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  1. 《四库全书总目》史部研究

    The Research of History Department of Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu

  2. 《四库全书总目·小学类·尔雅》三题特盏问题的雅可比法

    Three Issues of Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu and Er Ya ; jacobian method of eigenvalue problem

  3. 从《四库全书总目》看清初《诗经》研究之状况&兼谈《总目》治《诗》思想对清中后期《诗经》研究的影响

    Researches on The Book of Songs in the Early Qing Dynasty Viewed from The General Catalogue for the Complete Collection in Four Treasuries

  4. 此书在论及《四库全书总目提要》子部释家类佛籍时,在深入考辨史料的基础上,纠正其谬误达三十五处,为我们的学习和研究提供了宝贵的资料。

    This book has corrected thirty-five errors when concerning Four Books Comprehensive Table of Contents Abstract and it is valuable for our learning and study .

  5. 该书集中地体现了他的文献学思想。正确评价《四库全书总目》,有助于研究纪昀的文献学理论与实践活动。

    A correct evaluation of General Catalogue will be helpful in the study of Ji Yun 's practice and theory in the study of documentation .

  6. 作者根据第一手材料,系统地论述了《续修四库全书总目提要》的缘起、编纂机构、人员结构、经费来源和编纂过程。

    This article systematically discusses the origin of the book , the compiling organization , the staff structure , the source of funds and the compiling process , etc.

  7. 我们发现,易学研究的主题及方式确实难以超迈前人铺设的易学进路&那就是《四库全书总目提要》关于易学宗派的历史勾勒。

    We can find that the themes and methods for I Ching learning studies were indeed difficult to go beyond the approaches to I Ching learning the predecessors preset .

  8. 《四库全书总目》(以下简称《总目》)作为体现清代官方文化思想的大型丛书,在小说家类的提要编撰中集中反映了清人传统的小说观。

    The General Catalogue for Complete Collection of Four Treasuries in a large-scale series that shows official ideology of Qing Dynasty , and we may see the traditional conception of novel from the summary of novel , this idea of novel has various reasons in Qing Dynasty .

  9. 《四库全书总目》在清季实学思潮风行的时代语境下,强调阐释的征实与实用,体现了对阐释公共性的重视与追求。

    Under the context that the trend of study of " ShiXue " concept is popular in Qing era , " Zong Mu " emphasizes " knowledge " and " practical utility " of interpretation , which reflects the emphasis and pursuit to the publicity of interpretation .