
  • 网络Heat And Dampness;clearing heat and promoting diuresis;clearing heat and draining dampness
  1. 臭牡丹(ClerodendrumBungei),马鞭草科,为常用的民族药材,具有活血化瘀、清热利湿、消肿止痛、解毒等功效。

    Clerodendrum bungei , verbenaceae , is the commonly used ethnic herbs which has the effect of promoting blood circulation , heat and dampness , swelling and pain , detoxification et al .

  2. 长期应用清热利湿和络法对慢性肾炎患者蛋白尿变化的影响

    Effect of Long-term Treatment with Removing Heat and Dampness and Regulating Collateral Method on Urinary Protein in Patients of Chronic Nephritis

  3. 目的:进行清热利湿中药方剂(Chinesetraditionaldrugs,CTD)联合糖皮质激素(corticosteroids,CS)和单用CS治疗天疱疮的临床对照研究,以及CTD治疗天疱疮作用机制的实验室研究。

    Objective : To study the clinical efficacy of Chinese traditional medicine ( CTM ) in pemphigus .

  4. 治疗后VEGF水平较疗前显著降低,治疗前后比较差异有显著性(P0.05)。结论:清热利湿饮治疗寻常型银屑病疗效确切,VEGF在银屑病的发病中起了重要作用。

    After treatment , the level of VEGF is decreased obviously , there are difference ( P0.05 ) . Conclusion : Treating psoriasis vulgaris patients of blood-heat type with Qing Re Li Shi Yin has reliable efficacy and VEGF may act as its mechanisms .

  5. 活血利湿补益肝肾法治疗肝硬化的临床及实验研究疏风清热利湿方对小儿原发性肾病综合征的疗效及IgE的影响

    Effect of Activating Blood Circulation 、 Resolving Damp and Tonifying Liver and Kidney on Hepatic Cirrhosis The Clinical Research on the Children with Primary Nephrotic Syndrome with the Shu Feng Qing Re Jie Du Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  6. 在治疗上均要散风清热利湿解毒,要加强祛皮肤风湿之品。

    Treatment has to be enhanced in dispelling the wind heat and dampness detoxification .

  7. 清热利湿方防治兔胆色素结石形成的实验研究

    Effect of Clearing Heat and Removing Dampness Method on Formation of Pigment Gallstones in Rabbits

  8. 两组在一般治疗基础上,治疗组口服清热利湿汤,8周为1个疗程。

    Based on the general treatment of the two groups , treatment group was treated with qing-re-li-shi-tang .

  9. 清热利湿饮治疗寻常型银屑病的临床及实验研究

    E Clinical and Experimental Study for Psoriasis Vulgaris with the Drink of Clearing Heat and Removing Damp

  10. 目的:观察清热利湿方溃结灵对实验性溃疡性结肠炎模型的治疗作用。

    Object : To study the effect of Kuijieling on experimental ulcer colitis ( UC ) in rats .

  11. 结论清热利湿饮治疗荨麻疹疗效确切,复发率低,其作用机制可能与抗过敏、抗组胺、抑制5-脂氧合酶活性、抗病原微生物、利尿等有关。

    And its mechanism may be related with anti-allergy anti-histamine control 5-lipoxygenase activity anti-sick microorganism and promoting diuresis .

  12. 清热利湿祛瘀针刺法治疗急性痛风性关节炎的临床分析

    Clinical Observation on Acupuncture Treatment of Acute Gouty Arthritis in Terms of Clearing Heat , Eliminating Dampness and Stasis

  13. 清热利湿、凉血利胆法治疗重度黄疸型肝炎的临床研究

    Clinical Observation on Therapy of Clearing Heat and Draining Dampness , Cooling Blood and Normalizing Gallbladder Function for Severe Icterohepatitis

  14. 清热利湿、活血散结法治疗慢性盆腔炎(湿热瘀结证)临床研究

    Clinical Study of CPID by the Treatment of Clearing away Heat - Removing Damp & Promoting the Blood Circulation-Resolving Mass

  15. 目的:观察清热利湿凉血饮治疗乙型肝炎急性黄疸型的疗效。

    Objective : to observe the effect of clearing heat and damp elimination and cooling blood decoction on treating acute jaundice HB .

  16. 中药新普连膏对银屑病样小鼠模型影响的研究清热利湿饮治疗血热型银屑病疗效观察及对银屑病样动物模型的影响

    The Clinical Curative Effect Observation for Psoriasis Vulgaris with Qing Re Li Shi Yin and the Effect on Psoriasis-like Animal Models of Animals

  17. 因此,寻找新的具有治疗价值的复方扶正清热利湿方已成为尿路感染研究的重要内容。

    Therefore , the search of the new and therapeutic value compound traditional has become an important content about the urinary tract infection study .

  18. 抗炎一号注射液由蒲公英、苍耳子、白花蛇舌草三味中药组成,具有清热利湿祛风的功效。

    Herb injection Antiphlogistic No.1 consists of three herbs , dandelion , xanthium and hedyotis and it possesses heat-clearing , damp-inhibiting and wind-dispersing efficacy .

  19. 目的:观察导师应用清热利湿饮治疗寻常型银屑病的临床疗效及对T细胞亚群的影响,探讨T细胞亚群在寻常型银屑病发病中的作用和临床意义;

    Objective : To observe clinical efficacy and impact on T-lymphocyte subsets of psoriasis vulgaris patients treated by tutor 's clearing heat and removing damp law .

  20. 清热利湿祛瘀中药经直肠给药对慢性前列腺炎患者局部免疫功能的影响

    Effect of Rectal Administration of Herbs with Actions of Clearing Heat , Draining Dampness , and Removing Blood Stasis on Local Immune Function of Chronic Prostatitis Patients

  21. 方法:观察43例慢性肾炎患者使用清热利湿和络法治疗1年的疗效。

    Methods : 43 cases of chronic nephritis were treated by removing heat and dampness and regulating collateral method for one year and the therapeutic effect was observed .

  22. 目的:评价清热利湿类中药复方治疗慢性前列腺炎的疗效和安全性。

    Objective : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the Qingrelishi-category Chinese medicine ( for dispelling heat and resolving dampness ) in the treatment of chronic prostatitis .

  23. 方法:自拟清热利湿祛风药,经10年的筛选,组成协定方剂,进行中药面膜倒模。

    The prescription was composed by self-modified medicines of clearing away heat and promoting diuresis and expelling the wind as Traditional Chinese Medicine facial mask after 10 years selection .

  24. 结果在评估疗效上发现原先是湿热证型的患者经清热利湿滋阴法的药物治疗后会转变成非湿热证型。

    We found that those who were originally She-Lar turned non-She-Lar after the treatment and there was no significant difference between She-Lar and non-She-Lar in biochemical exams before treatment .

  25. 目的动态观察清热利湿方对兔胆色素结石模型胆汁成分的影响。

    Objective To observe dynamically the effect of drugs for clearing heat and removing dampness ( CHRD ) on biliary components in rabbits with pigment gallstones ( PGS ) .

  26. 目的:本研究通过大量的临床实践及文献研究,确立清热利湿、芳香通窍为急慢性鼻窦炎的主要治法。

    Objective : The study established eliminating dampness and heat , making nasal sinuses clean is the main treatment of sinusitis , based on a lot of literature research and clinical practice .

  27. 珍珠菜属植物主要含有黄酮类、三萜皂苷类、酸性成分等,药理作用表明其具有清热利湿、活血化瘀、解毒消痈、抗菌消炎等作用。

    Lysimachia mainly contain flavonoids , saponins and phenolic acids , and some of the plants have been used in the treatment of fever , ulcers , diarrhea and as analgesic or anti inflammatory agents .

  28. 在治疗蛋白尿中提出补脾益肾治其本、清热利湿治其标、活血化瘀贯穿其中的观点。

    Benefit spleen and kidney to treatment of the fundamental , clearing away heat and damp to treat the standard real and blood circulation through to the end as the view in the treatment of proteinuria .

  29. 刘老师认为尿路感染为湿热之邪蕴结下焦所致,当以清热利湿之法贯穿治疗始终;

    Professor Liu thinks urinary tract infection caused by accumulation of evil factor of dampness and heat in the lower heater , eliminate dampness and heater as therapeutic method should be applied in the every stage of treatment .

  30. 治疗中注重清热利湿,方组中清热利湿通络药物,除其传统认识到的功能外,对类风湿性关节炎似有特定效用,可能与其具有抗病毒的作用有关。

    Treatment of focus on clearing heat and removing dampness , Party group of clearing heat and removing dampness Tongluo drugs , in addition to the traditional recognition functions , on rheumatoid arthritis may have particular utility , and has antiviral effect .