
  1. 温度应力和温度控制是混凝土大坝建设中的瓶颈问题,水工大体积混凝土外掺MgO不仅仅可以简化温控措施、加快施工工期,而且提高混凝土抗裂性能。

    Temperature stress and temperature control are the bottlenecks during construction of concrete dam . Mixing of MgO into hydraulic mass concrete can not only simplify the temperature control measures and accelerate the construction period , but improve the concrete cracking resistance .

  2. 大坝建设方案选优指标及决策研究

    Research of Select Classy-fingerpost and Decision-making on Development Scheme of Dam

  3. 中国大坝建设五十年

    Large Dam Construction in China over the Past Fifty Years

  4. 三峡大坝建设与川江航运展望

    Construction of the Three Gorges Dam and Prospect of Shipping on Chuan Jiang

  5. 中国大坝建设现状及发展中加合作中国大坝安全监测与管理工程项目介绍

    Present Status and Development of Chinese Large Dam Construction DAM SAFETY MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT PROJECT

  6. 论大坝建设与生态环保的关系

    On Dam Construction and Ecological Protection

  7. 大坝建设的决策管理

    Decision-making Management of Large Dam Construction

  8. 大坝建设方案选优是建坝决策过程中关键的一步。

    Choosing development scheme of Dam is one of the most parts of Dam scheme decision-making .

  9. 怒江大坝建设中的各方博弈分析

    The game analysis of the main subjects on the argument of the dam construction of Nujiang River

  10. 在水利工程特别是大坝建设中,生态环境必然遭到一定程度的破坏。

    In water projects , especially in dam construction , eco-environment would inevitably be destroyed in a certain extent .

  11. 不到5年前,缅甸取消了一项原用于向中国输送电力的大坝建设计划。

    Less than five years ago , Myanmar cancelled a dam that was designed to export power to China .

  12. 认为在我国的大坝建设中的混凝土面板堆石坝型是最有价值的技术手段。

    It is concluded that this type is a technological means with particular value in large dam construction in China .

  13. 此三套方案选优表明,软件较好地解决了大坝建设中建坝方案选优的质量和效率问题。

    The example proved that the software was good to solve the quality and the efficiency of choosing Dam building scenarios .

  14. 在天生桥一级大坝建设中,重点抓住了以下环节:严格的质量管理和严格的质量控制是工程建设成功的关键;

    The construction of TSQ I dam paid attention to the following links : Strict quality management and strict quality control is the key to project construction success ;

  15. 以三峡大坝建设和库区移民迁移为起点,三峡流域获得了大规模开发,至今方兴未艾。

    With the construction of the Three Gorges Dam and reservoir area of the Three Gorges Valley migration as a starting point , obtained extensive development , still be just unfolding .

  16. 可悲的是,这种宏观的侮辱,作为大坝建设,伐木,使用杀菌剂,和市区范围的扩张,矮收藏看成是一种威胁,以蝴蝶和它们的栖息地。

    Sadly , such macrocosmic insults as dam construction , logging , the use of biocides , and urban sprawl dwarf the collector as a threat to butterflies and their habitat .

  17. 本文得到的结论为,大坝建设对鱼类的影响很大,但可以通过补偿措施加以恢复。

    It is pointed out that dam construction would greatly affect the environmental and ecological conditions of fish habitat , which can be restored to some extent by adopting ecological compensation measures .

  18. 水库大坝建设不仅在新中国头半个多世纪的历史进程中占有非常重要的地位,在进入21世纪后依然占有极其重要的战略地位。

    Dam building is not only the first half-century in the new historical process of China occupies a very important position , in the 21st century still occupies an important strategic position .

  19. 河流中生活的物种正经历最糟糕的困境。由于水源抽取、大坝建设及河道改迁等原因,自1970年以来超过四分之三的两栖动物、鱼类及哺乳动物已经从地球上消失。

    The river animals have it worst . Thanks to water extraction , dam building and other river-changing pursuits , more than three-quarters of river amphibians , fish and mammals have disappeared since 1970 .

  20. 刘树坤访日报告:大坝建设中的生态修复(六)综合已有的研究成果,对西北地区缺水类型、生态修复的终极目标和绿洲规模的确定等基本问题进行了探讨。

    The report of visiting Japan by Liu Shukun : river adjustment and ecological rehabilitation This paper discusses some basic problems that lying in Northwest of China , including water shortage types , terminal object of ecological rehabilitation and the confirmation of oasis scale .

  21. 中国自认属于发展中国家,因此不用为1000亿美元援助承诺出资,尽管它另外设立了31亿美元的“南南合作基金”。中国认为,投资发展中国家的基础设施会让中国在大坝建设或风力涡轮机和太阳能面板制造方面的技能受益。

    Beijing has aligned itself with developing countries and does not count among contributors to the intended $ 100bn , although it has established a separate , $ 3.1bn " south-south co-operation fund . " It views spending on infrastructure in developing countries as benefiting its own prowess in dam construction or wind turbine and solar panel manufacturing .

  22. 建国50年来西北大坝的建设与发展

    The dam construction and technology advance in northwest region for the 50 years since foundation of new China

  23. 三峡大坝正在建设之中。我们都希望它能早日竣工。

    The Three Gorges Dam is being built . We all hope the project will be completed as soon as possible !

  24. 这个问题被三峡大坝的建设进一步加剧,2003年建成的三峡大坝是世界上最大的水力发电工程。

    The problem was exacerbated by the construction of the Three Gorges Dam , the world 's largest hydroelectric station , in 2003 .

  25. 长江三峡大坝的建设初衷是为了控制这条中国最长河流的洪水,并产生清洁能源。

    The Three Gorges dam , the world 's largest , was built to control devastating floods on China 's longest river and to generate clean energy .

  26. 这些情况下若依然使用单轴拉、压、剪强度理论对工程进行设计和验算,可能会给大坝的建设和使用带来危险。

    Under these circumstance , dams constructed and used will be dangerous , if uniaxial pull , pressure and shear strength theory are used for designing and checking projects .

  27. 但是原告是因请求法院发出禁令阻止一个将毁灭濒临灭绝的物种的栖息地的大坝的建设而要求一个公正的补救措施,那么他没有获得陪审团的权利。

    But a plaintiff seeking an injunction to prohibit the construction of a dam that would destroy the habitat of an endangered species is requesting an equitable remedy and is not entitled to a jury .

  28. 我国拥有丰富的水力资源,由于受技术和经济条件限制,对水力资源的开发远远落后世界发达国家,更多的水库大坝正在建设或规划之中。

    Though our country has abundant hydraulic resources , the exploitation of hydraulic resources far lags developed countries in the world due to the limitation of technique and economy conditions . More reservoirs and dams are under the construction or plan .

  29. 为了澌溪河水库大坝的安全建设和运行,对大坝监测数据进行研究非常重要。

    Investigation on the monitor data of dam is very important to the safety build and running of Sixihe reservoir dam .

  30. 今后要继续加强国际合作与交流,以进一步促进大坝的科学建设与管理。

    We should continue making great efforts in the future , for developing the scientific construction and management of dam projects .