
dà jī qì
  • megamachine;highly technologized society
  1. 美国最大的广播公司清晰频道(ClearChannelCommunications)6月5日宣布与一家乡村音乐唱片公司大机器(BigMachine)达成协议,将为它播出的所有大机器名下的歌曲演出付费,无论歌曲是由地面频道或数字频道播出。

    On June 5th Clear Channel Communications , America 's largest radio broadcaster , announced a deal with Big Machine , a country-music label , to pay performance royalties on all its radio channels , terrestrial ( ie , over the air ) and digital .

  2. 根据该计划,清晰频道将按广告收入比例向大机器及它旗下的艺术家付费,其中包括泰勒·斯威夫特和蒂姆·麦克罗(TaylorSwiftandTimMcGraw)。

    The plan is for Clear Channel to pay the label and its artists , who include Taylor Swift and Tim McGraw , a cut of its advertising revenue .

  3. 他们不使用需要用汽油的大机器。

    They do not use much big machinery that uses gasoline .

  4. 大机器把牛奶装到瓶子里并盖上盖。

    Big machines were putting milk into bottles and capping them .

  5. 我会想象世界就是一个大机器。

    I 'd imagine the whole world was one big machine .

  6. 事实上,是由一些小机器构成大机器。

    In effect , small machines are used to construct bigger ones .

  7. 这整个事情,是个大机器。

    The whole thing , it 's one big machine .

  8. 学会操作一台新的大机器可能会很不容易。

    The operation of a big new machine can be hard to learn .

  9. 他们用一部大机器将干草捆包。

    They use a big machine to bale Hay .

  10. 但大机器的节目在清晰频道播放的音乐中所占比例很小。

    But Big Machine supplies only a small proportion of Clear Channel 's music .

  11. 十八世纪是伴随着工业革命的大机器系统时代。

    The18th century was the era of the great mechanical systems accompanying the industrial revolution .

  12. 现代工业化,大机器生产给社会带来巨大冲击,阻碍了健全人格的发展。

    Modern industrialization brings about tremendous changes to human society and obstructs the normal development of personality .

  13. 所以我觉得,如果世界是个大机器,那我就不可能是多余的。

    So I figure if the entire world was one big machine , I couldn 't be an extra part .

  14. 本章系统、深入分析发展大机器工业及学习西方先进技术对商战成败的影响。

    The chapter deeply analyses the influence of developing machine industry and learning western technology over the thoughts of Commercial War .

  15. 职业伴随着劳动分工而产生,职业教育则是近代大机器工业的产物。

    Vocation appears with dividing the work of labour and vocational education is the result of the large machinery industry in modern times .

  16. 我们找到了有保障的职业和常规的生活方式,这样,我们变成了一部大机器上的螺齿。

    We found a secure job and conventional way of life , so that we become one big machine , the Lo teeth .

  17. 由此,海大机器在提高产品质量的同时,产品的主要部件更是采用行业知名品牌产品,依托先进技术打造海大机器的核心品质。

    HEAD improves the product quality mean-while the main parts of production finish the core quality of HEAD depending on the advanced technical .

  18. 发生在18世纪60年代的第一次工业革命,其主要表现是大机器工业代替手工业,机器工厂代替手工工场。

    Big machine replacing handicraft , and machine factory replacing handicraft workshop , i.e. the first industrial revolution in 60es of the 18 Century .

  19. 在农业方面,在我国的条件下在资本主义国家内是使农业资本主义化,则必须先有合作化,然后才能使用大机器。

    In agriculture , with conditions as they are in our country , co-operation must precede the use of big machinery in capitalist countries agriculture develops capitalistically .

  20. 廉价政府要求低政治成本、低经济成本,并要求政府应像现代大机器那样高效能运转。

    The cheap government requests a low political cost , low economic cost political , and it must have a high-performance operation just like the modern machines .

  21. 你或者离开,和几个人建立一个社区,一个依靠自己的合作的社区–或者屈从于大机器。

    Either you will have to go away and form with a few people a community , a self-supporting , cooperative community-or merely succumb to the vast machine .

  22. 最近几周,这个思想倾向大机器为一个新的大挑战做好准备。这个挑战不会很快消失。

    This great thought-orientation machine has been gearing up in recent weeks for a major new challenge , and one that won 't be going away anytime soon .

  23. 是对整个乡土建筑研究的深入与细化,是对乡土建筑理论的有利补充,是整个乡土建筑研究这部大机器上一个重要的齿轮。

    Native architecture for the entire in-depth and detailed research is beneficial to native architectural theory complement this study is the largest local construction machines an important gear .

  24. 其次是以惠特曼与桑德堡的诗歌为研究对象,论述了对大机器工业背景下的纽约与芝加哥的赞美。

    The performance theme The second is Whitman and fort Thornton poetry as the research object , the article discusses the big machine industry under the background of New York and Chicago praise .

  25. 与此同时,一周前,她的唱片公司大机器娱乐公司回应她3940万推特粉丝,宣布这位歌手已回归录音棚。

    Meanwhile , a week ago , her record label Big Machine announced the Begin Again singer was back ' in the studio ' while responding to one of her 39.4 million Twitter fans .

  26. 一战的影响,大机器化工业的发展,消费观念的改变给了当时的年轻人尤其是长期受压抑的女性解放自我,彰显自我个性的机会和条件。

    The influence of the First World War on the young generation , the development of the mass production and consumerism give young people especially young women the chance and condition to show themselves .

  27. 现代设计与后现代设计是现代设计史上最重要的设计运动,它是大机器时代的生产技术与现代艺术中的客观化趋势相结合的产物。

    Modern design and Post-modern design are the most important design sport on modern design history , they are the outcome of combination of technology in big machine times and the objective tendency in modern art .

  28. 理查德认为,他的企业家背景意味着他能够提供与众不同的管理教育方法,更适合于那些不想成为“大机器中的螺丝钉”的个人。

    Mr Richard believes his background as an entrepreneur meant he could offer a different approach to management education that was more applicable to individuals who did not want to be " cogs in a machine " .

  29. 缺乏血性意识的大机器生产和现代理性文化压抑和扭曲了人性,造成了现代人肉体伤害、精神摧残。

    The conclusion offers an affirmation of the positive meaning of Lawrence 's statement that the insentient mass production and modern logocentric culture suppressed and distorted human nature , to the effect of physical damage and spiritual catastrophe .

  30. 大机器生产把人们的劳动变为最简单的劳动,从而使整个社会劳动普遍化和抽象化;普遍化和抽象化的劳动为价值形式在全社会的确立提供了实践基础。

    The industrial machine production shapes the labor into simplest form thus the whole social labor has been generalized and abstracted . By so doing , generalized and abstracted labor provides the establishment of value form a practical basis in the whole society .