the overall effectiveness of corporate mergers is higher than initial public offerings .

  3. 放松规制(Deregulation)意味着放松或者取消诸多规制条款,包括市场准入、退出、价格、投资、财务、会计等规制的一部分或者全部。

    Deregulation means reduce or cancel some regulation and rules including market entrance , market exit , price , investment , finance and account .

  4. 尽管一个新款式退出的价格会很高,但很快会有各种价格变化。

    Although a new style may originate at a high price , it can quickly be made available at various prices .

  5. 该分录并不表明特伦特支付给退出合伙人的价格。

    The entry does not indicate the price paid by Trent to the retiring partner .

  6. 这份研究报告显示,由于广告客户纷纷退出,广告价格急转直下,报纸在印刷版业务每损失7美元,其在线收入往往仅能弥补1美元。

    The study says newspapers on average make up just $ 1 online for every $ 7 they lose on the print side as advertisers bolt and rates decline .

  7. 前者是对以前计划经济条件下严格规制的渐进性放松,这涉及到进入退出机制、价格规制机制以及规制放松与产权结构优化相结合等改革问题;

    The deregulation means to loose gradually the rigid regulation under former planned economy , which involves such reform problems as the entry exit mechanism , price control mechanism , and investing financing mechanism .

  8. 交易商表示,最近几个月,最大茶叶进口国俄罗斯、英国、巴基斯坦和中东国家增加了库存,这意味着,短期而言,随着买家退出市场,价格可能会下跌。

    The biggest importers of tea – Russia , the UK , Pakistan and the Middle East – have stocked up in recent months , traders said , meaning that prices could ease in the short term as buyers step back from the market .

  9. 交易商表示,最近几个月,最大茶叶进口国——俄罗斯、英国、巴基斯坦和中东国家——增加了库存,这意味着,短期而言,随着买家退出市场,价格可能会下跌。

    The biggest importers of tea - Russia , the UK , Pakistan and the Middle East - have stocked up in recent months , traders said , meaning that prices could ease in the short term as buyers step back from the market .

  10. 通过模型的一组模拟数值解发现当未来有不利事件发生时,企业进入市场和退出市场的临界价格均随该事件的平均发生率的增加而增加;

    Through the numerical solutions of the model , when the unexpected events have the negative effect on the price , the optimal entry and exit threshold will increase with the rise of the average rates of events happen .